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Results 1,001 to 1,025 of 1805
  1. #1001
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Looking for a Kinship on Brandywine

    Character name and race (if known): Ringhir, Level 29 Champ, Race of Men, Brandywine Server
    Personal Info: Male Aged 21, New South Wales, Australia, AEST... American server time - early hours of the morning, i believe.
    Play Times: 1 - 3 hours in the late evening most weekdays, weekends 3+ hours a day on the weekends.
    Play style: Solo play, unless questing with 3-man or 6-man. Concentrating on leveling, crafting (Weaponsmith)
    History of MMO's - WOW, Aion, WAR(warhammer age of reckoning), Conquer, Tibia.

    LOTRO history, beta closed player, on arkenstone with 9 alts, main being a guardian at level 65 max (mines of moria/ mirkwood expansion). haven't played for over a year, finally returning, wasn't happy with the population on arkenstone hence why i decided to move to brandywine.

    Why kinships should be interested in you: lots of knowledge, generally a solo player but prefer questing in groups, but always able to assist members in 3-mans, 6-mans, or raids, take my crafting seriously, would be able to farm resource or create anything a kin member needs, very active player try to maintain a minimum of 8 - 16 hours a week.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): active members, always will to assist in 3-mans, 6-mans, raids, END GAME raiding is a must. haven't experienced PVP but wouldn't mind a kinship active in the Moors.


  2. #1002
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Thumbs up Looking for a Kinship 80+ (firefoot server)

    Hi all im 24. Been playing for coming up to a year now and i think its time for me to join a proper kin to help me get the most of of the game. Im currently in a kin but mostly low levels and loads and loads of ppls alts lol. Im currnetly a lvl 81 hunter. With basic experiance in the Ettenmoors. I try to play as much skirmishes and raids, instances as i can but as their is only 3 lvl 80(close friends) in the kin its mostly us 3 thet jst try do everything together. (Friends my wish to jump ship aswell as they are getting board aswell)

    My charactors name is: RIKONITUS
    Own expanshions: Moria, Isingard and Rohan at the end of the week!
    Im in the Firefoot server.
    Live in the United Kingdom

    I would ideally be looking for a Kin 18+years and or around lvl 80+

    Please pm me if you need more info

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Looking to join Active Kingship

    I'm new to the game, bought the 60 day game time and I'm at level 15 now,
    really just need people to chat and have fun with, I'm already actively playing other
    online games..

    Live in UK so on most nights and sometimes lose days in the game..

    Character Name is Melimion
    Im 27 so looking for 18+ guild..
    Also be active on FB..
    Mail me here or in the game..


    Last edited by Tokolosie; Jan 31 2013 at 03:52 AM.

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hello all! I'm 21 years old and my character is based on Meneldor. I'm looking for an active Kinship with various player levels. I left my previous kinship because there was barely anyone online. I was in that kinship for over a year and so far it's the only one I've been in, so I'm not a kin-hopper. Currently I'm a VIP subscriber. My timezone is GMT +2. Anyway, my main characters stats are below:

    Race: Elf
    Class: Guardian
    Profession: Weaponsmith
    Level: 51

    I'm looking for a kinship to do instances/skirmishes on a regular basis.

    Last edited by CURUPHOREL; Feb 02 2013 at 07:52 AM.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    New Player looking for Kinship

    Midwest United States
    Name: Ryan B. – Finithir (Elf Hunter) level 11
    Age: 22
    Preferred Server: None yet
    Location: Grand Rapids, MI (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    Playstyle: Casual player. Just started playing, interested in group, raids, etc…
    This is my first MMO unless you count Runescape
    I am a team player with a great attitude who wants a fun and enjoyable experience with other players. I am reliable, have a short learning curve, and follow orders well.
    I am looking for a kinship made primarily of elves or a combination of elves, men, and hobbits would be fine. I would prefer a kinship which has a community feel and works well together.

  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Returning and looking for a kinship.

    Due to moving into a new house (that needed some work) and starting a new job, I took a break from LOTRO and am happy to be coming back.

    Character Name: Tythalin
    Race: Elf
    Age: 28
    Server: Landroval
    Location: Ohio,USA
    Playtimes: (All times in EST timezone.) I am usually on weekdays between 3pm - 6pm, except for Monday when I am usually on all day. On Saturdays I am usually on from 9am - 6pm and Sundays varies depending on what I have going on.
    Playstyle: I am up for most things. I tend to play solo since I dont know many people who still play, but I am looking to change that. I enjoy grouping up, especially if there is RP involved, and while I havent raided in LOTRO, I have raided in other MMOs and enjoyed it very much.

    I am looking for a Medium to Heavy RP focused kinship. A group that meets on a regular basis as well as hold RP events for kin memebers and others to attend. I have a lot of MMO experience. I was an avid WoW player for 6 years, as well as a raider in SWTOR and Rift. I am been RPing for over 10 years both in MMOs as well as table top games. I am not an expert on LOTR lore by any means, but I know enough to get by.

  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Experienced Dwarven Champion looking for Pacific Time Zone Kinship

    Name: Vingain Armripper
    Level, Race, Class: Level 85 Dwarven Champion (Windfola, Pacific Time Zone)
    Current gear: Fully geared, Rohan Hytbold armour (all 3 sets) and jewellry, Lvl 85 2nd age axe.
    Current gear goals: 2nd Tarnished Symbol of Celebrimbor for my Champ rune, Crafted relic for axe.
    Kin goals: Join a Windfola raiding kinship with raids scheduled mainly in the Pacific Time Zone,
    between 7pm and 12midnight. Late afternoon is good, too.
    Former Kin: The D'Haran Empire. You may ask any member of that kin about me.
    Server: Windfola
    Location: Pacific Time Zone, Northern California, USA
    Preferred raiding hours: 7pm to 12midnight. Late afternoon good too.
    Playstyle: Raiding, any size group, solo. I like to group/raid for end-game content.
    My playtime goals are to:
    (1) Have a blast raiding and slaughtering the enemy!
    (2) Meet fellow kin members and raiders.
    (3) Upgrade weapons, armour, jewellry, gear.
    (4) Progress along the Epic LOTRO story line.
    Game History: I have been a LOTRO VIP since 2007. I have a high Warden alt and 4 lower alts.
    MMO games played: Everquest I & II, Camelot, LOTRO.
    Other history: I started my RPG playing nearly 30 years ago in the original Dungeons & Dragons
    boardgame by Gary Gygax. A number of game modules I played are now
    collector's items. Vingain has been battling the forces of evil as
    a warrior/fighter since that time.
    Last edited by Vingain; Feb 14 2013 at 10:36 PM.

  8. #1008
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Looking for a Kinship to share adventures with

    Hello my name is Jacob, Also known as Seldion in game.
    I am 24 years old, I play as a Human Captain and some times as a dwarf guardian or human minstrel.
    I am looking for a mid-core type kinship on SnowBourn, By mid-core I mean I am looking fora kinship that is active, has some events going but isn't at the hard-core level, but isn't casual either as I do want to get into the game a bit and have some fun while doing it, I played the game back when I came out but I am completely new to the game.

    I was a long term wow player but left the game around cata. , also i play eve online and have tried almost every mmo out there save for the Korean based ones and i am a quick learner.

    If i am invited to a kinship i will do my best to be apart of the community and help when and where i can as well as trying to build a lasting experience.

    Well tats all the info i think i need to add so i look forward to the responds to this, i think a private message would be best so i can keep track of em, and look forward to getting into the game and having some fun!

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Looking for an active kinship

    Character name: Magnas
    Race: Man
    Preferred server: Withywindle
    Location: UK
    Playstyle: Mid-core (Not Hard-core, not casual.. A happy medium? haha)
    MMO games you’ve played: The Old Republic, EVE and WoW.
    I've just returned after a year break due to pressures from school, and my old kinship is dead, so I'm looking for a new one! I'm fairly active, have a few characters (with Magnas being the main) and am looking to have some fun, whilst not going hard-core.

    I've played the Old Republic, EVE and WoW, but I love the Lord of the Rings universe, so am looking to return to bath myself in it's lovely-ness. I tried to be quite involved with my last Kinship, so hope i can find a new one to get involved in!

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Looking for mature age (21+) kinship

    Character name: Dandar
    Race: Hobbit
    Class Guardian
    Preferred server: Any (peak play times in Euro zone)
    Location: Europe
    Playstyle: Casual and Raiding.
    RL Age: Old
    MMO games you’ve played: Ultima Online, Neocron, WOW, Guildwars 2 to name a few.

    I am returning to the game after a break and I am looking for an adult kinship that is active during peak play times in Europe. I have played the game almost continuously since closed beta with the exception of 2 relatively short breaks. I enjoy all aspects of the game from casual solo pottering about to endgame raiding. I have multiple toons capped or near cap but my focus toon is my Guardian, and he is looking for a new home. So if you have a spot free in a casual/raiding mature age kinship I would be happy to chat.

  11. #1011
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): My character name in game is Eurylochous and the race is Elf.

    Age: I just turned 23 on Monday. So a little older than some I figure.

    Preferred server(s), if any: I don't have any preference, right now my elf is on Brandywine though. I just started so it should be easy enough to go somewhere else.

    Location: I'm in the central time zone in the US. So any CST times for doing things would be where I am.

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I mostly like doing PvE group stuff. I can do hardcore and I like doing raids and things like that. I don't have all the expansions yet because I'm not sure if I'll stay interested long enough to warrant it. However, I think a kinship that is into the stuff I am and does group events and is helpful would help me decide.

    MMO games you’ve played: I've played WoW, GW1, Dragon's Nest, Spiral Knights, and currently I'm playing GW2. However, LOTRO seems to have some story and sound design that most MMO's today lack.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I can offer my time and my helpfulness. I love doing raids and dungeons and I'm extremely in to group play. If I found a kinship that was good and motivated me to keep playing my character I would definitely pick up the rest of the expansions and continue to play LOTRO until the end of time! I just really like the LOTRO universe seeing as I'm a fan of the original trilogy and they kept the Story and sound in the game very epic which I like.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I'm looking for a mainly PvE kinship. Hardcore in the sense of Raids and instances and casual in everything else. If this is you, let me know!

  12. #1012
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Thumbs up Looking for a friendly RP laid back kin on Brandywine

    Character name: Adeltodo (mini/Hobbit)
    Age: real life age 27
    Preferred server:Brandywine
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern time (weekends best)
    Playstyle: Casual, laid back,
    MMO games you’ve played: Just this one
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am out going, trusting and laid back. I have a developed back story and would like to use it. I am also an artist and have started to enjoy drawing the epic tales my little characters go on. I wouldnt mind if a kin needed an artist touch to any thing like a website or just a fan art of the kin. I enjoy being apart of the groups I am in and if my talent is need I am always willing to help any way.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for.: Casual, laid back, rp one that will fit my character.

    For more informatin please conact me in game by mail or IM.


    Adeltoldo Lightfoot
    Last edited by oniyoi; Feb 19 2013 at 06:06 PM.

  13. #1013
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Thumbs up Looking for a casual kinship in Crickhollow

    Character name: Souls
    My name: Kyla
    Age: 20
    Location: Canada ( Pacific time )

    I'm semi newer to this game, so I'm looking for something a little more laid back and casual with friendly people. I like to do some things solo, but it would be nice to actually have a group of people to play with. I'm a level 42 Loremaster, so it would be nice to have everyone around the 40-60 level range.
    I have a mic and some in game voice chat would be much preferred with group events.

    Please either IM me or preferably send me a message in the game and I will respond via IM as soon as I can. Thanks. =)

    EDIT, I play on the Crickhollow server.
    Last edited by l0new0lf17; Feb 19 2013 at 09:19 PM.

  14. #1014
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Im quite new player...started like 5 weeks ago. My main character is 41 Champion ending Evendim quests and deeds.
    Im not VIP just premium for now....I might go VIP in month or two. My time zone is GMT 0 [UK time]
    Im quite active player. Dwarrowdelf server.

    The question are:

    - Do you still recruit?
    - What are requirements [if there are any?]
    - What is the range of lvls....[Im planning to get Forochel OR Angmar...Angmar if there will be some ppl willing to do it with me]

    Any questions? Contac Dezzah in game [might be also Dezziah as its my alt champ]

  15. #1015
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Looking for Oceanic Kinship

    Character name: Anything
    Race: Prefer Dwarves
    Class: thinking RuneKeeper or Minstrel
    Preferred server: US/NA
    Location: Japan
    Playstyle: Casual and Raiding.
    RL Age: 30+
    MMO games you’ve played: Currently playing World of Tanks. Not currently playing: WoW (4yrs), EveOnline (3yrs), SWTOR (1yr), Global Agenda (2yrs).

    I am returning to the game after a break and I am looking for an adult kinship that is active during peak play times in Australia/Japan timezones. I have been a huge Tolkien fan and looking for a more PvE/story based game that I can feel apart of. I'm very much considering playing RuneKeeper and I enjoy range with option to heal and dps. I'm willing to start on a server that has a very active guild/kinship and is active in TS3/Vent/Mumble/etc.

  16. #1016
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    85 Elf Warden (Brandywine)

    Your name, or character name and race: Tangohesten, 85 Elf Warden

    Age: 24

    Location. Europe, Norway, GMT. Doesn't bother to play on different timezones.

    Playstyle: Mostly anything, although i will gladly play with Role-Players, i don't think i will be doing any Roleplaying myself. Other than that i prefer End-game.

    MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR, AoC, Lotro

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    Well uhm... I have a lot of experience leading Raids in Helegrod and Rift (Although i haven't done it for a couple of years, had a big break from Lotro), im also a very social person, and as i am a student, i also have an abundance of time playing during late hours.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for: At this point i would prefer an End-game/raiding/skraiding Kinship. And of course some degree of maturity where kinmates are able to behave as somewhat normal people would be cool.

  17. #1017
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Need a good kin

    Class- Warden
    Current lvl- 42
    Race- Man
    Name- Verdon

    Looking for a good active kin who like to do group content and don't take themselves too seriously. I play 3-4 nights a week (US central) and have never seen fornot, Garth argawen, tomb of elendil, or many other places because there never seem to be pick up games for those areas.

    Please lemme know if you've got a nice guild and a place for me on it.


  18. #1018
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Wink Re: Looking for kinship

    Name Jimmy, Character name Darzagon : Man

    Age: 18

    Server: Brandywine

    Location: New York

    Playstyle: Little bit of everything, PvP when It comes to endgame, but im currently looking for a Brandywine kin for leveling my new toon

    MMO games i've played: Gosh... Alot. Some of my favs have to be Global agenda and Face of Mankind

    I'm an experienced mature player who enjoys group settings and playing with a guild. Ive played to 65 on Windfola and got to r4. I have left the game for a bit but decided to return to my hunter (28). I'm a pretty laid back player but am serious when it comes to instances. Thanks for any interest.

  19. Feb 24 2013, 10:11 PM

  20. #1019
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    New Player Looking for a Kinship

    Hi I'm an experienced MMO player in his mid 20's in the PST timezone from Los Angeles. I was an avid hardcore player of FFXI for 7 years on and off since NA release and tried WoW for 3 years since WotLK, spending many hours a day on endgame/raiding. This was all when I was still in high school/college but now that time has passed and I dont have as much time to devote into MMos so I am looking for a casual kinship to play mostly solo or the occasional group. However, since I am new to Lord of the Rings Online, I would like a group that is newbie-friendly and could show me the ropes to get me stated I dont have a preference for server really, since I dont really know which server is good or heavily populated etc.

  21. #1020
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Looking for Kinship.....

    Hello Kin Leaders,

    Dwarrowdelf server

    I/We (4 lvl 85s with alts) and one almost 85

    RL ages all 30+

    There are 5 of us who come from various MMORPGs most of us from a very PVP intense game.

    Currently in a Kin but it does not offer us what we need.

    Here is what the 5 of us are looking for.....

    Active Skraids, Conversations, PvMP.


    We know how to play our characters.
    4 lvl 85 RK
    1 lvl 85 Guardian
    1 soon to be 85 Guardian

    3 located overseas
    2 located in the states
    All over 30+ years of age

    We are a tight nit group utilizing skype or ventrillo and are all team players.
    We do need to upgrade our gears
    We have all crafting abilities among our group and enjoy helping out.

    I am the spokes person for our group of players so please either message me in game (Skybringer) or send me a message in forums on (Orikal).

    Thank you for taking your time in considering us.

    Last edited by Orikal; Feb 25 2013 at 08:41 PM. Reason: Server

  22. #1021
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    My boyfriend & I have been playing together on and off for a few months and have recently gotten into the game more seriously. We're at Moria now, and getting a bit frustrated of missing out on all the instance/raid content.

    Names: Taravith, lvl 56 hunter elf & Khuzdbuzd, lvl 55 guardian dwarf [both Premium]

    Age: 29 & 25

    Server: Gladden

    Location/Timezone: Netherlands/GMT +1 (I'm French, he's Dutch, we both speak english fluently given it's the language we use at home :P)
    Yeah, unfortunately we checked the server localization too late...

    Playstyle: rather casual-minded; boyfriend's a light RPer at times and I've had my competitive PvP moments but I discovered a passion for crafting somehow. Right now we're just trying to move forward into the game, enjoying the epic quest and discovering new areas.

    MMO games you’ve played: Lineage 2, Planeshift (no srsly), Star Strek Online (NO SRSLY) - also we're worked as devs/artists on some amateur ones

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    Why this is just like a cover letter, without the prospects of a salary :P
    More seriously, we're nice people, easy-going, helpful (and at times a bit silly). We're playing to relax, not for competition or drama so we make sure every minute we spend ingame is enjoyable.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for:
    Easy-going, mature but not taking themselves too seriously (Khuzdbuzd - "Dwarf Foot" - is a dwarf in a pink dress for example). We're big Tolkien fans and love intellectual pursuits, so I guess we'd fit better with older people.
    [CENTER][URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?508409-Scenic-Arda"]Scenic Arda[/URL] - [URL="https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?532343-Scenic-Helm-s-Deep&p=7014227"]Scenic Helm's Deep[/URL] - [URL="https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?519168-New-forum-skin-light-theme"]Forum Light Theme[/URL][/CENTER]

  23. #1022
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 04silverwrxsti View Post
    Hi I'm an experienced MMO player in his mid 20's in the PST timezone from Los Angeles. I was an avid hardcore player of FFXI for 7 years on and off since NA release and tried WoW for 3 years since WotLK, spending many hours a day on endgame/raiding. This was all when I was still in high school/college but now that time has passed and I dont have as much time to devote into MMos so I am looking for a casual kinship to play mostly solo or the occasional group. However, since I am new to Lord of the Rings Online, I would like a group that is newbie-friendly and could show me the ropes to get me stated I dont have a preference for server really, since I dont really know which server is good or heavily populated etc.

    Please consider Wardens of the Grey Gate. We have quite a few casual players, and most of the time we go solo. Any one is really welcome, even though we are looking for some more active players to be more balanced.If you would like more information, I posted a thread in the Withywindle-kinship section .

  24. #1023
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Your name, or character name and race (if known):Neogentiel

    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 29

    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Whithywindle

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Canada (MTN)

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to
    this kind of game”, etc.): Been soloing, casual. Who knows where it'll end up.

    MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Nothing really lol. Im relaxed and play casual. Help out where I can. If Im not having fun theres no point in playing.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Casual for the most part because Im new. Id like to learn how to play a role in a raid n such.

  25. #1024
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Finally coming back onto LOTRO with a brand new computer!
    I'll be really active in the game and I'm a subscriber.
    I love LOTR a lot so playing an online game is a huge plus for me.
    All I'm looking for is to make lots of friends to keep me entertained and motivated... would love to make parties with people for skirmishes, dungeons, and etc.
    I want this kinship to be active and friendly and very dedicated to reaching the end of the game and continuing on afterwards. I'm looking for a long-term kinship. Do not message me if your kinship isn't to active/lots of people not online within a month, a dying kinship and just don't care anymore, bunch of inactive people you don't kick... etc. Sorry to say but I've seen a lot of kinships/guilds/etc. who just don't care and I'm trying to find the perfect one for me XD
    I'm still a newbie to LOTRO however, so I won't have a character.. once this game gets installed however, I'll make a character tonight and play that through for an hour or so before I gotta go to bed.
    I'm a 24 year old guy as well, so I'd appreciate being in a mature and drama-free kinship.

    Oh, forgot to add, please mention the server your on
    And PLEASE tell me whether this server is active or not for new players
    I don't really want to be a player soloing my way up to max and find no one to dungeon/skirmish with... jeezes no :P

  26. #1025
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Lookinf for Kinship

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Dunafred, Hobbit Burglar
    Age: 30
    Preferred server(s), if any: Withywindle
    Location: US, Central Standard
    Playstyle: To my best knowledge, the following apply: Solo, group, casual, time limited, crafter
    MMO games you’ve played: Lotro
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm an honest loyal guy who really enjoys the story. Also, teams are just great. Real life, and game-life.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: I like to play 2 or 3 hours 1 or 2 times a week. I'd love to have a group of people to go through quests with, and maybe craft together...sharing in what we make to compliment each other.


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