What does a player bring to the table for the council
Originally Posted by
I think turbine will be able to tell the difference via the infraction log.
I submitted a nomination list that included people I disagree with fervently, and repeatedly because they represent a counter view, as well as some people that others feel are vitriolic because their smart, speak their mind fully and clearly, and represent a side I see as valuable to the council. Ideally what we want is a system of diversity and checks and balances. The more disagreement we could insert the better, and let the better ideas win from their own merit. So long as the "person" you mention does not embarrass the council he could be valuable if his "flaws?" were overlooked.
Interesting point of view: However, I am not a frequent forum visitor; but have more time in game than 90% of the players so the concept of using the forums as a gauge of communication style my not have much weight as opposed to what someone might bring to the table.
Featured player 2011
Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.