lol, this is too funny XD sapience needs to win just because of this.
Originally Posted by
All I will ask is that you reduce it down to meet the 350px wide x 125 px high signature requirement, please.
it's weird how the old signitures are too large for that. I actually spent a good hour+ on paint remaking my old one to by a single pixle short of your height allowed. but it's still 14px to wide.
it's also weird that, by default, you have 1 line above your signiture unused, and 2 lines below. with my screen having 2 full posts maximum on screen at once of which most is not information posted (but saved stuff like sig/avatar/quote). I have ~13.5% of my browsers screen taken up by unused signiture space.
a signiture like mine, almost exactly 125px high, taking up ~18%. you could allow a picture/text space much larger by removing said uneeded gaps
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