Character Name: Mains right now : Hullis (human farmer/champion lvl 11, Slowtro playstyle), Khalzi (Gritty, Dwarf hunter, lvl 10, Immersion playstyle),
Others--- Shalria (human burglar, lvl 16), Kaldregar (LM, lvl 41)
Location: USA / Midwest
Age: 47
Server: Laurelin
Playstyle: Lots of time solo but I love Mid to Heavy RP.
MMO Games You've Played: Lots of them. City of Heroes was my big game for a long time, Asheron's Call, WoW, Second Life, others... (Played on MUSHes before that!)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:I've come back to LOTRO after some time off. I'm a mature gamer with a healthy knowledge of proper roleplaying etiquette. In RL I'm a professional and understand the need for clear communication, timeliness and accountability. I try to bring these things to any group I'm with as well. I'm very creative, a writer, a voice actor and love great improv. roleplaying sessions. For a sense of my style check out my recent posting on the Laurelin forum board. It talks about how I'm trying to see if I can jump start a common farmer character with roleplay IN game and not through any story elements of my creation.
Here's the link. Pretty tough but we'll see how it goes!
What kind of kinship are you looking for: I'm looking for a group of mature, creative folks that understand/tolerate immersion play and building characters from the ground up that have a range of events and happenings. I like the ideas of markets, musical gatherings, horse races and any other creative adventure! I love good RP as long as it moves things forward. I'm a very busy guy with a family so my play time is limited to some weekday evenings and weekend mornings before the family gets up and going. (The times I could attend an event on a Saturday or Friday night would be few indeed!)
Contact: Feel free to contact me through Hullis or Khalzi in-game. (They are my main chars right now.) I'll check PM's here but less often!