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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    This is an issue for multiple people, both creepside in the 'moors as well as in the non PvMP world--the game music is muting when you log in or zone. Fixing it just requires a miniscule switch of the music slider, but this needs to be done every time! I'm not seeing this in the Known Issues yet, and I know folks on Landroval have /bugged it (myself included), so--is this working as intended? I can't imagine it is.
    I've also experienced (and /bugged) as have others issues with ambient sounds following one between zones and even between PvE and creepside in the Moors--again, not in known issue. Just wondering...
    Various Hobbits, Thwilda the dwarf lass, and Gnersk, Stalker

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    I've had the same problem too, especially in Moria.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    I've noticed an issue with the Dwarf Npcs in Moria. They speak, but you can barely hear them, even though my sound settings are set correctly.

    Leader of Exiles of Numenor - Evain, Filthmonger, Tamesa, Fimbulwinter, Bellamor

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    I dont know about the music because I have that disabled but for me combat sounds & dismounting are just ungodly loud now. I am tired of playing around with the settings cause nothing is working. I hope this among other things gets fixed soon. It really puts a damper on enjoying/playing the game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymphonic View Post
    I've had the same problem too, especially in Moria.
    I'm gonna add to this post and I stated this in another thread, in Dolven View and the Great Delving, the music plays for a short time when I log on there and stops and there is also bird chirping. In Moria.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymphonic View Post
    I'm gonna add to this post and I stated this in another thread, in Dolven View and the Great Delving, the music plays for a short time when I log on there and stops and there is also bird chirping. In Moria.
    Poor birdie. It's like those birds you see flying around inside of large home improvement stores, stuck and can't find their way out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerog View Post
    Poor birdie. It's like those birds you see flying around inside of large home improvement stores, stuck and can't find their way out.

    ROFL!!!!! Ok, I laughed! +1 rep.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    same probs here, there is currently something going on behind the scenes with sound/sound drivers etc.

    i believe its also connected to why some characters cant log in to game easily. why turbine hasnt publicly addressed this issue i do not know, but i do know that there are many many others with the same sound/log in issues im having as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoman73 View Post
    same probs here, there is currently something going on behind the scenes with sound/sound drivers etc.

    i believe its also connected to why some characters cant log in to game easily. why turbine hasnt publicly addressed this issue i do not know, but i do know that there are many many others with the same sound/log in issues im having as well.
    From my experience, Turbine never acknowledges a problem until:

    1) They have replicated it.
    2) They have a plan to address it.

    Until then mum is the word. This actually makes sense if you think about it, until you have proven there is a problem by reproducing it then you can't really say you are going to do anything about it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Now, the sound issues are weird. I've seen many posts so far regarding sound issues, but all of them seem to be very different.

    Can you guys offer more specific details about what's going wrong with the sound? Additionally, if you guys have not submitted bug reports on this via /bug, I suggest you do so.
    Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?


    - Sound option levels changed on in-game panel (some higher, some lower).
    - Sound variation/quietness (in-game music) which returns to normal levels when slide bar touched.
    - Some sounds (i.e. footsteps) seem amplified (might be related to above slide bar issue).
    - Intermitently, sound slide bar cannt be adjusted but instead 'bounces' back to pre-adjust position.

    Hope that helps.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    I used to have my master volume turned down to a few percents only while playing to be able to hear voice-chat clearly, after the update most everything became very very quiet (with the exception of sound effects, I think). I've turned my master volume near maximum (sound effects are still too loud, working on that).

    Find me on Steam and ESO, same name.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    When I am in combat, the combat sounds are very loud. I have my combat sound set to 10 now & master volume to 25 & that still makes it loud. Now because I have turned down the master volume, I can barely hear NPCs, my horse galloping, etc. I have those sounds set to 1.00. When I dismount the sound now is very loud. I was playing the game up until the servers went down Monday & had no issues with sound until after I applied the update. I also tested out my hubby's puter(fairly new btw) with his own account & he is having the exact same issues as me. For example killing bears now is just horrible hearing cause its so loud.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    This is what is happening for me...

    Rune Keeper play:
    Electricity sounds are fine...
    Lightning sounds are barely heard.
    Fire build up sounds are muted.
    Grunting and yells are are fine.
    Horse sounds are fine
    Any sound from damage are low.
    NPC speech is fine.

    Minstrel Play:
    Yells and cries are fine
    Horse sounds are fine
    Actual effects from cries are muted
    Instrument playing sounds (drums on my minis) are barely heard.
    Grunting is normal

    I have no way of capturing video, so no way to "prove" this. I know it sounds stupid and that it sounds like I'm lying, but the sounds are different and I don't know how to fix it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Just from my experience as a Warden, I've noticed that our "Warden's Shout/Disdain/whatever" (the gambit builder) is extremely muted. This causes a bit of a timing problem for me because I use that sound to confirm that the gambit builder has been executed. This happens whatever zone I am in. I have not, however, had any other issues with the audio so far.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    3 issues.

    1> The sound sliders seemed to be all recalibrated with U6. So npcs for instance were silent, but combat sounds were VERY loud. And ambient sounds were super loud too. This has happened in previous book releases...so I went to work trying to fix them.

    2> It seemed like certain attack skills, Wild Attack, had a particularly loud effect. Moreso than the sliders even compensated for...so now the whole sound of my combat sounds and feels weird. This may just be a side-effect of #1 and my perceptions have changed when things were all out of sorts...but I've had a hard time duplicating the combat sounds from pre U6 with the sliders available.

    3> The sliders are strangely unreliable. I can move one, feel like it's about right. Then enter/exit combat, or some other sound trigger and one sounds category or another will drop off or skyrocket. I check the sliders again and although that one hasn't been physically moved if I click on the slider (not to move it, just to activate it) the sound will snap back, either louder or softer depending on how it jumped.

    Overall it just feels like the sound controls were corrupted in some way. I've taken to turning in game way down and just playing music in the hopes that the next patch will fix it. It was getting too annoying with how much they were jumping around.
    [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=red][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=darkorchid]Second Marshal[/COLOR] Luc Brandenbuck[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#a9a9a9][FONT=Tahoma] ~[B]Battlemaster[/B]~
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Also something else... I have no clue if this is related...

    Gaurdian Play:
    The sounds that tell you that a Parry/Block maneuver has popped is also gone.

    I use sound a lot on my characters to better able certain maneuver timings and on my guard they are gone...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Thumbs down Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    In addition the character select screen having no sound (guess I don't care too much about that)

    Defiler - Creep

    Walking sound (mine and others) and iirc the gallop sound of freep horses has MOVED from SoundEffects to CombatSounds

    This is annoying because I want to hear freep/creep moving/galloping but if i try to do that then my combat skills become waaaaay tooo loud.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ventata47 View Post

    - Sound option levels changed on in-game panel (some higher, some lower).
    - Sound variation/quietness (in-game music) which returns to normal levels when slide bar touched.
    - Some sounds (i.e. footsteps) seem amplified (might be related to above slide bar issue).
    - Intermitently, sound slide bar cannt be adjusted but instead 'bounces' back to pre-adjust position.

    Hope that helps.
    Exactly the same for me.

    As an example, when I enter my house, my housing music is quiet. I touch the slider and it returns to "normal" levels. Next loop and the sound level drops again. I touch the slider and the volume returns. Rinse and repeat.

  20. #20

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Celestrata View Post
    ..Can you guys offer more specific details about what's going wrong with the sound? Additionally, if you guys have not submitted bug reports on this via /bug, I suggest you do so.
    I haven't ~studied~ the issues closely/long enough to be totally specific, but on the surface I can say the relative volumes for different ausio sources seem to have changed, and some volumes seem inconsistent. Some of it might be related to soundstage arrangement (things might be demonstrating a volume that would be correct if it/they was/were at a different proximity from the player). I suggest this positioning issue for the reason that it seems spatial lighting has also been affected somewhat. Suddenyly, following U7, my avatars at the log in screen are no longer lit appropriately (seeming to have a single source spot on them from the rear, or perhaps they have their internal light reflection or radiation value set off instead of some nominal value). Lighting is also inconsistent on many mobs in a given area.. (Worms of Eorlsmead vary in their brightness within the same scene).

    I have been reluctant to bug any of this because I am currently running diagnostic settings/tests to help isolate client stability issues and am in communication with Tech Support on that. I thought maybe these issues had to do with altering the game engine speed in the troubleshooting menu, but since others seem to be having similar issues, I guess at least some of these things are related to client updates rather than my specific settings..


    Will ./bug this stuff henceforth, but it's going to be a lot of unspecific bug reports to delineate it all in some way that can be understood..
    [I][COLOR=#daa520][FONT=comic sans ms]~ Occasional Taunter of Masked Badgers[/FONT][FONT=comic sans ms] ~[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Celestrata View Post
    Can you guys offer more specific details about what's going wrong with the sound? Additionally, if you guys have not submitted bug reports on this via /bug, I suggest you do so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ventata47 View Post
    - Sound option levels changed on in-game panel (some higher, some lower).
    - Sound variation/quietness (in-game music) which returns to normal levels when slide bar touched.
    - Some sounds (i.e. footsteps) seem amplified (might be related to above slide bar issue).
    - Intermitently, sound slide bar cannt be adjusted but instead 'bounces' back to pre-adjust position.
    These symptoms describe what I've been experiencing since the patch.
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    I noticed this last night as well but I thought it was just me. After logging in my sounds seemed a bit on the quiet side. Specifically the music and the ambiance sounds. I went into LOTRO'S sound settings and slid the music slider to the right just a little. The music level seemed to return to a normal setting for where I had the music slider set. I clicked okay and closed the sound settings window. The music immediately seemed to lower to where it was when I logged in.

    Since I thought it was just me I did not /bug it. I will make a point to do so tonight.
    Creep: Barsluk, Blackarrow, Elendilmir

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Here's a strange one, i run the client windowed, if i have an active tell open, i minmize the client, then restore i get that tell DING, it's quite annoying..

    [SIZE=1][B][EU][/B][/SIZE] Eldar
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  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Had the same issues, some sounds are like mutet some louder, IMS cant be heared etc...
    I haven´t changed anything so i tried to adjust the sounds which didn´t help that much.

    What worked for me, i used the "Set to default/Standard" button, confirmed the Settings and afterwards adjustet the Sounds. This worked for me.
    i Don´t know what went wrong (since update 7) but Reset to default seems to reset something which gets buggy and works afterwards.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Post U7 sound issues: WAI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aryx75 View Post
    Had the same issues, some sounds are like mutet some louder, IMS cant be heared etc...
    I haven´t changed anything so i tried to adjust the sounds which didn´t help that much.

    What worked for me, i used the "Set to default/Standard" button, confirmed the Settings and afterwards adjustet the Sounds. This worked for me.
    i Don´t know what went wrong (since update 7) but Reset to default seems to reset something which gets buggy and works afterwards.
    I reset to defaults and re-adjusted as well. I still have the music volume issues.


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