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  1. #876
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Thumbs up Am looking for a Kinship in Elendilmer

    Hello to all that read this my name in the game is Wilstefar, who is a hunter from the Shire. I am fairly new to this game and have leveled my character to level 23 but know am looking for a kinship to join. Will help supply wood and leathers to the Kinship if needed. Love a Kinship that does not take the game to seriously and excepted the impossible. I do not know how to write these things, Hope to hear from someone soon.

  2. #877
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Looking for an RP KIN

    I'm the type of person that wants to go through the games quests, and RP both in typed chat, and voice chat while doing so, and I was wondering if there are any Kins, or other players that feel the same. I love the world of Middle Earth, and really want to immerse myself in it, along with others. I am on Brandywine, but would transfer if there was a kin that would fit my play style, as i have been looking for a kin like that, for quite some time.

  3. #878
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Asdiel, level 21 elf Hunter

    Age: late 30s
    Preferred server(s), if any. Vilya

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): GMT -5

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): casual, mostly solo. I don't have a lot of time to play, mostly evenings and weekends. I have a demanding RL job which makes it difficult to adhere to a particular schedule.

    MMO games you’ve played: Ultima Online, Everquest, Asheron's Call, Guild Wars, DCUO, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Trek Online, Star Wards Galaxies

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm easy going, friendly, helpful and mature, Geez, it sounds like I'm writing a personal ad. A bad personal ad.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Active, social and casual. As I said above it's difficult for me to adhere to a particular schedule, so I'm not looking for anything that has "mandatory Tuesday night raid" or anything like that. Prefer adults, but just mature is good, too.

  4. #879
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Sorry if my first one was not good was rushed so here I go again.

    Your name: Wilstefar of Elendilmir, Hobbit, Hunter level 24. Though I could start another if required.

    Age: 38
    Preferred server(s): Elendilmir but will try others if need be.

    Location: Brisbane, Australia

    Play style: I have only played solo up to now, looking to play with groups want to experience LOTR the way it should be played am relatively new to this. I do play this game to relax not to stress about it.

    MMO games you’ve played: I have tried WOW, Star Trek online.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am mature and love to help.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Mature aged players no hassles or demanding kinship, Kinships that are active and has players on at all times (due to different hours I go on to play)

    If this needs fixing please tell me what I have to fix.

  5. #880
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    EN RP server if you please!

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Anaruin, elven Lore Keeper
    Age: 23
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Preferably an RP server
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Ontario, Canada
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): New player here! I would very much prefer an RP server though.
    MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft is my main one. Played a few smaller ones, here and there but looking for a game that's not so repetitive.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am an active player, more so once I've found a good guild. Well in this case Kinship. I main a healer in most games but havn't quite gotten used to this game enough to try healing.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I need one that's talkative. Doesn't have to always be full of people but if I can play for a period of time, say all morning, and there's no one on or those that ARE on never speak? I'm not going to be to interested! I would very much like a kin that is active RPwise as I join RP servers for a reason.

  6. #881
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Looking for social kinship.

    Character name and race: Thindhelstel, Elf, 25 minstrel(crickhollow). I have some low levels on brandywine, minstrel/hunter.
    Age: 26
    Preferred server: Crickhollow/Brandywine
    Location: NY, eastern timezone
    Playstyle: Solo, group , casual, no RP.
    MMO games you’ve played: World of Tanks, EQII
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Social, friendly, informative, casual, mature(preferably kinship with adults).

    As for what i can really offer.. not much. I am friendly enough; willing to participate in group activities. I can also provide a spot for people to chat on ventrilo. I am not on much, an hour or two on weekdays maybe more on the weekends.
    Last edited by kyotorain; Jul 03 2012 at 08:24 PM.

  7. #882
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Looking for a Kinship

    First of all, hey! So I started playing a bit after like a year break. The holidays are going on and I got bored so I decided to start playing LotRO once again. By posting this message I am literally only looking for a group of people that I could chat with, help each other a have some fun. I can not say for how long I'll be playing so no promises here.

    Your name, or character name and race: Well, my real name is Vlado, character name(highest one) is Ostrih and she is an Elven hunter(level 52)
    Age: 17
    Preferred server: Meneldor
    Location: Central Europe (GMT +2 Actually)
    Playstyle: I enjoy exploring, doing quests and everything that the environment can give me. I love doing group things such as raids, all types of instances and bosses. I'm mostly a solo player.
    MMO games you’ve played: Runescape and I think thats all :O. I think I might buy GW 2 though.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    Hate those types of questions, well I don't know... I have a sexy character ?
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Communicative, helpful, populated...

    (Sorry for any typing mistakes made. I'm not a native english speaker, typer... w/e. )
    Last edited by J4cky; Jul 03 2012 at 09:09 AM.

  8. #883
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Looking for a social Kinship

    Your name: Magnas, level 18
    Age: 18
    Preferred server: Withywindle (Will try others if needed)
    Location: England
    Playstyle: I don't mind
    MMO games you’ve played: SW Galaxies, Runescape and WoW
    Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm reasonable active, have a excessive interest in LOTR and am looking for some people to work with.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a kinship so I can chat, RP, maybe a little bit of raiding?
    Last edited by Josef4321; Jul 05 2012 at 01:44 PM.

  9. #884
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Sunny_dar i have a rank8 lv69 guardian and a rank9 reaver and a rank 4 lv65 cappy
    Age: 22
    Preferred server: Any, i have transferred alot of times before
    Location: Singapore
    Playstyle: 90% PvP, 10%PvE
    MMO games you’ve played: WoW/Swtor/Maple @_@ and some other randoms
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I dont rage, even though i prefer to solo alot of times i am still a team player
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: i am actually looking for a SINGAPORE ONLY kin/tribe, i quitted Lotro about 1~2years ago, i am looking to get back into the game given that there is enough singaporean players to play with and hang around irl.

    i know that the lv cap is 75 but if there is a SG kin i should be able to grind to lv75 in just 2days for my cappy and guardian if needed. For more info u can contact me @ ga_in_dar@hotmail.com

  10. #885
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Pysiren, Super Support needed kinship

    Player Type: Female Minstrel Support/ Healer Lvl 20
    Server: Arkenstone
    Age: 27
    Region: Eastern US, online mainly from 10pm-5am EST so some earlier time West Coast kinships would work.

    Looking for an active kinship that I can get involved with.
    Newer to this game genre, but I'm a serious gamer that learns very fast and spends alot of time online
    Recently converted console gamer (FPS, RPG) to PC (LoL, HoN)
    Never played WoW for fear of my social life may end, so I may be a little greener than most.
    This is my first character I've got to 20 so Skirms and Raids are still a little greek to me.
    But regardless, I'm a team player that has common sense and communicates with others.
    Until I'm able to upgrade my PC, voice communicate won't be an option.
    PM me if you are interested

  11. #886
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Connor, I have a minstrel somewhere called Holroc
    Age: 24
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Any
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Australia. I generally play when I have the time or in the random times of night or day.
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I have been everything under the sun but i would say nowadays Casual but I'm fine for raiding once I level up.
    MMO games you’ve played: UO, DaoC, EQ2, Planetside, SWG, PotBS, WoW, EvE online, Perpetuum, WAR, Fluff.. I have either played or beta'd most games released in the 2004 if that is any indication.( EvE Recently)
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm laidback, never really serious, I have a sense of humor(Especially self-depreciation haha)
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Dude i just want a home to hang out and chat with people while I quest and/or do dungeons/instances with friends(hopefully kinsmen)

    I'm happy to level up a new character on a new server

  12. #887
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Your name, or character name and race: Currently no characters.

    Age: 19

    Preferred server(s), if any: Open to all servers!

    Location:Pacific Standard Time (PST)

    Playstyle: I prefer group style play but I am known to do the lone wolf thing as well. Lotro's PvMP seems interesting and I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I am limited by my computer for raids, but it should run encounters just fine.

    MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Aion, RuneScape, DAOC.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I have a very bubbly personality and I can bring fun to any group setting with my personal sense of humour. I am a thinker, able to plan out events and raid tactics. I also possess leadership qualities that tend to go on automatic once I am familiar with the people I am around.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'm looking for a social kinship that has a goal in mind. I have been in far too many social guilds/clans that just had no purpose and it quickly fell apart. I play the game to have fun and experience it, not to just hangout in a chat room.

  13. #888
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Alkavarien, Elf minstrel lvl 43
    Age: 20
    Preferred server(s), if any.: Silverlode
    Location.: I'm on east coast time but it doesn't really matter I guess.
    Playstyle.: I really enjoy just questing and exploring. I haven't really gotten hardcore into the details of the game yet, I've been trying skirmishes for the first time in the past month, interested in getting more into crafting and stuff. Would love to make friends who wanna help out with quests or teach me about the minutiae of the game.
    MMO games you’ve played: Just LOTRO. For a few years now.
    Why kinships should be interested in you.: I am very friendly and a fast learner. If I make friends I will be loyal to them very quickly and helpful whenever possible. I haven't really tried a lot of group play but I would be up for it.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for.: I guess I'm not really interested in an end goal, I just want to explore the game and have fun with friends! Something casual, mature and supportive. If anyone is interested in in-game RPing I'd be up for that too.

  14. #889
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Looking for Kinship UK :)

    Real name : Matt
    Character : Beovayne (Man Champion)
    Age: Late 20s
    Preferred server : Snowbourn
    Location : UK
    Playstyle) : Solo, casual, group, instances
    MMO games you’ve played: WoW
    Why kinships should be interested? : 3+ years on WoW, easy going, helpful
    What kind of kinship you are looking for : Just started LOTRO after quitting WoW a few years ago so looking to join a helpful and friendly guild, that do regular instance runs

  15. #890
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Character name and race : Janora, female elf Minstrel (level as of post = 35); also two alts for crafting
    Age : 26
    Preferred server(s), if any : Crickhollow
    Location : Central Standard Time (CST), USA; no preference
    Playstyle : Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, crafting, willing to try some RP, socialize
    MMO games you’ve played : World of Warcraft (though it’s been a long time ago)

    Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships? : Eager to be a team player, socialize, and work towards group objectives. I’m focused on being a main healer since my past experience is that there is always a lack of healers. Obviously this game has been out for a while so I know there are experienced players I can learn from too.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for : First and for most, a kinship with mature people; I don’t want to deal with whiners and people acting like children, if I did I go spend the afternoon with my niece and nephews, lol. I love the Lord of the Rings story, so I would like to find a kinship that is full of players who appreciate the stories and enjoy the quests and story lines in the game. I’d like to find a kinship that does some fellowship raiding so I can gain some more exp. And I love crafting and finding epic loot!!!

  16. #891
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    OOC Name: Sarah
    IC Name: Reine
    Race: Hobbit Minstrel (lvl 10)
    Server: Lauralin
    Located: USA, Florida. CST
    Playstyle: PvE/Medium RP/Casual

    MMORPG's I have Played: Diablo, Diablo 2, Guild Wars, WoW, Dungeon Siege, Rose, Conquer, Silk Road, Cabal, Perfect World, FlyFF, NWN, Pirates of the Burning Sea. These are just to name a few, I've played a bunch of others including non RPG games.

    What I can offer to a Kinship: I'm not really sure, I can offer my 'sparkling' personality, I've maxed out my farming and love to farm if that helps, I also don't mind switching classes and cooking too. I can literally craft for ages I think it's fun. Only problem is I am very new to this game, I started 2 days ago, and I'm only a level 10. So I'm not going to be very helpful in some areas.

    What I want in a Kinship: I'm looking for a fun kinship, nothing too restricted by rules, preferably one that roleplays but isn't going to toss me out if I want to talk to people OOC.

  17. #892
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Mainly on Meneldor, but open to starting fresh

    Name or character name: Currently leaving this blank, due to fact that i am posting here looking for a new kinship... and quite possibly, a new server. I post this to see what responses I get and to see if any are interested in the same. I have created a recon toon on many servers to scope out the general maturity level, quality of regional chat, etc. to find the RP servers are very nice.

    Age: Up there, but not too up there >.<

    Location: Arizona, US... my schedule is pretty open lately, and I am intermittently on throughout the day.

    Other MMO's: N/A, nada, zilch... this is my first and only MMO ever, and loving it too much to find another. But I have played for nearly one year.

    Playstyle: OK, here's where i get to why i am posting here in the first place. Currently, I am in a small, casual kinship where everyone pretty much solo's and does their own thing with an occasional fellow for a tough spot. I levelled a warden to 75 that way... and quite honestly, I look back now and realize how lonely and boring a lot of it was...heh. Don't be mistaken, the people in my kin are great people, and the game itself is awesome, but I am ISO something different. I sort of got stuck in a rut, and went with it.

    So, solo... done it. Now I am searching the different servers for a new place to call home. But not just to solo again. I would be willing to roll a new toon to level with another (or more). RP is a possibility, but am a little unsure if it is for me. I love to craft and have enough alts to be self-sufficient... and to help fellow kinmates in need.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: First, I am NOT looking for a kin that is bigger than the Eastern Seaboard. I'd like to be in a kin that is medium-sized, casual, and mature-minded with clean chat... a group of friendly folks that enjoy PvE, crafting, kinship events (skirms, instances, deed-ing, get-togethers, etc.)

    Bottom line... I hope to not solo my way to end level again.

    Thanks for reading, and hope to hear something soon
    Happy hunting...
    Last edited by Daggaer; Jul 16 2012 at 03:47 PM.

  18. #893
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Smile I am looking to join a kinship

    My character name is Noahgorn.
    Server: Elindylmir
    I've been playing for a while but I really need some help on some quests. I consider myself very mature and will be willing to help others whenever I can.
    I am a level 19 elf hunter.
    Central time zone
    Last edited by Noahgorn; Jul 16 2012 at 09:22 PM.

  19. #894
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Looking for Kinship

    Character Name: Belgruin (lvl 23 Hunter)

    Server: Withywindle

    Location: USA, Central time.

    Playstyle: I solo most of the time, but I would be happy to join in on quests or help craft items (Woodsman). Since I am a Hunter, I focus on providing ranged support in battle, but I don't mind going hand to hand if necessary. I am a soldier in training, so you can count on me to be a team player.

    Kinship I'm looking for: I'm looking for a medium sized kinship that is friendly and helpful, functions like a family, higher ranking players helping newbies, etc. Like I said above, I'm a team player, so I prefer to work with people who can function as an organized team with a team leader and at least a general understanding of tactics and strategy.

    You can contact me from here, or IM me in the game (full character name is Belgruin Swiftbow, if that makes a difference).

    Hope to find a kinship soon.


  20. Jul 26 2012, 12:32 PM

    Found ^^

  21. #895
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    MMO's I have played: Star wars the old republic, World of warcraft, Guild wars, Guild wars 2, Aion, Rift
    Server: I have a bud that I am going to be playing with I have a level 32 on elendilmir, which seems too be really low on population, I would love a very abundant and active kinship, but that seems to be hard to find with this game, due to its content and age. I will transfer If needed.
    Gamestyle: I do everything. Raids, Instances, Role-play, Pvp. I am very chill and need a good group of people to play with.
    That's all you really need to know, not listing my life story. Thank you Timezone is EST

  22. #896
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Character Name: Gromadoc (LvL 46 Hobbit Minstrel)
    Server: Firefoot
    Age: 31
    Location: US/Eastern
    Playtime: 3-4 nights a week after 8pm EST.

    Returning Original Player looking for an Mature (18+) Active/Social Kinship. Must have some kind of actively used voice chat server, doesn't matter which , but I like to chat with people while I am gaming. I have a couple other low level characters I'd like to get in the Kin as well.

    Send me a tell in-game if I'm on or hit me up here on the forums.

  23. #897
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Name: Ricky
    Location: UK

    Returning player, Lvl75 Captain Eldrickor on Evernight.

    Looking to start again on a new world, looking for kinship with active members at all levels (want to be able to complete lower level instances). A kinship with free trade, helping each other in crafting etc.

    Can all recruiters, please send message or reply to post with -
    Kin Name
    Active members (last 72hrs)
    Frequency of Raids/Skirmishes/Instances

    Thanks in advance all

  24. #898


    Quote Originally Posted by Galrickas View Post
    Name: Ricky
    Location: UK

    Returning player, Lvl75 Captain Eldrickor on Evernight.

    Looking to start again on a new world, looking for kinship with active members at all levels (want to be able to complete lower level instances). A kinship with free trade, helping each other in crafting etc.

    Can all recruiters, please send message or reply to post with -
    Kin Name
    Active members (last 72hrs)
    Frequency of Raids/Skirmishes/Instances

    Thanks in advance all
    Would like to send you an invitation to look at our website and see if we can fill your need www.WODN.guild.launch.com Please let me know if you have any questions.


  25. #899
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Looking for Riddermark Kin

    Name: Rob, Character name: Zeddikus (20 Guardian)

    Age: 29

    Preferred server: Riddermark

    Location: East Coast Canada (But I am a night owl)

    Playstyle: I am great at soloing (Who isn't?), but I do like to group and run dungeons/raids when I have the opportunity. I very much enjoy achievement hunting (or Deed hunting as the case may be with LOTRO), and casual roleplaying. Would love to get to end-game content eventually, wouldn't mind raiding 2-4 nights a week.

    MMO games you’ve played: Diablo 3?, WoW, SWTOR, Rift, Atlas, and many other Free-to-Plays

    Why kinships should be interested in you: I am very active, and have been gaming for 20+ years, so I know what I'm doing (usually)

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Newbie friendly, casual raiding/dungeon, casual RP.

  26. #900

    LF Kinship: Gladden

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Caradin, Human, Guardian Level 75

    Age: 43

    Preferred server(s): Gladden

    Location. US Central time 9 - 11 pm

    Playstyle: PvE, PVP, Casual, Skirmishes.

    MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR, DAOC, SWG, Champions Online, STO, WoW, City of Heroes, NWN (Persistent Worlds), and many more.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:

    What kind of kinship you are looking for.

    I am a mature, experienced MMO player. Been in LOTRO since the beta with 3 lifetime accounts. Went to SWTOR for a bit, but I am looking for a casual, laid back guild that has a strong population and people who play together. I am helpful, patient, and I would love to make a contribution to your guild community.

    I am in a guild that I love with a dear friend a leader, but no one is every logged in anymore (we started @ launch). So I would like to put the MM back in my MMORPG experience.


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