Good questions, both. The problem isn't that Fire needs burst. The problem is that steady Fire dps isn't high enough. Zombie Columbus's solution was to make Fire more like lightning, and give it some burst. That's why Mystifying Flame is now instant, Essence of Flame is now a one-shot, and Smouldering Wrath channels for 2 seconds less time than it used to.
I have said many times that making Fire work like Lightning wasn't the correct way to "fix" the problem of "why bother with fire." This problem has existed since the RK was created. Now, dps RK's are a hodge-podge of skills with no unifying themes. Making Fire more bursty only contributes to the hodge-podge-ness.
Here's the solution:
1) Bring back all the inductions, except for Fiery Rid. Make Fiery Rid usable on the move, with a tiny DoT, and NO initial damage. Stackable to 5. No longer AOE (Leave it on Essence). 1s cooldown. Effectively, a PtH-style DoT instead of a HoT.
B) Make Essence of Flame a DoT again, instead of "Epic Conclusion with an induction." AOE is still nice though.
4) Raise Fire DPS above all other DPS in the game. Not by much, but just enough to be consistent. Why?
- Requirement to stand still.
- Inductions can be set back.
- Paper-thin armor.
Hunters whining? Remind them that they wear medium armor, have much higher evade/parry, can root targets for a much longer time, and have the longest range in the game. Champs whining? Remind them that they wear heavy armor, they can CBR to avoid stuns/roots/dazes/snares, and they have about 5k morale more than a RK. Creeps always whine, ignore them. Remind them all that no, despite what they claim on the forums, RK's cannot heal themselves when DPS'ing.