Originally Posted by
Basically, hold a 1v1 pvp tournament or whatever and give away all your worthless gold/symbols/essences away as prizes then profit from the shenanigans. I'll even give you a headline:
RIP (riddermark invitational party) pvp tournament
/ooc: recon reports a soloer, come and get it (who's that warg?)
we could use some Satire there old pal
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)