Originally Posted by
Hm, the way I remember it was somebody volunteered to do one, Sapience said something about go ahead and make them and he'd review them and post them. Not that they were "so good" they were allowed to stand as official.
Some of the classes are still unfinished so even the player class guides may be more "it's supposed to be this" rather than this is how it is. Minstrel for example is expected to have a number of changes in December because they were unfinished before release. Why have an official Turbine class change guide for something that's not done?
Yup Beanie... I think there was some real passion shown by the people doing those guides... one of the very few positive things in our months of BETA IMO.
Why not latch onto it, exploit it and milk it for whatever it's worth? (I'm feeling very cynical about all things Trees = can you tell? )
[color=limegreen][b]Wulfgrim Ghastban, Hrothwine and Galdrefyst of Rohan - Peckish of the Shire -- Riddermark[/b][/color]
“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” JRRT