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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by hex2323 View Post
    I have $10 a month. But I save it up because the game is free. Literally $10 a month. Wife mandated.
    The man in me is cringing right now, but the adult in me depressingly sighs and agrees that its probably good to have an "entertainment allowance" or something similar.
    Not Meant to Be a Factual Statement

    LotRO in-game price list, maintained by the community.

  2. #127

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    So the solution is for everyone to delete their posts so the cost is 0! Brilliant :P
    Exactly! We need to show no interest in this feature at all. Another bag? Meh, who cares... I don't have anything to put in it anyway.

    Now if the bag came with an Eagle mount, then maybe I'd think about it....
    Mosby, Founder of The Palantíri kinship (Landroval) - LotRO Charts Tumblr - Runes & Translations

    As glides in seas the shark, Rides Mosby through green dark. -Melville

  3. #128
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by achromatis View Post
    The man in me is cringing right now, but the adult in me depressingly sighs and agrees that its probably good to have an "entertainment allowance" or something similar.
    It's a well known fact that when it comes to games... I cannot be trusted with money.

    Now, of course, the money is there and I can use it guilt free and so perhaps that taints my notion of dropping 10 large on a TP card, but it hasn't always been that way. Even three years ago there was NO money. Zero for games. I did whatever I had to to keep at least 1 sub open. Scrap junk, ebay old stuff, rob the salvation army guy. But I did it. I ever returned cans once every three months to get that one month fee.

    I'm pretty sure my head is on straight about this, but I've been wrong about my head before. The bag is going to be around 1000 TP if I read the tea leaves right (okay, disclaimer, this is just my opinion and I'm not even saying I think it will happen, it's a full on guess, but I'm planning my bag purchases around that number and if I'm wrong I'll readjust. BTW, this is to avoid a fight about price. I don't want to argue).

    That's my $10.

    And that's still less than the $15 I busted my heinenbacher for just 3 years ago. $30 tops. I can have one in three months after they release it even at that price. BAG.

    And I'm not pre-purchasing. I hardly ever do that with any game. I'm not worried.
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  4. #129
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by hex2323 View Post
    Literally $10 a month. Wife mandated.
    That explains your picture.

  5. #130
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by enginekid88 View Post
    I can't tell if you are agreeing it should come as part of RoR or if you think it should cost extra. Remember we already were forced to buy the wallet.
    Sorry for the late reply, it seems I missed this post.

    I don't really care whether the bag is included in the pre-purchase; I'm unlikely to get it myself (I have yet to reach level 40 on any character) and I'm sure that if it weren't to be included, something else would be. The something else would likely be equally good, but probably to different people. I do think it's a moot point now; it's been promised as a part of the pre-order and reconsidering that would really give people something to complain about.

    I wasn't replying so much to the original question as to the statement that 'we need it more than ever now'; I simply don't believe that to be true, and felt the urge to point that out.

  6. #131
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by enginekid View Post
    Can we get a clarification on this?

    Will the 6th bag only go free to those who pre-purchase RoR? Or will it be included in all purchases of RoR (eg. you were away and missed the pre-purchase, but got back, and bought RoR the next week)?
    I think you can be sure you won't get the bag for free when you purchase RoR after launch, they won't make it a Pre-order reward for nothing.. in the entire life span of Lotro all Pre-order rewards have been either exclusive to Pre-order... or payed for after launch of the expansion.

    This would make more sense because then they will get a lot of Pre-orders, fast and early cash for Turbine...
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000][B]-Faustino Hasharin-
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  7. #132
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by DuroNL View Post
    I think you can be sure you won't get the bag for free when you purchase RoR after launch, they won't make it a Pre-order reward for nothing.. in the entire life span of Lotro all Pre-order rewards have been either exclusive to Pre-order... or payed for after launch of the expansion.

    This would make more sense because then they will get a lot of Pre-orders, fast and early cash for Turbine...
    Don't be so sure on getting lots of pre-orders. Many are not happy with ROI & given all the issues this game has been having since that launch, not to mention many have either stopped paying money for this game or just quit. Turbine could be in for a surprise. If I was them, I'd be getting my act together & changing some things before it's too late.

    I was all for the pre-order but now with all the problems going on in game & they continue to get worse, I am thinking twice about it.

  8. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by Annariel View Post
    I wasn't replying so much to the original question as to the statement that 'we need it more than ever now'; I simply don't believe that to be true, and felt the urge to point that out.
    You don't need it more than ever now. With your chosen play style, you might not come close to filling the 3 (or 4 or 5) bags you have now, making a 6th bag of very little value to you.

    I don't have any more player demographic data than you or the person whose statement you oppose do, however I feel comfortable that there are many more players with high level characters and near-full bags than there are with characters of a low maximum level and much less full bags. While it's fair for you to not believe its true that very many people want more bags, it's equally fair to point out that people have been asking for a 6th bag for a very long time (rendering your belief a little confusing).

  9. #134

    Thumbs up Re: Sixth inventory bag will be made available as part of Riders of Rohan pre-purchas

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Instead of just fixing them for the next release, the person responsible thought players would like a fun little quest instead of just interesting, content-less, interiors. So there was never anything to promote. It was a little bit of spontaneous bonus content thrown in for fun.
    Please pass on to the "person responsible" that I had a great deal of fun with the "little bit of spontaneous bonus content" in Bree! Ha ha ha!

    Honor and fun,
    a.k.a Cubbles (because my friends gave me that nickname and I love them far too much to ditch it).

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