My boyfriend & I have been playing together on and off for a few months and have recently gotten into the game more seriously. We're at Moria now, and getting a bit frustrated of missing out on all the instance/raid content.
Names: Taravith, lvl 56 hunter elf & Khuzdbuzd, lvl 55 guardian dwarf [both Premium]
Age: 29 & 25
Server: Gladden
Location/Timezone: Netherlands/GMT +1 (I'm French, he's Dutch, we both speak english fluently given it's the language we use at home :P)
Yeah, unfortunately we checked the server localization too late...
Playstyle: rather casual-minded; boyfriend's a light RPer at times and I've had my competitive PvP moments but I discovered a passion for crafting somehow. Right now we're just trying to move forward into the game, enjoying the epic quest and discovering new areas.
MMO games you’ve played: Lineage 2, Planeshift (no srsly), Star Strek Online (NO SRSLY) - also we're worked as devs/artists on some amateur ones
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Why this is just like a cover letter, without the prospects of a salary :P
More seriously, we're nice people, easy-going, helpful (and at times a bit silly). We're playing to relax, not for competition or drama so we make sure every minute we spend ingame is enjoyable.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Easy-going, mature but not taking themselves too seriously (Khuzdbuzd - "Dwarf Foot" - is a dwarf in a pink dress for example). We're big Tolkien fans and love intellectual pursuits, so I guess we'd fit better with older people.
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