Double experience? When many of us routinely complain about the excessive levelling rate? With no way to opt out but to not play?
Boosted lootbox drops? Which do us little good at all unless we blow TP on keys?
*golf clap*
Double experience? When many of us routinely complain about the excessive levelling rate? With no way to opt out but to not play?
Boosted lootbox drops? Which do us little good at all unless we blow TP on keys?
*golf clap*
While I'm not as antagonistic in my response, I agree that this exp boost is a big detriment for my playstyle. How about saddling that with a steeply discounted no-exp item (or a way to opt-out)?
People really will complain no matter what is given to them, won't they?
A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won
Huh. My first thought was 'woo hoo, looks like I'll be playing lotro a lot this week'. I'll take any and all xp boosts.
Discounted no-xp items might be nice for people who dislike this, but you'd just end up with people stockpiling them. You'd need a free 'disable-bonus-xp' item or something.
Yes, the item is there, but I'm not buying it on close to a dozen characters for a one-week spell of additional XP when my current play-style lets me handle XP acceptably well without the Stone.
I would think that some others would also prefer not to buy something in that price-category because of a temporary inconvenience. (It's a different matter for those who feel they need the Stone on a more permanent basis, but many of those probably already have it and needn't worry about this XP-boost event anyway.)
What I'd like to see is for Turbine to let players decide whether they want to participate in those XP-events in a way other than playing vs. not playing. An temporary item or quest that activates the bonus XP when used/accepted might be a work-around that gives both groups what they prefer.
Last edited by Anyelir; Feb 19 2013 at 04:04 PM. Reason: apostrophes running rampant
I agree with the sentiment that players shouldn't be forced to receive effects - it's almost pushing players to have to spend money. IMO the exp disabler should have never been in the store.. or at least free to VIPs
I was just thinking of how hard it's going to be leveling up for a while. I personally like this, though that's partially because I don't visit every region to quest (being F2P and all). Well, that and I don't mind doing quests even if I'm overleveled for them.
you people really are never happy.
64 GRD | 58 MIN | 45 WRD | 43 BURG | 41 RK | 24 CHAMP[/CENTER]
Maybe a coupon for 80% off a single stack of XP accelerators. Useful to those who are interested in that sort of thing, non-intrusive to those of us who don't want that sort of thing.
In the long run, convert XP boosting to run on mithril coins, and just give us all a pile of those coins when implemented and everyone's happy (since if nothing else, you will have to recover from defeat someday).
Sorry, but having my play-style severely impacted for a whole week is not exactly what I would have wished for as compensation for not being able to play for two days. Personally, I'd rather go without any compensation. I'd even forego those 250 TP if I could thereby avoid the unwanted XP. (Which does not mean that I'll use those 250 TP to buy any experience disablers to counter the XP-boost event.)
What? double xp?
Time to get my 6th alt through moria and make a final push to get my champ to cap!
85 RK | 85 CHMP | 75 BRG | many others
As someone currently levelling four alts to join the 3 I already have at 85, I appreciate the extra helping hand getting my xp on. I'm pretty confident that I'm in the majority here too.
That was my first thought, too. The lootbox thing should be fun also. This is going to be a great week! Thank you, Turbine.
I do have empathy for those who would prefer not to gain bonus xp, but I have none at all for those who express their displeasure through rude, boorish behaviour.
Townsperson says, "I'm having an adventure. I've paddled all the way from Frogmorton!"
I'm glad I'll be without a computer through most of the weekend because I hate it when Turbine forces this double experience junk on us. Contrary to what you may think, Turbine, ultra-leveling my character because of your double experience does NOT make the game more enjoyable for me and some other players.
does anyone actually know when the double xp is going to happen because im still getting 12k per quest?
This is the pet peeve of a very small (relatively speaking), but incredibly vocal minority of players.
As such, Turbine giving something to the playerbase that the vast majority will appreciate is hardly "flipping the bird."
But it's that sort of "I'm oh so angry because my very idiosyncratic playstyle and hangups aren't coddled to the nth degree" mentality that makes a lot of people take these types of concerns less seriously than they otherwise would. Especially when the "I don't want XP" crowd has already won a major victory with XP-disabling store item.
It's one thing to wish something didn't exist and ask for it to be handled differently. It's another thing to climb up on your high horse and assert that you are somehow offended by something that the rest of the player community gratefully accepts and appreciates.
I can't quite comprehend the grievance-oriented mindset that sees free XP for everyone to be some terrible insult amounted to Turbine "flipping the bird" at anyone.
Townsperson says, "I'm having an adventure. I've paddled all the way from Frogmorton!"
ITT: Proof that people really will whine about anything.
WooO!!! +xp!
Umm, if you are not happy about lvling faster, take the weekend off from lvling and deed or something? lol?
Thanks Turbine
{Evogrin R11 warden} {Evogash R9 warg} +wayy too many others R6-8! Though I do not play lotro anymore, thank you to everyone who made this game so much fun all those years! God bless!
Thank you, Turbine! I haven't played much at all over the last several months, but I may go blow through a few levels on my alts in Moria this weekend with all of this extra XP! Much appreciated.
7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
[COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]
It is so so simple.
For those of you that have a char perhaps in the 40s or 50s or higher, I am rather sure some of you need to do your deeding. So its a no-brainer to go back to grey zones and deed. You can earn your TP by doing deeds you may or may not need as well.
Experience Blocked? CHECK
Need to get a key or two, well the same thing can be said here as above, grind on grey mobs.
Experience Blocked? CHECK
For those not wanting an xp boost, do your grey zones for deeds. Do instances that are scaled enough below your char that you wont gain xp but you may gain some loot.
Experience Blocked? CHECK
Be creative. You can easily side-step xp gains using the above ideas.
For the mates that are level capped? Well, c'est la vie mon ami. Turbine has done the right thing and has offered us something. Like it or not, they did, and I will say thanks Turbine for remembering there is more to LotRO than endgame.![]()
Well, at least the other 95% of us will spend a pleasant week.