what time does the yule festival start?
what time does the yule festival start?
AshBrockDawn | Rockmor | Moriak | Thamor | Ranak
Server: Eldar
Calender shows it starting at 2AM on the 19th for me - which would make it 10AM on the 18th /servertime... if my math is correct.
[COLOR=#ffd700]I'm a Banana[/COLOR]
The Yule Festival will start today at any moment! https://www.lotro.com/forums/calenda...2013-12-18&c=1![]()
Last edited by YamydeAragon; Dec 18 2013 at 09:04 AM.
Generally speaking festivals start sometime between 10AM and Noon Eastern time. So you should be seeing NPCs arrive in game shortly.