My take as a hunter who has experienced the lvl75 endgame.
I'll read the thread later since it's mostly tl;dr.
But first and foremost: LESS ANIMATIONS PLEASE
My god the number of (long) animations is insane. Hunters can win an animation-emote battle. That is very sad. Please kill a few of these animations, streamline things. Or if a total revamp is done PLEASE don't put in too many animations. They're pretty and all but extremely impractical.
Next thing: Please take a good HARD look at the Focus Mechanic.
originally it was designed to supplement the hunts induction attacks, i take it? As this stand right now both our red and blue lines, and even our legacies, seem tied to the concept of a focus using hunter, or an induction using hunter. This should be trashed all together and rebuilt from the ground up. So the focus mechanic in and of itself should be very much scrutinized. Possibly removing it all together? One problem with it, that no other class faces, is that you LOSE focus pips while moving. This makes it so that in order to be an effective damaging class, they have to plan their feet and not move or they will lose the only thing they're good at: dealing damage.
Which leads to my next thing: Make hunters viable as a melee class too.
Who ever came up with the idea that a hunter should be horrible at melee, while never being able to be dynamic at range when dealing with a melee opponent?? Hunters can be separated from blackarrows in this respect if they are able to be deadly at close range as well as long. This will give them a unique play-style that is only shared with the warden (hint hint). Ofc i don't mean that a hunter should be able to do both at once, no. There should be tradeoffs. But it doesnt make sense to have a class who seems to be skilled enough to wield two weapons at once not be able to use them to any sort of effectiveness. Again, it makes the class clunky. Not sexy at all.
Another point: Make it so that not every new players LOVES the hunter, and only the hunter.
One big problem I've noticed is the massive population of hunters. And a question comes up as to why this is and the answer I've found is simple, it's the white elephant of the hunter world: our 40m range. it's so very convenient to kill something before it gets to you, it's so safe and reassuring, you always win, and everyone likes to always win. New players are deceived into believing this is how their class will always be through out the whole game so they stick with it. And honestly, why is it that new and inexperienced hunters instantly start out being able to accurately fire and hit a target at 40m, and never progress through out the game as being able to hit farther and farther as they gain experience? This has bothered me for some time. One idea is to reduce the newbie hunters range to a far more considerable range, i would say between 20m and 30m. Before anyone cries foul this would ACCOMPANY the other changes such as improved melee capability. This can help divert every single new player from "OMG hunter is so easy i love it" to "well, this class is cool too", hopefully with some changes to other classes that actually make their easier in the beginning, such as the loremaster, burglar, and tanking classes. (hint hint) You would be able to either passively increase your range as you gain levels, or increase your range through proper training, such as an archer line (as opposed to a melee line, hint hint,), or through legacies. This is something you devs can play with, PLEASE try out these ideas.
Legacies: redo em, redundant focus and induction legacies are SEVERELY outdated.
Legendary traits: not legendary at all, Complete overhaul, start from scratch.
Another gripe: What's with all the hunter consumables??? It's a long standing joke that a hunters best friend is a good scholar. Why is this? Why is hunter the only class that MUST remain constantly buffed with consumables to remain viable? Please remove offensive consumable buffs for hunters. This should have never existed. If hunter needs a consumable to not be gimped, it's a sign there's something wrong with the class.
One thing i would love to see with aforementioned changes/ideas: Moving stealth.
If hunters arent simply a derp-spam 40m range nunkers, then honestly moving stealth would make sense class-wise. This can be played with and tweaked, but the idea shouldn't be taken off the table so easily. Afterall since when does stalking prey mean you have to stand still all the time?
As a last thought, Can we please remember the class is Hunter, When you think of a hunter you shouldn't think of some dude with a bow who just shoots at stuff and falls over when hit by a strong wind. Hunter should seem more like a stealthy and deadly warrior who is as adept at melee as range, but obviously not both at the same time. And he should have as many tricks up his sleeve as a burglar when it comes to combat.
Hunters want a Ranger, not an Archer.
[highlight][color=black][size=2][B](•_•) Out numbered? Out gunned?
( •_•)>⌐■-■
(⌐■_■) Challenge Accepted[/B][/size][/color][/highlight]