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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemarex View Post
    Please don't kill Lothrandir :-( Please let me go rescue him right now!! If it had been up to me I wouldn't have left Isengard without getting him out in the first place, but whatever...dumb epic quests! He's the coolest ranger. Let him live!!!!
    Simply and well said my friend.

    I am a real geek...truly and completely. My characters seem to get caught up with NPCs and terrible things happen. My hunter was in love with Laerdan...and you know how that went. I am also angry at the devs for making Laerdan a carbon copy of Elladan/Elrohir. He is a major character, PLEASE give him a unique template (give him his old look back he was gorgeous).

    My champ now has it bad for Lothrandir. I love the epic story and am crushed that he got left behind in Isengard. I notice many other folks also feel its rediculous that we left without him, or without planning to go back.

    PLEASE dont be so fail Turbine as to kill him off. Let him live. Something good has to come of all the horror vested on middle earth by Saruman. Let us feel like real heroes for once (this game sadly never gives me that heroic feeling, things always spiral out of control or are left hanging) and let us rescue sweet Lothrandir. Have pity on my poor Rhyleigh!

  2. #77
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rochendilwen View Post
    I'm not certain whether I want Lothrandir to live or not. He is awesome, but IF he is freed, after the torment of being with Saruman and his lackeys, will he not be a broken man? He is strong, yes, but just how strong? Death may be a blessing to him in the end. Though, if they choose to let him live, I hope it will be as a man who is just as - or nearly as - strong as before his capture.
    Just like Hurin, father of Thurin, who was captured in the first age by Morgoth... if that ranger is freed would be for a good reason, muahahah!

  3. #78
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    I'm not certain whether I want Lothrandir to live or not. He is awesome, but IF he is freed, after the torment of being with Saruman and his lackeys, will he not be a broken man? He is strong, yes, but just how strong? Death may be a blessing to him in the end. Though, if they choose to let him live, I hope it will be as a man who is just as - or nearly as - strong as before his capture.

    He is one of my favourites, and I would rather him be alive than not I shall admit to actually crying when Candaith died, but I can't help but really getting into these characters and adoring them. I was just as crushed when Andreg and Braigiar died, too, and now I'm just hoping Saeradan, Dagoras, Radanir, Corunir, Mincham and Daervunn will live.
    Last edited by Rochendilwen; May 08 2012 at 06:31 AM.

  4. #79
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldrandir View Post

    The book has I think 13(?) arriving to Aragorn, so most of them will die. And most of the ones who do make it die on the Pelennor Fields (Halbarad is specifically mentioned as dying).
    Really? Its been a while since i read it, but thought there were 50.....
    Oh well, i think i need to read the book again (just another excuse to read it again really)

  5. #80
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Halbarad arrived in Rohan with thirty Dunedain, plus Elladan and Elrohir. (RotK chapter 2,)

    He doesn't mention any who started out with him and didn't make it, but then as soon as he and Aragorn meet, they have strategy to discuss. They'll speak of lost kinsmen at a later time, in private.

    Of all the 30 Dunedain who come to Rohan, only Halbarad himself is named by Tolkien; and he is the only one who is mentioned as dying on the Pelennor Fields.

    As to which of the Dunedain invented by Turbine will live or die, we won't know till they tell us.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  6. #81
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by CmdrMagic View Post
    I was thinking along these lines too. Once Saruman knew what he needed from Nar, why bother going back to kill him? It would not be worth his time. But TELLING us that he killed he would be a provide a good source of manipulation on us. I don't believe he really killed Nar.

    I am probably one of the few, but I actually think Candaith did exactly what was necessary to complete his mission, at the cost of his life.

    This is how I follow it:
    The Rangers did NOT know if the oathbreakers would fulfill their oath and fight for Aragorn. The whole purpose of going into that barrow was to find out once and for all if they would obey Aragorn. It is clear from the first encounter that the oathbreakers have no loyalty to Halbarad even though he is Aragorn's chief ranger. Despite Halbarad's efforts in talking with the oathbreakers, they got nothing.

    When Candaith and you went deeper in to speak to the leader, it was obvious no answer was going to come from him either as he just continued to toy with you and sent oathbreakers to attack you. THE ONLY option you had left was to flee and leave the cave without knowing the answer to the question that you came there in the first place. This was unacceptable to Candaith and he knew it.

    Candaith knew the importance of answering this question for Aragorn. They needed all the allies they could get on this road to war. The world was about to be filled with war and they all knew it. They had to know for Aragorn if the oathbreakers would answer the call, and Candaith's sacrifice provided the answer.

    When Candaith declared himself as the heir, the oathbreaker leader, who up to this point had just been laughing and toying with you, suddenly became serious and listened. When Candaith ordered him to fight for him, the oathbreaker leader declared he would obey, until he realized the imposter that was in front of him was not really the heir. The oathbreaker leader killed Candaith, but it was clear up until the moment he realized the deception that the true heir will have power over them to make them fight.

    It cost him his life, but Candaith's sacrifice was not in vain in my opinion. The rangers (should) now know that the oathbreakers can be called upon by Aragorn to fight and fulfill their oaths. That was the ENTIRE purpose of the mission into the barrows, and Candaith completed it.
    Finally my dispair lifts. A reasonalbe cause for a death.
    Tosaf, Founder Covenant Knights, Guardian,

  7. #82
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by djheydt View Post
    Of all the 30 Dunedain who come to Rohan, only Halbarad himself is named by Tolkien; and he is the only one who is mentioned as dying on the Pelennor Fields.
    I would also add that even though Halbarad dies, some other Dunedain survive. They later fight at the Black Gate and following Aragorn's coronation return back to the North along with Elrond, his sons and the Fellowship.

  8. #83
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    hoping my iPod doesn't eat my reply this time....
    I was wondering if anyone knows how many named rangers we have left, and who they are? Been keeping a list which is now very extensive:
    after that information overload *cough* I'd like to add that I wish we had seen Langlas, the Ered Luin ranger in Volume 3... right now I am thinking he never journeyed with us.
    Also, since my two favourite rangers were killed off or captured (Candaith, Lothrandir D I have adopted my new favourite who I hope is still alive: Corunir. Mr. Loyalty himself, who is much better than a certain depressed ranger captain...
    And my last point is this: The rangers can't win this war as they are missing their main tank. I'm talking of course about the absolute ****BEST**** ranger ever, who aggro ed practically all of anuminas for me.... poor Orchawe, you must be pretty lonely now :'(

  9. #84
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    After running my little hobbit minstrel through Western Angmar (Could not face the thought of searching for groups for Eastern angmar x_x) I have discovered another reason to give Corunir some love. He has the patience of a saint, putting up with those awful, awful, awful, awful, awful, awful (you get the idea) Hillmen of Aughaire :|
    Questing there was a pain for me, and i only perservered for the Fem armour! So yes, more reasons for my new found favouritism of the ranger Corunir.

  10. #85
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    To each her own; I'm very fond of all the Rangers I have met (and I really appreciated it when Halbarad told me, "You are one of us"). But I think my favorite is Saeradan. We've gone through so much together.

    "Well done, Eruanne, my friend through many dangers."
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  11. #86
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by CmdrMagic View Post
    The only thing I didn't like, in the caverns below after freeing the rangers....Lheu Brennin would not have left that cavern alive if I was that close to him. They may have killed my character for doing it, but he would have died right there and then if I was that close....No second thought about it...
    Yeah, that made really no sense to me. My burg was standing behind him on a narrow bridge, cutting him off from his people while he spoke. A small push and he's either over the edge, or in the hands of the remaining rangers. He's not getting out of there alive.

    I found a lot of the RoI writing sloppy, with the player inexplicably being a passive observer. Lheu Brenin is not, for example, a Nazgul...

  12. #87
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by PackOfIdiots View Post
    Yeah, that made really no sense to me. My burg was standing behind him on a narrow bridge, cutting him off from his people while he spoke. A small push and he's either over the edge, or in the hands of the remaining rangers. He's not getting out of there alive.

    I found a lot of the RoI writing sloppy, with the player inexplicably being a passive observer. Lheu Brenin is not, for example, a Nazgul...
    Yeah ... OTOH he makes an appearance as a dream-figure in III.6.1, and I have the feeling that we will eventually get the chance to give him his just deserts. A la mode. Looking forward to that.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  13. #88
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by djheydt View Post
    Yeah ... OTOH he makes an appearance as a dream-figure in III.6.1, and I have the feeling that we will eventually get the chance to give him his just deserts. A la mode. Looking forward to that.
    Now that he, and the Falcon clan, have thrown in their lot with Saruman, they will likely take part in the big battles to come. I can see us running into Lheu Brenin in the middle of a big battle - be it at Helm's Deep (if we are there), or the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen (if we are there), or any other battle inbetween - and will then be given the chance to have our revenge. Getting to battle an old enemy one-on-one, while battle rages all around you, it sounds almost like something out of a movie-script.
    Last edited by Macfeast; May 11 2012 at 07:15 PM.
    Graindim Dwarrowfare, Lord of Baruk Khazad;
    Host and guide of the Pilgrimage to Khazad-Dûm.


  14. #89
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    Re: Lothrandir is my favorite Ranger now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Macfeast View Post
    Now that he, and the Falcon clan, have thrown in their lot with Saruman, they will likely take part in the big battles to come. I can see us running into Lheu Brenin in the middle of a big battle - be it at Helm's Deep (if we are there), or the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen (if we are there), or any other battle inbetween - and will then be given the chance to have our revenge. Getting to battle an old enemy one-on-one, while battle rages all around you, it sounds almost like something out of a movie-script.
    It also sounds like fun; now doesn't it?

    And after all, Turbine has now installed the software for fighting a single enemy (or a few enemies) while battle ranges all around us. They're undoubtedly going to use it here and there.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone


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