This post is not about the game. The game is fantastic. Best MMO I have ever played(Well, old school SWG was better but had some major bugs). I've been playing for 6 years and I still have fun everytime I log on. And I can tell the devs really care about what they do. They goof sometimes, but they do care, and it shows.
No, this post is about Turbine as a business. Today I actually had $20 in my wallet, and to a parent putting his kid through college $20 is a treat, I went to Gamestop looking for a Turbine point card because I haven't put in one red cent since buying Isengard because I hate Digital River. And Gamestop had no Turbine cards.
I looked at the cards for Wizard 101, World of Warcraft, EA had a universal card for it's MMOs, there was one for Minecraft, but no LOTRO.
And I started thinking of the fact that for years, Turbine has made it hard for people to give them money. There is no link on the forum page to lead you to purchase an expansion, there were no cards at a dedicated video game shop while Wizard 101 had them in different price ranges, you have to make an account with Digital River to buy an expansion, and you can't get to the main LOTRO web site from the forum page. And this is hoping you don't get logged off while looking.
Speaking of Isengard, when I bought it, I had no code number and no indication that I was getting a code number for 8 solid hours. This is unacceptable.
And let's not forget Turbine's absolute lack of communicating with it's customers, especially with simply deleting and locking posts about forum performance issues and upcoming MMOs that people talk about in the off topic section.
And we have this thread about someone's character data being corrupted. There is a post in there stating that this has happened to someone multiple times and he was kind enough to give a set of instructions on how to recover your character.
You should NEVER in an MMO have to worry about your character data getting corrupted. This is supposed to be a AAA MMO.
As much as I love this game, I cannot recommend an MMO with a questionably run business. As cruddy as World of Warcraft(uh, that game bored me to tears) is, I never had a problem with Blizzard as a company.
I play on a nightly basis because I'm a lifetime member and LOTRO is a great game but the way it's run is sub par In MY Humble Opinion. I just feel sorry for the Devs not being able to do as much as they want to do.
*hits CTR-C just in case there is a log out*