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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    The role of Destiny will be changed to a strictly “perk” currency that will only be acquired through leveling.
    We need an official response for this. I think this information is insufficient. Through levelling you can only get 200 dp per level (13,000 dp in total). Besides, a lot of people are at level cap anyway. Most of the perks have very high dp costs. DP acquirement through instance challenge quests and some Ettenmoors quests (Outpost, keep, An etc.) must stay to cover these costs. This is one of the few benefits VIPs get over premium/f2p, that should not be taken away and turned into another store thing. So, i'm assuming the dev diary was not clear enough on this.

  2. #2
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Yeah, a little more info on this one would be nice considering I use DP for a lot of stuff.

    I hate the new Edit Signature functionality

  3. #3
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by cnrsnl View Post

    We need an official response for this.
    There may be one here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...eveloper-Diary

  4. #4
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Roberto_the_First View Post
    As far as I know, there have been no official responses in that thread about Destiny Points and how to obtain them with Update 6.

    As some have recently said, the lack of a response is quite likely not a good sign.

  5. #5
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Roberto_the_First View Post
    There isn't a response to the OP's question in that thread, and at this point I doubt that there will be.

    Given the past response to a couple of other threads about this very topic, I fully expect this thread to be closed with an encouragement to take the question to the official discussion thread linked above - where the question will continue to be ignored.

    Good luck, OP - a number of us would like the very answer that you seek.

  6. #6
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestache View Post
    There isn't a response to the OP's question in that thread, and at this point I doubt that there will be.

    Given the past response to a couple of other threads about this very topic, I fully expect this thread to be closed with an encouragement to take the question to the official discussion thread linked above - where the question will continue to be ignored.

    Good luck, OP - a number of us would like the very answer that you seek.
    If I was a betting person, I'd bet that you've got it dead on correct. Seems like something like this would be a perfect opportunity for them to practice that "more open communication" that they talked about- it's a simple, cut and dried answer. A number of us have made predections on what we think will happen, but we're obviously not Turbine.

    I simply don't understand why, in the face of the number of people asking, and the lack of drama there would be if they answered, regardless of how they answer, why they don't give the simple answer people want. There is NO good reason to let it continue as it has without one.
    Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    I would also like an answer to this and to another question I have surrounding this comment :

    "Q. What can I spend Commendations on?

    Commendations can be spent on all PvMP rewards and advancement for both Freeps and Creeps. Since it is a currency that is shared amongst all characters on your account, you will be able to spend your currency on any character you wish."

    I see plenty of things to purchase relating to armor, but no mention of the things that were available using Destiny Points before. Does this mean that the items that were purchasable through DP (like Dread Removal) are no longer available except through the store?
    Do these commendations have any use to those who do not PvMP like the Destiny points did?

    It would be nice to have a clear answer.
    Last edited by Gwanwyn; Feb 21 2012 at 07:23 PM.
    [FONT=verdana][COLOR=#add8e6][I]“For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.” [/I][/COLOR]
    [/FONT][COLOR=#008080][SIZE=1][I][SIZE=2]Daere - LM, Dalishya - Champion Elendilmir [/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    You have the official answer. It is in the developer diary.

    IMHO - There has been no further statement because it going to be something like this. That is information is clearly provided in the developer's diary. What part of
    Quote Originally Posted by Dev Diary on Commendations
    The role of Destiny will be changed to a strictly “perk” currency that will only be acquired through leveling.
    requires clarification.

    At least Turbine clearly told us well in advance so that we can decide how we are going to deal with it.

    The complaint about the level 10, 20, 30 armor sets in the store was waiting until the "Next week these new items will be on sale ad came out".
    Last edited by Yula_the_Mighty; Feb 21 2012 at 07:36 PM.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    The amount of requests for clarification on this and the lack of response (although they've responded around the issue by merging/redirecting queries to the Dev Diary thread) kinda shines against the claim of more communication they had during the whole Store Item bit...

  10. #10
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    I know this doesn't help resolve the questions, but I'm with Yula on this one - we haven't heard anything because the answer has already been given. We can guess that further clarification would only lead to a bigger stir than already exists; instead of players asking for clarification some would be pulling out the torches and pitchforks. Either that or someone is rethinking the decision. We can only hope it's the latter. ;-)

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Yep I'll join in here at this point, I had hoped that the strictly perks only aquired through levelling was an over-simplification and they just forgot to say levelling and other PvE instances that award it. I finally read through the 17 pages of the official discussion thread and found the question I had asked had been asked multiple times. I think Yula is right.

    Shame on you Turbine, this is disgusting behaviour in my opinion, yet another game mechanic altered to push the store. There is nothing convenient about it, just like the relic removal scrolls, but this is worse, because I actually used my destiny perks fairly often..now I guess I will have to do without them too, I guess it's down to using hope only because that only costs 50 DP and I have about quarter of a million, no more 3k a pop damage buffs in ToO DPS racing.

    I said in the other thread, I'll say it here, I'm not buying overpriced buffs anymore than I buy overpriced store pots. What happened to how great F2P is for the game BTW? what happened to we now make 3 times the revenue? need more do ya? Or did you just make 3 times the revenue for the 2 months or so it took for the majorty of people to give F2P a go, buy their stat tomes watch as you added more, then get the picture, slide to premium after purchase of the 1 time stuff like 'space' and you lost a chunk of regular revenue.

    I'm not really angry anymore, the playable enjoyable game vs profit from the MT store war is going to be lost by both sides, the naysayers who spelled doom and gloom at the F2P outset just came a step closer to being right, while us hopefuls who imagined maybe this would be the one time it was gonna be OK just had our faith slapped, again. I just hope the game lasts until I get to the end at this point, but any goodwill I had (~$400 on top of my lifetime subscription thus far) is gone.

    People will treat you how you treat them, this is just another slap to the VIPs, I predict more premium accounts, and no, you still won't sell buffs I predict, but maybe there is enough of the new blood who will buy 'em because they are used to it, good luck.
    Q. What state do you live in?
    A. Denial

  12. #12
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    Jul 2010

    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    A lot of people wonder why I never decided to sub longer than one month last year, or sub since. I've seen these movements by Turbine being made since LOTRO going f2p was new, and the effects it has had to not just longstanding members of the community.

    It has been all downhill since their Lone Lands ploy. Things like this though, just reinforce my decision to be moving on soon, and actually pay for a publisher that will not swindle its community.

  13. #13
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Fudoshin View Post
    Shame on you Turbine, this is disgusting behaviour in my opinion, yet another game mechanic altered to push the store. There is nothing convenient about it, just like the relic removal scrolls, but this is worse, because I actually used my destiny perks fairly often..now I guess I will have to do without them too, I guess it's down to using hope only because that only costs 50 DP and I have about quarter of a million, no more 3k a pop damage buffs in ToO DPS racing.
    Let me ask you this: If you use DP-perks fairly often yet still have 250k DP, what good are those DP to you? You have clearly been able to gain DP at a higher rate than you've been spending them. Your point is totally invalid to me. What good does it do you to have 250k DP in your wallet if you're unable to spend them anyways? Does it make you feel good to see 6-figure numbers in your wallet?
    R.I.P Mom! - March 09, 2012

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    It's another sleezy way to hit us up for money just like leaving out the scrolls at launch.

    With the way things are going Turbine will have no customers by RoR.

  15. #15
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Let me ask you this: If you use DP-perks fairly often yet still have 250k DP, what good are those DP to you? You have clearly been able to gain DP at a higher rate than you've been spending them. Your point is totally invalid to me. What good does it do you to have 250k DP in your wallet if you're unable to spend them anyways? Does it make you feel good to see 6-figure numbers in your wallet?
    Yes, he has clearly been gaining DP at a higher rate than he has been spending them. Except Turbine is now (apparently) removing the biggest method for earning DP. Hence, he no longer will be earning them faster than he's spending (or at all, possibly), he will run out, and will no longer be able to use perks.

    The 250k DP is a misnomer, I agree, but that doesn't make his point any less valid. And just to be clear, I read his point to be

    "Turbine is removing methods of earning DP so if I keep using perks, at some point in the future I will run out."

    That seems to still be completely accurate to me, as opposed to "invalid".
    If you do not even try to communicate using clear and concise English, I will ignore you.

  16. #16
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Let me ask you this: If you use DP-perks fairly often yet still have 250k DP, what good are those DP to you? You have clearly been able to gain DP at a higher rate than you've been spending them. Your point is totally invalid to me. What good does it do you to have 250k DP in your wallet if you're unable to spend them anyways? Does it make you feel good to see 6-figure numbers in your wallet?
    If someone has a lot of what they perceive to be a valuable currency, it in no way means that they don't care if their means of earning that currency are taken away.

  17. #17
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Let me ask you this: If you use DP-perks fairly often yet still have 250k DP, what good are those DP to you? You have clearly been able to gain DP at a higher rate than you've been spending them. Your point is totally invalid to me. What good does it do you to have 250k DP in your wallet if you're unable to spend them anyways? Does it make you feel good to see 6-figure numbers in your wallet?
    Yes it does make me feel good, because I spent an age doing PvP getting them, my server is fairly slow in PvP so most of that was from grinding map deeds on multiple creeps, having lots means I won't have to do that again (for some time anyway). I guess I could be positive and thank Turbine for removing it as even a possibility. I should probably be also thankful in all appearances they are finding yet another way to monetize another currently free game system, woohoo. Why would Turbine remove means of making DP easily do ya think, when the perks are meaningless? maybe they aren't meaningless, why would they sell them in the store if they were, who would buy such useless stuff?

    Pre Gortheron I had over 500k (Ivar used most of them), I use them fairly often, if you buy max buffs with any regularity it's not uncommon to go through 30k in a night, sure I don't always use them and once you get a raid farmable/better geared out they become less of an issue. A 5% damage buff is not insignificant, if you have say 6 DPS classes in raid that's approx 30% more damage. Who would want that?

    Anyway, as has been mentioned, how many I have is irrelevant, just because I have lots of stuff I enjoy spending does not as Lestahe said invalidate my point that they seem either reluctant to tell us we can still earn it in game via instances, or are in fact attempting another monetization on a currently free game mechanic. I just wanted Turbine to know I'm hanging in, and I still won't buy any of their store junk. I have nearly 10k TP too, and over 700 gold, some of my kin have well over a million DP but those guys generally can't use them because they lapsed to Premium accounts long ago, THEY are unable to spend them. On the other hand, I can, and do, I've certainly spent a lot more than I've earned, where you got the idea I'm unable to spend them is beyond me. So my point is valid, your reasoning is invalid, or rather, specious. Does it make you feel good to ask what makes me feel good?
    Last edited by Fudoshin; Feb 22 2012 at 06:11 AM.
    Q. What state do you live in?
    A. Denial

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by someenigma View Post
    Yes, he has clearly been gaining DP at a higher rate than he has been spending them. Except Turbine is now (apparently) removing the biggest method for earning DP. Hence, he no longer will be earning them faster than he's spending (or at all, possibly), he will run out, and will no longer be able to use perks.

    The 250k DP is a misnomer, I agree, but that doesn't make his point any less valid. And just to be clear, I read his point to be

    "Turbine is removing methods of earning DP so if I keep using perks, at some point in the future I will run out."

    That seems to still be completely accurate to me, as opposed to "invalid".
    Well, you all seem to disregard the purpose of the change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jared "Kelsan" Pruett
    Create a new-universal PvMP currency to replace the role of Destiny in the Ettenmoors. The new currency (Commendations) will be the primary driver of all PvMP rewards and advancement for both Freeps and Creeps.
    The main focus of this update seems to be to make changes to what happens in PvMP. Removing the importance of PvE from the equation of ranking up and gaining creep-skills, PvMP armours, access to session-play and so on. Very little in the developer diary regarding Commendations is about DP and DP-perks.

    The only part in there that concerns DP-gain would be this part:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jared "Kelsan" Pruett
    PvMP quests that previously gave Destiny will give Commendations. Quests will reward players with 20-100 Commendations per quest.
    Which to me seems fairly logical. After all the purpose of the Ettenmoors is PvMP. Sure, the "greedy management" at Turbine might see an opportunity to add DP-perks to the store but I don't see the outrage in that. I prefer to see it as a way of making PvMP focus more on the actual PvMP than quests and PvE.

    Let's face it, the main focus of DP has always been PvMP. DP-perks has only been an additional way to spend excess DP in my opinion. The buffs aren't all that great either to be honest. Sure, some additional Hope/Recovery/EXP-boost/Dread-removal or whatever you consider useful is all nice at times but in no way is it a necessity. Most of it can be achieved by having good fellow players and playing well.


    Quote Originally Posted by Fudoshin View Post
    ...I've certainly spent a lot more than I've earned...
    This part made me chuckle and I have to resist a very strong urge to post a certain asian-impossibru-meme in reply to that statement but that would only derail this thread and incite unnecessary rage. If you've spent more than you've earned, how come your wallet is filled with unspent DP? Did you not earn those? Your logic is flawed.

    As I've already said, using DP-perks is just that, a perk. Something you can use the currency on which is not its main focus.
    Last edited by Spordo; Feb 22 2012 at 06:25 AM.
    R.I.P Mom! - March 09, 2012

  19. #19
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Sure, the "greedy management" at Turbine might see an opportunity to add DP-perks to the store but I don't see the outrage in that.
    I'd just like to point out that "DP-perks" are already in the Lotro Store™. And they are actually better than the ones you can buy with DP.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    I'll give you two good reasons for DP to stay the way it is. And because of these reasons, I believe Turbine needs to clarify what's going on.

    1- This is a PvE oriented game. Commendation is a PvMP implement. And it's not a replacement for DP perks. Removing all DP acquisition methods except levelling would damage VIP PvE'ers more than anything. Making something good for PvMP should not damage PvE.

    2- If they remove DP acquisition except levelling, being VIP would be absolutely pointless. Assuming you're a level 75 premium player with RoI expansion, you have access to the all end-game content, you can play monster play for free, you can get summoned to GV as a freep, you can buy more than 500 TP for $15, and everything you buy from store is permanently yours. So, if they take away DP perks too, what reason is left to become VIP?

  21. #21
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Well, you all seem to disregard the purpose of the change.

    The main focus of this update seems to be to make changes to what happens in PvMP. Removing the importance of PvE from the equation of ranking up and gaining creep-skills, PvMP armours, access to session-play and so on.
    Correct, they are moving to a new currency that is just for PvMP. Yet they are leaving in DP, but are potentially reducing the non-PvMP means of aquiring more DP to practically zero.

    Very little in the developer diary regarding Commendations is about DP and DP-perks.
    Which is also correct, and is why people would really appreciate something from Turbine specifically about DP.

    As I've already said, using DP-perks is just that, a perk. Something you can use the currency on which is not its main focus.
    Yes, spending DP on DP-perks is a VIP only perk. Something that, while has little value to you(and that's fine), is for all intents and purposes being taken away from people that it actually does mean something. Anytime you have a product or service which is normally included in a price, that is then changed to cost more will upset folks. I don't think they are wrong to be upset either.

  22. #22
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Spordo View Post
    Well, you all seem to disregard the purpose of the change.
    What you say is all accurate, but doesn't quite address the concerns voiced. Currently we can earn DP via Monster Play, and spend it on perks on a freep. From the wording of this dev diary, once U6 comes around we will no longer be able to this, and the time taken to earn DP for perks will increase significantly. That is the concern people have. That the ability to earn "currency" to use perks is being removed from PvMP. The way I see it, either this was done on purpose and they are just shoving more Store-based rewards at us, or it was an oversight in which case I'd at least want an acknowledgement of said oversight, if not a promise that this ability be restored to us.
    If you do not even try to communicate using clear and concise English, I will ignore you.

  23. #23
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Quote Originally Posted by PropJoe View Post
    I'd just like to point out that "DP-perks" are already in the Lotro Store™. And they are actually better than the ones you can buy with DP.
    You're correct.

    The point that is the most disturbing for me (but certainly not unexpected given Turbine's trends with what they sell in the Store) is that I used to be able to avoid the Store by buying the perks with Destiny Points. Now it looks like Turbine is capping the amount of Destiny Points I can earn through game-play creating yet another way to force me to use the Store...

    What needs clarification is not how we earn Destiny but how do we continue to buy the Destiny Perks that are currently in the game?
    Reconadan 90 Hunter/R7 ::: Reconamir 75 Captain/R4 ::: Reconien 75 Champion/R6
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  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Well, this has been answered in the other thread finally. Only leveling up to get DP. At least we finally have a confirmation of what we thought was going to happen.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: About Destiny Point Change with Update 6

    Im also worrid as a VIP I do use dp on perks sometimes I spend alot but after lvling 5 chars to 75 I do have a decent ballance but how do I continue getting DP as im not realy lvling more toons ? I got crafting alts in my other slots with max guild rep so wont be deleting chars & making new ones to lvl for DP.

    As others have said being VIP is being made less & less relivent & thats odd to me because even on ftp I wont use the store much at all, im shure my mounthly sub is worth more or is it just becuse they have to many lifers that even loosing people who sub would be offset. All goes back to Turbine not understanding the people who love LOTR offing lifetime was a very silly move on such an awsome subject matter. When you think of that, how silly was that I mean LOTR has already been around for an insane amount of time & is as good today as when I was first writern but someone at Turbine must have been ow LOTR thats a good IP we base on that.
    Other Chars, [color=#7FFF00]Elinros Mini [/color] , [color=#FFD700]Finfelen LM[/color],[color=#1E90FF] Aldenath Capt[/color], [color=#DC143C]Daganlas Hunter [/color]& some crafting alts


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