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I realize before i even write this post it may well be a waste of time but im just that bored im going to write it anyway
In my short time playing this game i have noticed that creeps in pvmp on this server are extremely disorganized, uncoordinated and lack any real leadership since most the raid leaders either left the server or quit the game.
What i want to do is write a tiny basic guide on Leading for newbies to see if i can help out any. and i know im not the best leader out there myself but every little helps right?
If i can help a couple new creeps break the frequent rez camps then im going to try.
These are my own opinions so i know alot will need changed or added so help me out here guys.
They are mostly going to be bullet points of tips i guess.
Extremely Basic Raid Tips:
Target Callers:
Target callers should have a working mic that enables the raid to clearly hear them calling the names of targets. While it is important to make sure all the dps in the raid is focusing your targets it is also vital that you are calling targets that will actually die, I see a lot of target callers picking out wardens that have 3 minstrels behind them healing and never call for someone to CC the minstrel and work on those first.
Another problem would be target callers lack of situational awareness in regards to their healers. The healers job is to keep the raid alive, they cant do that with champs beating on them while no one is helping them out. Have spiders drop webs on your healers to slow whatever is attacking them and focus them down until they at least leave the healer alone and run off if nothing else.
In my experience I find it best to have both a melee and a ranged target assist,
While the melee can be picking out a healer in the back the ranged dps could be keeping focus fire on another healer to keep it from fully healing the other target under fire .
A good target caller will always constantly be switching targets finding both the squishy kills to land quick kills and get them out the way and healers that need taken out in order to get more kills and ultimately wipe the other side or force them to retreat.
It is imperative if you are main healing a large raid that you are built for healing and not slotting dps corruptions such as 6 crit ratings. Go for more morale and/or crit defence to minimize both the chance that the dps will target you first for having low morale and the ability to take more damage without being burned down instantly.
Positioning for healers is also very important, don’t be up in the front line getting beat on if you can help it, position yourself so you can hit max targets with you AOE heals whilst being close to the main bulk of the group so you have a crowd protection around you.
Max audacity is also vital, without this you will be CC’d for longer durations and you will take more damage.
Bubbles and rezzes should be talked about before the raid sets out, determine what order you healers will be popping bubbles and rezzes in when the leader calls for them or the situation requires them. There is nothing worse than 2 people blowing their bubble on the same guy and wasting one. Rezzes should not be used just because one person dies, warleader rez can bring up 5 people at once use it carefully to keep the fight going longer.
Raid Leaders:
A good raid leader will be constantly moving, helping the raid move around the map finding fights and keeping control over everyone. Keep the raid tightly balled up when moving to eliminate the chance of getting spread out and picked off one by one.
Know the map well and how to use it strategically to your advantage such as flanks in high traffic areas where freep raids move across or through often such as mapping Good lugz and coming behind a freep raid that is camping the peak of lugz hill just as a group of creeps move out from grams. We have maps for a good reason so use them to your advantage.
Make sure all your raid members have voice enabled even if they don’t have a mic, they need to be able to hear both you and the target callers. Also make sure they have the target assist window open and are all able to see the assists targets and select them.
Stay in control of the raid. Don’t let them scatter when you get ambushed, usually the first group to turn tail and run Is the group that wipes.
When pushing or flanking into a freep raid don’t just target whatever is closest for that reason, have your reavers and warleaders and even BA’s push right into and through the group causing them to scatter. Drop fire traps, snares and webs to slow and disorganize them then have spiders fall back to the defilers and make sure they are not being ganked by burgs while still CCing the freep healers and putting out steady DoTs and debuffs on them even if the target assist is on someone different.
Make sure your healers have a pre-detirmed rez and bubble order so when you call it. 5 rezzes don’t go off at once, they are golden and can’t be wasted.
Do not rage at yourself or your raid if you wipe. Discuss what went wrong or went right and learn from it for the next push.
Part of your job is not just to make sure the target callers are picking suitable targets and your raid is targeting with the assist panel, providing the raid with good flanking opportunities and positioning over the opposing raid, its also making sure the healers are not being attacks and calling for the dps to help them out when they are, if your healers die there is a strong chance you will wipe.
Make sure your raid are fulfilling their roles. Spiders not using their CC and trying to fight up in melee range all the time for example or wargs not using their silences to keep healers locked down.
Optimize groups
Example: Don’t hog all the defilers in your own group, spread them across the raid so other groups benefit from AOE heals too. Make sure each group has a ranged dps so if it’s a ranged only target all groups get infamy and not just the group filled with BA’s.
Don’t allow your raid to be rez camped. Map somewhere else immediately and keep the fight going elsewhere, if you are being outnumbered or outmatched use a keep you control to fall back to, that is the only reason they are there.
It is not a good idea to try and pve the whole map red just so you get more infamy or have all the rez circles. Sometimes it is best to let the freeps own certain things as you can use that to your advantage. For example if they own TR rez and you are fighting at TA, you know which direction they will be heading back from, you can set up a flank accordingly.
Pveing the whole map red will kill your infamy more than make it. The freeps will either log, PVE back everything themselves or simply outmatch you by calling in a lot more. Be sensible, fair and have good fights.
Well thats my two cents i guess.
I Just want to Enjoy Pvmp while we can in this game so anything i can do to help it be a little bit better im going to try.
I think every saturday we should organize a raid v raid night. So that way people expect it. This way its not a raid running across solos all night and they can counter each other and most importantly new players can experience raiding properly and even learn to lead and get to learn their class roles and not just tag along like usual, spamming skills at anyone thats closest to them.