So, where did all the players of long, long ago end up?
So, where did all the players of long, long ago end up?
Vhael Hunter - Spykd Warden - Vhaelan Lore-Master - Vhaele Champion - Vhaell Burglar
Vhaelor Captain - Vhaeleau Guardian - Vhaelere Minstral - Vhaelras Rune Keeper
Mostly playing games which support PvP and raiding.
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
- Will Rogers
While I appreciate your snarkiness, really I do, this is also not very informative.
For instance, I tried out SWTOR before moving on to GW2. This thread is an attempt to find out what happened to the other fine people, like myself, that made this server so great back in the day.
Vhael Hunter - Spykd Warden - Vhaelan Lore-Master - Vhaele Champion - Vhaell Burglar
Vhaelor Captain - Vhaeleau Guardian - Vhaelere Minstral - Vhaelras Rune Keeper
I had the same question on my home server after I returned from a 2 yr break, and got pounded by the new pvmp'ers because I stated the "new" crowd has ruined the
I've been on the same server since I started, with the same two characters.
I have noticed that the starting regions are pretty much dead. I see virtually no one in Bree, Lone Lands, or the Trollshaws these days if I run through them just for fun.
Rohan and West Gondor seem to be a bit more lively, which is understandable.
[b]Condall Derimar of Dale,
Friend of the Eagles[/b]
[b]Community member since '03[/b]
Hi Vhael,
I stopped playing Lotro on a daily basis about two years ago for a variety of reasons. But, I still pop in from time to time to say hi to kinnies & friends and to pay my rentI've played SWTOR, Diablo 3, STO and a few other games but none have had the lasting hold that Lotro still has for me. One day, I swear, I will return to Middle Earth!
Jaadzira bint Halla, Haradrim Lore-mistress
I've come back for a while to do the 95-100 levelup and to work through the DA RNG grind. I took a break for several months earlier this year when I heard that Diablo 3 had done a major overhaul and was much improved. Most of my old kinmates (Hall of Fire and Preying Mantis) have moved on to other games. Most of them were pretty dedicated endgame players, and, well...that's just not the direction this game has gone in.
armor-plated since SoA alpha 3
arkenstone: roxxi manor
I'm a Founder... started playing in beta and still play a few nights a week. Wife is also a Founder and plays frequently as well.
Open beta. Still play, not as regularly as I once did-- do other things on another server on occasion + RL.
Joined for Tolkien and stay for Tolkien, but not as on as often perhaps due to lack of new group endgame. Was on a bit more for TC stuff admittedly, but... not quite the same.
Lots of old kinnies from Hall of Fire have moved on to other games. Wildstar is popular now; was also GW2 and TOR.
RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
Landroval: LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL
Now I'm seeing some familiar faces!
Hey Jaad!
I'm in agreement with you. The community in Lotro was like no other I've come across. While I'm playing GW2 and have met a ton of cool new people, my heart will always go back to the old days of Lotro.
Whether it was running raids or just trolling people in glff, fun times were had by
A quick nod to my old kins: Knights of Amon Sul, Animus, and Nemesis. May time find you all well and happy!
PM me for contact updates.
Vhael Hunter - Spykd Warden - Vhaelan Lore-Master - Vhaele Champion - Vhaell Burglar
Vhaelor Captain - Vhaeleau Guardian - Vhaelere Minstral - Vhaelras Rune Keeper
I still pop in and play, I don't know if it's the story, the people, or the ease of just logging in and playing for a while, but LOTRO still has it's hooks in me since my first days in open beta. Glad to see some old faces here too!
Theodhelm - Captain | Junkyard - Stalker
Previously from ~Elendilmir Server~ the [Jewelled Bell] of servers
Closed beta and founder, been on Easy E my entire time. Used to play daily and had a blast in game but over the years much as it does life takes center stage. I have recently begun to log in again because I have also played FF XIV since closed beta and was a 1.0 CE owner, truly an amazing game but like most games now it has begun to bore me, so alas I am returning to my roots but to be honest, the game just failed to grow in the industry. In my opinion its the same content released every update, gear does nothing to make you feel as if you have accomplished anything in terms of "epicness", several systems have been broken for many years and have not been addressed and in fairness, I genuinely believe WB and the former greedy heads of Turbine killed what could have been a truly amazing MMO. To me there hasn't been a legit reason to play since MoM, that may be blasphemy to some but again, just opinion. If WB and Turbine were to give the game an aesthetic overhaul (mainly char and NPC models, UI and attack animations) and stop using what at release was already an outdated game engine, they could take it places. As someone who works in advertising I also find it appalling that WB and Turbine fail to market the game in any successful capacity as well.
"Only men who have died in battle have seen the end of war"
I still see people on a daily to weekly basis that I've played with since 2007. Others have followed their own path or sailed into the West, so to say.
Elendilmir - Officer of the Mithril Crowns (The Oldest Kinship in LOTRO)
"It doesn't matter how well you play, only how good you look while playing."
Hey there Papa!
WvW is the only thing I do in GW2 anymore. I see you there too (friends list). You're in HB.
They were the last two I kept in touch with, so that's where they went...
Perhaps a Nemesis reunion once again in the next game...?
Good to see old that you're old
Vhael Hunter - Spykd Warden - Vhaelan Lore-Master - Vhaele Champion - Vhaell Burglar
Vhaelor Captain - Vhaeleau Guardian - Vhaelere Minstral - Vhaelras Rune Keeper
This lifetime founder hasn't gone anywhere. Still rockin' it on Elendilmir with wonderul buddies. Trusty familiar ones (like above) I've known for some years now. And now, new ones who I consider a treasure just as much as the oldies.Not creeping as much as I used to, but my LM has been buried with so many things to do with a very busy kinship. And since she has the audacity gear, I have on occasion brought her out to the Moors. I'm so glad for Norb and others, trying to revive E's Moors. (IF (big If)LI's would stop being such jerks on Reforge and give me my 5 majors! I'll drag my LM out more often.)
*huggles the Warg-bait!* Hoo Ha Hah!
Same Griffy, same Lore-mistress, same alts plus some more, same neglected hungry wargie, same [Jingle Jangle] Server, only a different kin.
Into The West![]()
!<3?!Wargs Rule!!?<3! But only because we have no playable feline races.
???s6u!?? 3?!?o?@? ?w ?o m3? @ 3?@ 3s3??*s6u!s* ¡?w ?o ?s3!6?@M pu@ 's3ss3??s!w-3?ol 's3s?l3?
Founder & Altoholic: playing wargies and loremistresses since 2006 SoA beta.*Jingle Jangle!*
A "lifetime" of play on: Elendilmir (RIP), Crick, Landy, & more.
I got into ESO, been unhappy with the game since faildormore but keep wanting to come back and hope for something different. Its kind of like rereading a Game of Thrones novel... you hope a few things come out different but they stay the same.....
Took a new job in a charming community called Pollok Pines, California. Lately we have this marvelous new lighting system along Highway 50 and throughout the mountains. It also is great for keeping warmer than you might want to be if you get too close. In fact it made my cabin so warm that work sent me off to a different cabin in a place called Pleasant Valley. The air quality is rather unpleasant at the moment. But years of forest mismanagement coupled with the exact opposite in rampant environmentalism kinda made a bad situation worse, as most uncompromising situations often are. Desolation is still beautiful and might throw some photos of it up at some point.
Cynicism aside I see my kids a ton more than I did in the past few years, I play my guitars a ton more, picked up a Sheraton II, my first electric, and love the hell out of her. New Laptop and so much damn overtime I am starting to turn it down more.
Do I miss the game as it was pre Helm's Deep? Hell yeah. I even put it on the new computer but keep getting error 201. trying a reinstall atm... maybe play eventually. If I do the two places I want to hit first are the Moors and Evendim(still my favorite place in game). Like the Doctor "I will come back. Yes I will come back. Simply go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine." That's the original Doctor, Hartnell....
In the meantime Good Hunting.
A cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about- The Master
I've been kinless for a few years now, most folks have moved on (I don't blame any of them).
The lack of group content is the main cause obviously. I'm lifer (and open beta player) and that's pretty much the only reason why I still log on here and there.
PS: I can't wait to grind 3 new reputation factions in u15. The rewards are awesome: pets. /sarcasm off
Aldursil 140 Champion Edved 140 Captain Roovery 140 Minstrel Galathriell 140 Lore-Master EddieVedder 140 Rune-Keeper
griffy! Whiskey, Dren, GriZLark (brought the bow) PVE rmour providers /bow, Paso, Boldwin, Zemeria, Lingela ( your cappyness was unsung/comparable *scuze me* to Eaola and kryptic), Alzie(Skewr *Swell* says hi!) bringin the fodder!!! brand, katzblag. Babycake (the TM ) , Bele, Wiggum ( my bro 4 sho) FF, RambleOn and Apex (sully) for bringin'... Alzie, Audrey, and Melody for bringin' restless goods to big "E" !!! Off Peak should be heralded as scouts of melodramatic and NOT the deviants to BIG "E"..... OP only wanted Elendilmir "LOTRO" to better wiith no note to their beginning or (our) the struggle of middle earth...Please recognise Elendilmir when Off Peak and Fire Fighters decided They would Bring it... you dont know game beyond the OP and FF strategies... it is known...recognize...much love - Swell
Minstrels: Heal your group in Warspeech
I'm also on Elendilmir and I'm not leaving. I've been a community member since 2003 when the forums first came alive when I was a kid and guys and gals like MAWorking, RealDeal, Morfang, futsie, Phorgil, and Thingol roamed around here. The old MEO community was extremely special, and I doubt we'll ever see anything like it again. I'm fortunate enough that I'm on a first name basis and have established friendships that have lasted over ten years because of this game. I began playing right when the game came out, I've kept the same character and backstory this whole time. There's no way I'm ever going to stop playing unless Turbine draws this game to an end, I'll be the last character playing if I have to be. The chance to experience Middle-Earth in any capacity is something to be grateful for by itself.
[b]Condall Derimar of Dale,
Friend of the Eagles[/b]
[b]Community member since '03[/b]