Take that Blacknakh!.. I guess I'm unlucky with the info :0
Take that Blacknakh!.. I guess I'm unlucky with the info :0
Last edited by SalloeRamaros; Aug 14 2012 at 10:37 PM.
Dushuak Rank: 12 Galathia Rank: 6 Salloe Rank: 7 Ramaros Rank: 6 Amoris: Rank 6 (Haven't pvp in years)
Evil People Lead To Evil Intentions
Do you even understand what you are talking about?
please don't be the next pibb. stop with the ss's
Why do you always awake me.. from my slumber.
Never read the monster manual.
Today I was taught that certain number of ore can be returned at TR, and somewhere else.
At the time, many hours ago, I couldn't do the ore quest because someone told me it has a 10/10 thing.
But then I checked the flag and it says 9/10!
So here's a screenie to prove I wasn't seeing things. mhmm
Dushuak Rank: 12 Galathia Rank: 6 Salloe Rank: 7 Ramaros Rank: 6 Amoris: Rank 6 (Haven't pvp in years)
Evil People Lead To Evil Intentions
LOL just cause your Mom tells you to clean your room and you can't stand being told what to do doesn't mean you need to take it out on this poor guy. Besides, you're not in charge of anything or anyone anymore rash, certainly not this guy, give it up, you had your cc fraud run and Hello Kitty Island Adventure awaits!
Pre-RoI R8 warg Brandywine R7 BA Brandywine R5 WL Brandywine R5 Warg Landroval R6 warg Vilya R5 BA Vilya
Dushuak is a girl. Rash quit flaming her please. She hasn't done anything to you and I doubt she would. She is one of the most innocent players I have played with. If you want to flame someone please by all means flame me because I don't care, but cmon man. She isn't talking down anyone.
1. Pibb. I never was in charge of anyone in this game. never will be. people can do as they please and guess what SO CAN I
2. It is not flaming. I have no reason to flame a creep. however that does not make these posts make sense.. and I can tell you they don't. I do kindly suggest to Dushauk to read over her posts before they are posted..
Because you weren't on creep side.... You have no clue what the deal was.
Dushuak Rank: 12 Galathia Rank: 6 Salloe Rank: 7 Ramaros Rank: 6 Amoris: Rank 6 (Haven't pvp in years)
Evil People Lead To Evil Intentions
True but your choices, e.g. cc fraud, didn't go over well with members of your tribe and hassling some greeny reaver appears to not be well received, not just by me.
True, I can't make much sense of it either but I didn't point that out, just read it, person said their peace and I moved on. I'm not the only one in this thread who thought you appeared to be picking on this creep.
Pre-RoI R8 warg Brandywine R7 BA Brandywine R5 WL Brandywine R5 Warg Landroval R6 warg Vilya R5 BA Vilya
Some members? I can only think of one, and he no longer plays anyways. And I called him out for it too, but that was his misguided opinion and he's entitled to it. Most of us could give a rat's &&&. Turbine doesn't even care, they obviously let him keep playing. Hell they were probably like, "You guys pay money for sucky lag and you got some free TP's, touche." Why do you care so much?