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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    It's here. Sound off Hunters! (first impressions)

    So its finally here. RoR is out. first impressions:

    Mounted combat: finally.... Finally hunter is something more than a derp-spamming totem pole.

    Love the freedom of movement
    Love the survival

    In mounted combat i feel free and unhindered... where my skill counts and NOT only my gear (to a reasonable extent)

    my impression is that MOUNTED HUNTER feels far smoother and far more REAL than the penshot-derp-spamming foot hunter...

    SHORT: I <3 mounted hunter combat

    UNMOUNTED on the other hand....

    Derp Derp Derp

    CoTH seems fine for PVE mobs, though its very clumsy and (still) seems like a hasty band-aid that works only in PVE... i cant see it being any kind of game-changer in PVMP

    quality of life changes (thats all the rest really are) i find OK but fundemental issues for Hunters remain.... and i remain very discontent with PVMP and foot hunter.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lendas View Post
    So its finally here. RoR is out. first impressions:

    Mounted combat: finally.... Finally hunter is something more than a derp-spamming totem pole.

    Love the freedom of movement
    Love the survival

    In mounted combat i feel free and unhindered... where my skill counts and NOT only my gear (to a reasonable extent)

    my impression is that MOUNTED HUNTER feels far smoother and far more REAL than the penshot-derp-spamming foot hunter...

    SHORT: I <3 mounted hunter combat

    UNMOUNTED on the other hand....

    Derp Derp Derp

    CoTH seems fine for PVE mobs, though its very clumsy and (still) seems like a hasty band-aid that works only in PVE... i cant see it being any kind of game-changer in PVMP

    quality of life changes (thats all the rest really are) i find OK but fundemental issues for Hunters remain.... and i remain very discontent with PVMP and foot hunter.....
    You are level 83 already?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontdazemebro View Post
    You are level 83 already?
    I'm just glad that the etten access is now level 80 and with level 85 creeps the "pvmp & hunter" discussion will have to wait at least a week or two

    Ah ... No drama at last.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Zombielord View Post
    I'm just glad that the etten access is now level 80 and with level 85 creeps the "pvmp & hunter" discussion will have to wait at least a week or two

    Ah ... No drama at last.
    However, after brief testing, I have learned that press onwards has been stealth nerfed, and is now easily interrupt-able. So, they took a heal that is horrible and has a 4 second induction, and made it impossible to induct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontdazemebro View Post
    However, after brief testing, I have learned that press onwards has been stealth nerfed, and is now easily interrupt-able. So, they took a heal that is horrible and has a 4 second induction, and made it impossible to induct.
    Lol. You expect a non nerf update for hunters bro?

    I smelled something fishy the moment the hunter dev diary came out.
    It looked too good.

    Every one of my predictions from early August have come true except my one about mounted combat... It's a blast.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lendas View Post
    Lol. You expect a non nerf update for hunters bro?

    I smelled something fishy the moment the hunter dev diary came out.
    It looked too good.

    Every one of my predictions from early August have come true except my one about mounted combat... It's a blast.
    If you're smart with CC, you can really abuse the DR table changes.

    20 seconds resets each type of CC's DR. CoTH is very nice for this, combined with your melee and ranged daze. Against wargs, that first CC pot on a fear = longer fear 20 seconds later. Also your roots, if you happen to get traps down, that RoT 20 seconds later is a win.

    Even my Signature is trolling!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Well, from what I remember, PO has always relatively easy to interrupt. What exactly has changed with it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Fantastic, love it. However, if you are looking for many changes in non-mounted combat, you probably won't find many, as it is been pretty clear that the boast of the expansion is in mounted combat. On War-steed, the hunter is def one of the forces with which to be reckoned (don't spar, so dunno what they are like in that facet), and stance swapping when needed makes 'em pretty close to indestructible in the current build.

    However, other little plusses including several new ports, 5-pulse SotE, improved campfire, a tiny bubble with a smorgasboard of effects. I don't PvMP, so if the hunter somehow got "nerfed" in that area, I personally wouldn't know/care.
    Last edited by ani6morphs; Oct 16 2012 at 04:18 AM.
    Zyngor || Main server: Landroval (also on Arkenstone, Evernight, & others) // LOTRO Players

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    wasnt sote supposed to be 5 pulses anyway or am i misremembering?
    Burn the books!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lendas View Post
    Mounted combat: finally.... Finally hunter is something more than a derp-spamming totem pole.
    Actually, GOOD hunters never were like that.

  11. Oct 16 2012, 10:56 AM

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 0987654321 View Post
    Well, from what I remember, PO has always relatively easy to interrupt. What exactly has changed with it?
    It had a 4 second induction, and was hard to get off, but now it just is interrupted on any damage.

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontdazemebro View Post
    It had a 4 second induction, and was hard to get off, but now it just is interrupted on any damage.
    ./sigh the few times I have ever needed it in combat, taking a hit or 2 but still getting the induction off saved me. Now it sounds as if it's like lm power drain; interrupted as soon as someone breaths on you

  14. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Apart from the incessant crashes I am enjoying it immensely. The Epic Story is good so far, as is the Rohirrim quest lines. The landscapes are great and some views, such as Amon Hen and the Argonath, absolutely magnificent.

    The new loot system is brilliant and the session play just what I was hoping for.

    I'm only up to L78 at the moment so cannot comment on the real big hunter changes. The wider target box for Split Arrow is good - although I agree with people who say this is not an 'improvement' it is a fix of a broken, useless skill.

    Mounted combat. I took people's advice and looked to go with a Light Horse with agility. The bridle I levelled up gives extra agility and I'm having no problems handling movement. Not sure I have the full hang of Fury yet but so far mounted combat is proving to be fun. The warbands i've met so far, have with the exception of Uruth, not been so hard to solo. I'd prefer more of a challenge but maybe I'm not far enough along yet. I've seen some of other classes struggle a bit but whether that's due to less developed toons and mounts I don't know. I can see the benefits of range and speed that hunters have.

    One issue I found when duoing with a lesser specced champ was that I tended to have most of the aggro so he ended up chasing around doing minor ranged damage. But that is probably a tactical rather than a game issue. A hangover from the 'all go for the RaT' days.

    I'm disappointed that there is a cooldown (not sure how long but too long) on being able to get them as pop-up quests. The rewards were very poor also. I think 74 shards was the best.

    Open-tapping? I love this. I'm on an RP server and hated the 'by your leave' approach the game mechanics imposed on 'helping'. It was just great to thunder over a ridge line, see a dismounted guy trying to run for his life, one shot a couple of the minions from range as I charged in and then pull aggro so he could remount and join the battle. I felt like Boromir in the film, charging from the trees to rescue Merry and Pippen from the orcs.

    Then we exchanged friendly waves and went on our seperate ways.

    So far I've seen no 'stropping' in GLFF about tapping of targets and i've no problem with anyone joining in on combats.

    The landscape mobs are a little unchallenging for hunters. The aggro radius is pretty pathetic so it's very rare to get charged by more than two, even if another three are right when I fire. But this isn't unique to RoR.

    I like the horse levelling system also and the way I could cosmetically recreate my hunter mount.

    Overall I'm very pleased with this. Turbine really had to deliver given the expense and technical issues aside, I think they have.
    Last edited by Kongas; Oct 17 2012 at 05:56 AM.

  15. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    agreed with OP about pretty much everything. foot hunters definitely need a revamp, and they did not get it in this update. i got tired of the boring old penshot spamming, and that was the bulk of our dps with the faron set + fleetness. nothing else seemed to make sense. now they are even taking that away with the new sets, and not giving us anything to replace it with, so we are going back to alternating between quickshot and pen shot to keep our focus up. that'll really help our dps. and i don't see reducing cooldown on swift bow by 3s or blood arrow by 4s helping much. that would have made sense back in the 65 days when PS/BA cost 2 focus (traited blue)

    very weak in PvmP, weak self heals, self heals we have either have a long easily interruptable induction or useless channelling. cry of the hunter is a weak bubble that doesn't pop until after a long cry/animation. agile rejoinder is super weak. hardly any evasive skills like touch n go or BA's moving target. would we really be too OP if we got 'fixed'? i mean RKs can almost one-shot creeps with epic conclusion and they have way better survivability/self heals than we do. our equivalent heart seeker, which we're lucky if it crits, we'd have to trait red (ugh, more inductions!) to reduce the cooldown and a legacy to get the most out of it, and we still probably won't hit as hard.

    mounted combat: despite my disappointment in this class as of late, i decided to level my hunter first in RoR because i knew mounted combat would probably be the most fun, and i think i was right. i've been having more fun in lotro leveling my hunter in RoR than i have in a long time. but it's a combination of many things. Rohan is amazing. the landscape, the music, it's really epic and I'm very much enjoying it. when it comes to the hunter though, I do have one gripe, some other classes are getting huge crits/devs on their war-steeds, i have not seen a single crit over somewhere around 6k with full fury, maxed out traits, etc. i can understand champs perhaps since they have to melee, so it would even things out, but we have a champ that hit 17k, and a mini that hit a 13k CRIT (not a dev) on their warsteed. just doesn't seem right and i think it's possibly one more area where the devs just didn't balance things out.

    bottom line: if you compare hunter to other dps classes like champ rk, we are definitely seriously left behind. i was starting to wonder the devs just won't give us an update because they don't want to create incentive for people to play them since they are already the most popular class, but i personally don't think that's a good enough reason to keep them back and there's no reason they can't get a good update. i understand devs were maybe not so focused on major class changes this latest release, i am still hoping to see one perhaps by the time the next big update (december?) comes around.
    Last edited by Snorfred; Oct 17 2012 at 11:04 AM.

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    The issue with Press Onward was not a stealth nerf, it was a bug with that induction. There are a few skills currently that are suffering the same issue and it is being addressed.

    Known Skills:
    Sticky Gourd
    Sticky Tar
    Warding Lore
    Press Onward


  17. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelsan View Post
    The issue with Press Onward was not a stealth nerf, it was a bug with that induction. There are a few skills currently that are suffering the same issue and it is being addressed.

    Known Skills:
    Sticky Gourd
    Sticky Tar
    Warding Lore
    Press Onward

    Thanks for confirming that.

    I know it's not on topic but I think that was the first blue name in the hunter forums in over a year!

  18. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelsan View Post
    The issue with Press Onward was not a stealth nerf, it was a bug with that induction. There are a few skills currently that are suffering the same issue and it is being addressed.

    Known Skills:
    Sticky Gourd
    Sticky Tar
    Warding Lore
    Press Onward

    Oooh thanks! Poor lm's though. The induction based class gets an induction based bug

  19. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelsan View Post
    The issue with Press Onward was not a stealth nerf, it was a bug with that induction. There are a few skills currently that are suffering the same issue and it is being addressed.

    Known Skills:
    Sticky Gourd
    Sticky Tar
    Warding Lore
    Press Onward

    Is this real? A dev confirming bug in timely manner? Blue post on hunter forum?

    Seems like personnel shuffle can do some good.
    Last edited by Fin.; Oct 17 2012 at 10:04 PM.

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fin. View Post
    Is this real? A dev confirming bug in timely manner? Blue post on hunter forum?
    No way! It's

  21. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lendas View Post
    OT: Lendas, I'm not a fan of your qqing usually, but I appreciate you just for this phrase. It is perhaps my favorite description of blue line Faron hunter lol.
    Akhash - R6 defiler

  22. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lendas View Post
    So its finally here. RoR is out. first impressions:

    Mounted combat: finally.... Finally hunter is something more than a derp-spamming totem pole....
    Uhm... there's something wrong if a hunter is a 'derp-spamming totem pole.

    I for one am a blueline hunter and I barely use any induction skills sans the occasional quick shot to build up my focus. But with a good rotation, ie improved fleetness, focus pots, intent concentration, etc. I am always running around and being agile because I have fleetness up 99% of the time. I have no need for any inductions and i can outdps swift -shot-heartseeker -other -induction-based -skills -hunters. Hence my disatisfaction with the new set bonus in the hytbold gear sets. But I digress, a 'derp -spamming totem pole ' hunter (formally known as the redline induction based hunter) is not a very good hunter and I'd take a focus based hunter any day when I'm on my minstrel and looking for dps.

  23. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Whiners are going to Whine.

    Mounted combat is crazy awesome for hunters. I am sorry for all other classes.

    I am doing very good unmounted too. I can kill almost any tier 1 and 2 npcs before they get in melee range (lvl 82 still using RoI gear), even foes with 3 or 4 levels above mine.

    When I was still at lvl 75 I was killing lvl 78 RoR foes with the same speed I was killing RoI 75s foes, so I have the impression our dps increased, but will have to wait to cap lvl and gear to do some tests.

    For now I only have the new slip shot, which is a very nice new way to get focus fast on grouped fights. I will definitely have a LI with the extra targets legacy.

    Blindside on the move is good, the new campfire is nice too. Agile Rejoinder always healing is very good, at lvl 82 I am getting + 260 morale tics (that is potentially +-1100 morale every 10s to 15s).

    I was doing just fine in the moors before RoR. Don't know yet how much the creeps dps increased, but I am assuming I will at least do as good as before or better.
    Mellar@Gladden, DOTH Hunter.

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Wish I could actually enjoy the game. I have to be on a rush when I log in to do anything now. My game crashes anytime I go to Session Play so now the epic story is unavailable which is a large reason I play.

    After an hour of playing I will crash again.

    Only started when the expansion was released and got worse as soon as the "HOTFIX" came out.

    So far a thread I started hasn't received any explanation on why this is STILL going on and havn't found another thread from them stating why it is outside my own.

    Sadlly I want to enjoy my Hunter in this Expansion but until they fix what is going on I can't.

    I did get my War-steed after 3 days of on-off playing though. Was fun for 10 minutes when I crashed dismounting going into a forge building to work on my bridle of my mount.
    Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar

  25. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Right now the game is very unstable with regards to memory usage. It just creeps up over time. Here is what I do to help alleviate and slow down some of that leakage:

    1) Click on the Default buttons under Graphics and Advanced Graphics.
    2) Set the resolution to the resolution of your monitor (I do hope you play in fullscreen mode - it's faster than Windowed...). I set mine to 1920x1200.
    3) Click on the "Detect Optimial Settings" button on the Graphics window.
    4) Set the engine to DirectX 9 mode in the same window.
    5) Set textures to Medium in the Advanced Graphics window.
    6) Set Frill Distance to Disabled.
    7) Now, exit the client and come back.

    This should help your client survive a bit longer until they fix their massive memory leak problem. Whenever you feel that you're getting a bit laggy, restart the client to clear it up. As you traverse more and more land and areas, it gradually gets slower and slower. (i.e. when Warband hunting in all areas)

    If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, please see my thread here:

    Thread: Workaround for Client Crash to Desktop in 32-bit Windows

    Please read the most recent posts by me in that thread (towards the bottom). I give some updated recommended numbers to use.

    Also, if you have Windows 7 32-bit and want to upgrade to 64-bit Windows 7, I provide a link in that thread for LEGAL downloads of the 64-bit versions of your version of Windows 7. Your 32-bit key will work in the 64-bit version of the OS.

  26. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Tchad View Post
    I am doing very good unmounted too. I can kill almost any tier 1 and 2 npcs before they get in melee range (lvl 82 still using RoI gear), even foes with 3 or 4 levels above mine.
    You did not just go there D:

    Oh and yea, its all fun and games on our Warsteeds until SOMEONE crashes into the mead hall and DIES

    Best moment ever
    Mirkwoodian - Savior of the Ettenmoors

    Squishy sacrificial tank 2012ish


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