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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Crit responses and All In

    I am playing a gambler burglar right now. I am having a couple of issues.

    1. I was getting used to the autoskill bar on the guardian and captain. My burglar is not getting crit responses on my autoskill bar. This would be nice since I have 2 crit responses and 2 follow ups to pick from. Gambler's Advantage>Blind Bet or Double-Edged Strike>Exposed Throat. Instead of using 4 slots on my main action bar, I thought I would be able to pick and choose using the autoskill.

    2. Maybe I am missing a skill or a mechanic here, but, if I pop All In, kill the group of mobs, then move on, I am getting the debuff. Is Killing Blow a skill I am not seeing yet (only level 60), or is Killing Blow defeating the mob before the All In buff wears off?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by badassninja View Post

    2. Maybe I am missing a skill or a mechanic here, but, if I pop All In, kill the group of mobs, then move on, I am getting the debuff. Is Killing Blow a skill I am not seeing yet (only level 60), or is Killing Blow defeating the mob before the All In buff wears off?
    Afaik All in will put a mark on a mob u used All in on and you have 15 secs to kill that certain mob or you get negative effect.
    Naius - Burglar of Withywindle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    All In should check (while the buff is active) to see if you or a Fellowship member defeat an enemy. If you defeat an enemy, it should prevent you from getting the debuff.

    Please /bug it if that's not what currently happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX View Post
    All In should check (while the buff is active) to see if you or a Fellowship member defeat an enemy. If you defeat an enemy, it should prevent you from getting the debuff.

    Please /bug it if that's not what currently happens.
    Does the same mob need to be targeted by you to get the defeat response?
    Ie., 2 mobs, I am engaged with one (it's my target).. it's low on morale, I hit All in, then apply a bleed that will defeat it in the alloted time.. I then switch targets to the second mob. Mob 1 dies, mob 2 is still alive. Time runs out on the All In window. Will it then apply a buff or debuff?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootstwaddle View Post
    Does the same mob need to be targeted by you to get the defeat response?
    Ie., 2 mobs, I am engaged with one (it's my target).. it's low on morale, I hit All in, then apply a bleed that will defeat it in the alloted time.. I then switch targets to the second mob. Mob 1 dies, mob 2 is still alive. Time runs out on the All In window. Will it then apply a buff or debuff?
    It *should* just go "Hey, did I get credit for defeating someone?" I don't believe you actively need to target someone to have it count.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I tried to reproduce the All In bug today on Burglar. First, I used All In on a solo target, worked exactly as stated. I killed the mob, got no debuff. I then tried on two targets, used All In, killed the first and then ran around until the buff expired. The buff expired while the second was still up, no debuff. The skill seems to be working as stated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by badassninja View Post
    I tried to reproduce the All In bug today on Burglar. First, I used All In on a solo target, worked exactly as stated. I killed the mob, got no debuff. I then tried on two targets, used All In, killed the first and then ran around until the buff expired. The buff expired while the second was still up, no debuff. The skill seems to be working as stated.
    OK thank you. There were issues with the skill not preventing the debuff in some of the earlier betas, but I was pretty sure I fixed it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    i think there is a problem with the +All In duration legacy. if i kill stuff in the first 15sec (but nothing in the last 15) i still get the debuff after All In wears off. it seems there is no defeat check in the first 15sec (which come from the legacy i suppose)

    i guess that is not WAI, right? i get a 30sec window to kill stuff, but only if it takes me 16seconds or more the debuff is prevented... makes it really hard to time and nearly useless vs. landscape mobs.

    btw thanks for checking in on us. i really like the new gambler burg, thanks for all your efforts!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalyna View Post
    i think there is a problem with the +All In duration legacy. if i kill stuff in the first 15sec (but nothing in the last 15) i still get the debuff after All In wears off. it seems there is no defeat check in the first 15sec (which come from the legacy i suppose)

    i guess that is not WAI, right? i get a 30sec window to kill stuff, but only if it takes me 16seconds or more the debuff is prevented... makes it really hard to time and nearly useless vs. landscape mobs.

    btw thanks for checking in on us. i really like the new gambler burg, thanks for all your efforts!
    Well, the check occurs when the buff wears off. If the Legacy is adding wierdness to it, please definitely /bug it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    ok so when All In wears off the check is "did anything die in the last 15seconds". this check should be changed to "did anything die in the last 30seconds" when using the (maxed out) legacy. which i think it doesnt. will /bug it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    to the topic of bugs: (wanted to /bug it in game but waited ages and the window didnt load)

    Stun dust from QK line does actually 3s stun instead of 5s. It seems like the duration starts ticking with the start of animation and the actual stun starts 2 seconds after, therefore theres just 3 seconds of stun, maybe less.
    Naius - Burglar of Withywindle

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I can verify that there seems to be an issue with All In and the buff duration legacy. If I defeat in the first 15 seconds, but not in the last 15, I get the debuff, which I shouldn't.

    I am even seeing some strange behavior with mob groups and the debuff applying even if I defeat a mob in the last 15 seconds. For example, when fighting the groups of 3 toads in Dunbog, if I take down the first two before the first 15 seconds are up, and damage the third before the first 15 seconds are up (say with 17 seconds left), even when defeated the last toad before the 30 second timer expires, the debuff is being applied. However, if I defeat the first 2 in the first 15 seconds, and do not damage the third until the final 15 seconds, and defeat it, the debuff does not apply, as it shouldn't.

    I have /bugged this detailing both of these cases. Hopefully this is something that can be fixed relatively easily.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX View Post
    Well, the check occurs when the buff wears off. If the Legacy is adding wierdness to it, please definitely /bug it.
    There does seem to be a bug. If you kill a mob in the first X seconds, granted by the +X All in Buff Duration legacy, then you'll get the debuff when the buff expires.

    And, I'd love to use the /bug as you suggest, but "parature" is currently down. So, would you kindly fix this bug? And, if you get around to it, fix /bug's bug.



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