After 4 hrs since downtime started I bet a lot of people are asking the same question. What I am curious about is ..... why does a 'hotfix' take 6 hrs in the first place? hehe
After 4 hrs since downtime started I bet a lot of people are asking the same question. What I am curious about is ..... why does a 'hotfix' take 6 hrs in the first place? hehe
I would think the time is needed to test out the hotfix before it goes live, to make sure something didn't get worse? More often than not, they have been getting hotfixes and updates done sooner than anticipated. Staying optimistic this morning!
I would think the time is needed to test out the hotfix before it goes live, to make sure something didn't get worse? More often than not, they have been getting hotfixes and updates done sooner than anticipated. Staying optimistic this morning!
My response was tongue-in-cheek, I was referring to the relation between the term "HOTfix" and the 6 hr downtime required. Isn't that more like a "LUKEWARMfix" or "ROOMTEMPERATUREfix"?
I have nothing but kudos for the tech team, but sometimes the downtime required for what eventually turns out to be trivial changes is quite extensive. A lot of rumors fly around as to why it takes so long but perhaps a lil Official explanation from the devs would help to sooth peoples nerves while they suffer from LOTRO withdrawal?
Since the Team is aware that the server will be brought down at a specific time, maybe post the release/hotfix notes 2 minutes before that happens?
BTW, The posted performance fixes for MT area are GREATLY appreciated, as is the floor tile fix for DA!
Jus' sayin'
Yeah except that sometimes things don't work the way they should and then - last-minute - they're not being released. They'd be on the release notes but not in the game. Imagine the flaming here... Oh and what good are release-notes in a forum that's down for maintenance?
However I wonder why it's so important. You can't even check if this stuff's really working, as long as the game's down. These notes could be posted the minute we can log in again if it was for me...
And I don't understand the flaming on downtimes anyways. I don't think they'd take the game down and then go for a 6hour-coffee-break. This game is still the income of our devs, they won't take it offline for no reason and keep it down longer than necessary.
Last edited by GithlithMonaghan; Nov 18 2015 at 12:03 PM.
After 4 hrs since downtime started I bet a lot of people are asking the same question. What I am curious about is ..... why does a 'hotfix' take 6 hrs in the first place? hehe
This was also a maintenance window for our entire WB Games back end including the Account sites which is why all websites were down as well as games.
Again they go passed the time they posted. 6-12 should have been enought time to do all they wanted. Remember, Measure twice cut once is good way of doing things.