that's wired cause according to http://dailystats.theblackappendage....board/Nimrodel creeps have been leading since the the 15th and lots of creeps are starting to come out again
[FONT=lucida grande][B][COLOR=#FF0000][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#FF0000][FONT=lucida grande][B]YOLO HUNTER !!! Officer Riddles in the dark ....Best REAL hunter on server[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande]
Resorting to insults to someone's opinions. Wow...
<<<<<Self-Made Signature>>>>>
<<<Ask For One And I Can Make You One>>>
According to this , nimrodel action sucks :P
bigger server population ?
[FONT=lucida grande][B][COLOR=#FF0000][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#FF0000][FONT=lucida grande][B]YOLO HUNTER !!! Officer Riddles in the dark ....Best REAL hunter on server[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande]
i mean , the problem with nimrodel is that the same people make the difference in the balance , ROR : lots of creeps camping GV !! , U10 : most of that creeps flipped freepside and we had Grams Camps every day :/
You can see the same players that were playing OP spiders now playing their RK/Minstrel again
and finally !!! why i said action on nim sucks is because :
ROI : Ec---stab--TA----stab----EC
ROR : Gv---TR ----GV----TR-----GV----TR
U10 : Grams---lugz----grams---lugz
I love the community on nim but not the pvp action
Last edited by julio_0504; May 24 2013 at 10:24 PM.
Back on topic
I once saw Droilan one-shot TA. Not the tyrant mind you, the keep itself!
Only thing that made it possible though was a friendly cappy driveby crit buff.
Gungus - Captain
There more pvp in the forums or glff then in the moors right now imo lol
R.I.P Esfiel(Rank13) (Promotion Rank 7) BA(rank8) Spider(rank8) Coq(rank9)
1. Doilan can 1 shot my creeps in grams with him swinging his weapons it in GV.
2. It's true what Volo said, most of those are veterans.
3. Toq is a bad influence we all know that. U_U
4. You can't say it's a grams - lugz fight because I have been on lately and the fights have been TA mostly, if not they are moving around the map depending on the freep raid leader. Last time i logged in was about 3 days ago and the only places we didn't fight where DG and AOP. We even fought in almost all the outpost.
But yea, if you only log when its a GV or Grams camp and switch to the side winning that's all your going to get. I've been only playing my warg over 2 months now, for the moors and each time it goes to a GV camp I log of and go deeding or to do something else until freeps re group and push back the map.
Props to those veterans that are leading raids on both sides.
But I have to agree with what people are saying, the KB deeds where the last straw. I stopped paying my VIP because I wasn't going to go to a moors where you have to be a raidbaby to do something. So I rather be on my warg hunting people who think they are safe in a raid.
*Sorry for the errors, english isn't my first language*
I'm a human manifestation of all 7 Cardinal Sins.
Giovy (Captain Main) /Giiovy (Mini Sub Main) - Last Stand of Olorin(PvP/PvE Kin) - Brandywine (Main)
Giovy (Captain Main) /Zuheiry (LM Sub Main) - Exceptional(PvE T2c Raid Kin) - Nimrodel
First off, sorry about the incoming wall of text
I think that some of the action has been moved (somewhat) because of the stupid 'grams camp week' we had. Because let's face it, it was a Grams Camp. Yes, it moved to Lugz, but only as Kumitz proudly said in OOC, 'this how we make renown'. For the most part of the week, I'd log in, ask action, be at Grams.. ./yawn. I think by the time it was done, there were several of us that refused to take part in it, some would switch to creepside, I sat on the sideline. Others were still there blissfully under the impression of the constant rinse and repeat action (what I'd consider farming in a PvE sense) was PvP action.
Now, when there's a mention of moving to Grams, I try to take the group away from it. Granted, doesn't always work, can't always get people to understand of how to 'keep the creeps happy' in order to maintain somewhat action. I will say that PvP has been getting better slightly, people are going to QQ either side, it's going to be the nature of PvP, there will be a winner, there will be a loser (Unless you have a full on raid double KB, which case I'd pay good money to see that).
Oh as for GV Camps? Well... I do sometimes like them for a while since it's right next to our guaranteed rez so you can quickly get back to the fight. This doesn't stop my suicidal attempts, if I see something I can kill, I'm normally going in. (QQs at WL bubbles here)
Credits got to go to The Fallen guys who will switch sides trying to balance out the PvP, I'm sure there are others, but I just like targeting Shwasted's warg xD. I think that until people learn how to compensate for the current PvP imbalance (won't discuss this, as several more experience players have already expressed their views) by sort of working with the other side to maintain 'action' it will die. Yes, total domination may be your type of gameplay, but by doing so, you'll kill action. What if it flipped and you were on the other side? This is mainly for the Outposts, I personally don't give a &&&& about the renown buffs from the keeps. Yes, I may have recently since I was trying to push for R9 before I left for the summer when I knew I'd be playing less, but normally I don't really care.
As for the actual thread? I've run into Droi on the rare occasion thinking I've got a champ, how hard can a champ be? Hang on... where'd my morale go?
Last edited by sp33dccm; Jun 06 2013 at 07:27 PM.
Thanks for saying everything i have been thinking u make some awsome points here and u may get some hate for it but screw them this needed to be said only problem i dont think its gonna help in any way but again tyvm ....btw thanks for the mention of kicking my &&&&&& bk warg's butt lmao
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
What the hell happened to this thread?