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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Developer Diary: Episodic Content

    One of LOTRO's defining features (and indeed a defining feature of all the MMOs we have developed) has been the steady release of updates and patches that expand the game in every direction. There have been more than thirty major updates to LOTRO over its history, adding new regions, new dungeons, new quests, and new stories to the world of Middle-earth. The release of a new update sees us excitedly checking the chat in-game and reading the forums to see what players think of the new content and to get ideas for the next update. And then we put our heads down and get to work on everything to include in the next one. Read more here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    One of LOTRO's defining features (and indeed a defining feature of all the MMOs we have developed) has been the steady release of updates and patches that expand the game in every direction. There have been more than thirty major updates to LOTRO over its history, adding new regions, new dungeons, new quests, and new stories to the world of Middle-earth. The release of a new update sees us excitedly checking the chat in-game and reading the forums to see what players think of the new content and to get ideas for the next update. And then we put our heads down and get to work on everything to include in the next one. Read more here.
    Thank you for this - thank all those involved I look forward to reading it!

    'I'm a hunter, I have all the defensive capability of a wet dishrag' - Lothhil

  3. #3
    Episodic content for casual gamer, as planned. But new PvMP map + new monster update are awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    PvMP is one area where the excitement level remains high between updates, by virtue of its dynamic nature. The Ettenmoors aren't always overflowing, but this is an area where much of the fun is player-created. The battles can be different every night, which has always contributed to the longevity of that Freeps and Creeps battleground.
    I laughed.
    Last edited by Papou_sous_la_montagne; Jul 20 2015 at 09:16 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Papou_sous_la_montagne View Post
    I laughed.
    He clearly means a different zerg every night.
    Snowbourn - Commander Shakbasher - Lieutenant Glurf

    Warriors of The Great Eye

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    One possible answer was hiding in plain sight: every Monday morning, groups of developers would gather in the Content Pit to talk about the previous evening's TV.
    So.... basically you were goofing off?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Question: Have you implemented all 52 quests already or are you going to make it up as you go along? (emergent gameplay or whatever)

    Question: If you haven't implemented all of them already is there a risk that you will miss a week due to other (unforseen) priorities?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Thumbs up

    Very excited for this!

    I always hoped the devs will find a way to revitalize older game zones that have already been "played through", and this sounds like just such a solution. It will be a joy to have a reason to go back through some favorite SoA regions. It's always a bit sad to be "done" with a region after completing every single quest and deed there. And I hope more of such dynamic content will arrive in the future, that makes new and nuanced uses of older zones.
    Éalá Éarendel engla beorhtast,
    ofer middangeard monnum sended,
    ond sóð
    fæsta sunnan léoma,
    torht ofer tung
    las, þú tída gehwane,
    of sylfum þé symle inlíhtes!

    "Leaving the game plan is a sign of panic, and panic is not in our game plan." - Chuck Noll

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I'm excited! I've been on tenterhooks since Donnamira Took showed up in the Thain's library in Tuckborough.

    Unfortunately I recently started slowly leveling my long-time level 8 hobbit max-guilded scholar, so I'm going to have to pick or start another [Stone of the Tortoise]d character to do the Bingo Boffin Bash on-level. But which server? Any guesses on which servers will be voted off the island first? With a year's worth of Bingomania I'd like to make sure I have at least one character going through it "live".

    Thanks, MoL!
    Tuco of the Quick Post

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tuco View Post
    I'm excited! I've been on tenterhooks since Donnamira Took showed up in the Thain's library in Tuckborough!
    Me too! Although I do admit I was tempted to take her away after she appeared and threatened to spoil what was coming, you guys were so welcoming to her that I decided to let her stay.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Papou_sous_la_montagne View Post
    Episodic content for casual gamer, as planned. But new PvMP map + new monster update are awesome.

    I laughed.
    How can u like the new map its just the same as the old lugz grams shuffle but in a smaller area so more hugging 1 shots
    Maltazard 100 Lore-Master Bloodsspears 100 Warden Goldhunter-1 100 Hunter Sparklie 100 Rune-Keeper Brandywine

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by q945 View Post
    Question: If you haven't implemented all of them already is there a risk that you will miss a week?
    According to projections, the implementation of the entire event is far enough along that there shouldn't be a problem. I've been working on it since last fall, so the time for 'making it up as we go along' is well past.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    According to projections, the implementation of the entire event is far enough along that there shouldn't be a problem. I've been working on it since last fall, so the time for 'making it up as we go along' is well past.

    I realized today there was a graphical revamp on the Barrow Downs. Does this new episodic content mean new graphics on the old areas?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    This sounds both innovative and inclusive

    I know our kin keeps getting a few new/returning players every week. This is something all can enjoy, no matter how long they've been in Middle Earth.

    Hmm, I'll have to check my family tree--I think we had a few Boffins sprinkled in there a while back. Maybe Bingo is a long lost cousin.
    LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DiogoVP View Post
    I realized today there was a graphical revamp on the Barrow Downs. Does this new episodic content mean new graphics on the old areas?
    Occasionally! When reviewing the Bingo quest content, our Art Director saw a few places he wanted to touch up, so some regions might have gotten a few new coats of paint.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    What sort of quests can we expect? Are they simple "Grab Ten X and Bring Them To Me" type quests? Will they be completed in like five minutes or will they be long and drawn out? Being the pessimist I am, I don't see this holding my attention at all until it's fully released if I can complete each week's single quest in a matter of minutes.
    Tolella Hlothran ~ Minstrel ~ 115
    Officer ~ Phoenix Rising

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Occasionally! When reviewing the Bingo quest content, our Art Director saw a few places he wanted to touch up, so some regions might have gotten a few new coats of paint.
    Ah, sneaking work on old areas into the development budget. Clever. “I swear it's to support new content, boss!”

    Here’s hoping Bingo visits that ramp leading up to the front door of Thorin’s Hall…

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bingo Boffin: The journey is so close now!

    This somehow reminds me of the journey a lot of us are going on during the next weeks. Can't wait for it to start! *fidgeting impatiently*

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Could you please lower the respawn timer for items we have to pick up during these quests? People are already piling up, waiting for the walking stick or the bag to show up again. Please also keep that in mind for the future quests.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fratonia View Post
    Could you please lower the respawn timer for items we have to pick up during these quests? People are already piling up, waiting for the walking stick or the bag to show up again. Please also keep that in mind for the future quests.
    It shouldn't be a problem for future Bingo quests, since the item interactions for most of them are done on a client-side basis; these items in Week 5 slipped through the cracks and were made in the original item respawn style that LOTRO had at launch. It's an inconvenient reminder of the way MMOs used to be, when we had to form orderly lines to get the items we wanted. One difference with these items is that the respawn timer is one minute, when back in the old days it might have been five or eight minutes! I'm working on a solution for these Week 5 items that will make them respawn in 10 seconds instead.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Occasionally! When reviewing the Bingo quest content, our Art Director saw a few places he wanted to touch up, so some regions might have gotten a few new coats of paint.

    For a while i was puzzled a lot about this change in Barrowdowns... Wonderd if something changed in my PS, in my DX driver, or whatever else, checked graphical settings and all...

    Now i know, and thanks for making this change
    Thank you, Turbine, for listening and giving us an opt-out of FE! Good work!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Wow, the new episode allowed me to invite the brave hobbit girl Marigold to my home. Wonderful.

    Now I can also display the relics I collected in Annuminas during last week.



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