Class Adjustments
In my opinion there should't be too much changes on the skills, because I think the high number of skills we have in LOTRO make the game better than most other MMORPGs. I've played many games where you have very less skills and this is boring...
Moreover you should not worry about the number of skills... You did a nice job by explaining all the skills and the gameplay ingame. LOTRO has one of the best intro/tutorials I've seen and many tooltips which help understanding...
What could be done is to combine some skills, e.g. the hunters skills to search for mobs. I think they should be combined to one skill which effects all kinds of mobs.
But please don't try to make the gameplay less and less challenging just to satisfy players who can't play their class (to exaggerate it a bit^^)
The other changes I'm awaiting curios, most of all the rest of Rohan.
edit: An improvement for the support for German players (for example the ability to copy characters on the Bullroarer or bug-report UI in german) would be nice.
But all in all LOTRO is still the greatest MMORPG I've ever played. Please remain so
Last edited by Nallaglor; Jan 31 2013 at 01:31 PM.
ANDUIN: Thallyan (Kundiger, 75) - Nallaglor (Jäger, 75) - Eolandil (Runenbewahrer, 60) - Faraghar (Hauptmann, 46) - Legolyr (Waffenmeister, 36) - Thamo (Barde, 30) - Saphirya (Hüterin, 29) - Faby (Schurke, 14) - Beofinn (Wächter. 14)