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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Laerien View Post
    I did not implied anything I asked how affects you that someone can solo group content. After your first answer, your explanation is quite clear:

    "But just to be clear, if a single class can solo content that is supposed to be designed for group content then there is a flaw with the actual content and/or the classes themselves. With LOTRO, I'd argue it is a little of both. There really is no further explanation needed. The fact that it needed to be said speaks volumes about the current player base (you) and explains the current state of the game."

    Soloing group content in LotRO is not something new and it has not been exclusive of the warden class. There are plenty of examples of WoW raids solo with 5-10 levels of difference.

    Obviously the developers are designing content to incentivate grouping; no, it is not just "a single class can do it", some players under certain conditions. But still, it does not affect you; nor the game. Your "request for balance" is not justified under these arguments.

    Of course, it is not something common or viable. However, I keep reading complains like soloing group content is a walk in the park for everyone.
    Instead of preventing 1-X classes soloing group content, I'd like to see the devs giving more tools to every class to be able solo more, not less. They can adjust tiers to make group content attractive too; not "forbid" -with excuses like "balance"- content to the "non-worthy" players (in the eyes of some).
    Funny story about that solo of HoN I did. I was having game-related issues and I did not want to exit the instance for fear of reset. Trust me on this, I had good reasons at the time for that to be a legit worry. Anyway, I wiped myself twice (at other parts of the instance) trying to work how I would eventually beat it. Well.... long story short.... not exiting the instance prohibits repairs. The final boss is down to somewhere around 3-6% health. All of a sudden I don't have my shield skills. Oh poopey (more colorfully live of course), you should have repaired stupidbutt (more colofully live of course) because repairs are good especially if you don't want to lose your shield at a critical time. I didn't do a repair prior to going in there the very first time. Okay, this is not good....

    I had enough bleeds on the boss (while yelling all sorts of six, nine and twelve letter words) that he died about two seconds after I did. Sez me to myself: REPAIR BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO SOLO GROUP CONTENT....

    ahhh well. Now I repair like it's a rite of faith
    True character is not something shaped from without, or put on, but it is something radiating from within

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Thorgrum View Post
    Very good discussion folks, I am on the road but did spend a good 90 seconds reading the replies thus far brilliant would be an understatement for the discourse to this point. The notable exception being the jagoff but we have all come to expect that the only value he can add to a thread is his remarkable stupidity and failed attempts to troll the decent players of lotro (like yours truly).

    I will be back to my regular schedule soon and have taken the time to create another opportunity for you to share your thoughts on immersion and 18.2 (check "new posts).

    Take care and have a wonderful couple of days.

    P.S. Give Orph 105 aud armor.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Thorgrum View Post
    So Turbine has created a raid. Do you remember the poop storm years ago when our former community manager took raiders and PvMP players to task as, what was it "vocal minorities"?

    I do it was an ugly period one glossed over way to much here. So I am curious for those who survived the purges of that period if you were to get an in game item called "a pound of flesh" A pocket item, I housing item, would it be enough?

    It looks to me there are a lot of people happy with Turbine at the moment and rightfully so, this new team has fixed an old wrong. Still the question remains, as this justifies what raiders were saying years ago, only to be squashed is this raid enough or do you want a pound of flesh with it ?

    I was upset when the above comment was made, I was so upset I quit I left and started paying for a different game, one that had raids and wasn't rude to raiders. Most of my kin also left at the same time and were playing the same game.

    About the time that Dome of Stars appeared we came back, as a group, it seemed that things were moving in a good direction and it seemed that there was a new development team that was paying more attention to the community.

    My kin are all happy to see the raid and have been working on gearing and preparing for it.

    I don't want a pound of flesh, I love Lotro and I want it to do well.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheriain View Post
    I was upset when the above comment was made, I was so upset I quit I left and started paying for a different game, one that had raids and wasn't rude to raiders. Most of my kin also left at the same time and were playing the same game.

    About the time that Dome of Stars appeared we came back, as a group, it seemed that things were moving in a good direction and it seemed that there was a new development team that was paying more attention to the community.

    My kin are all happy to see the raid and have been working on gearing and preparing for it.

    I don't want a pound of flesh, I love Lotro and I want it to do well.
    So hypothetically, when you and your kin finishes the raid will you be satisfied or do you feel this should be a precursor to more raid content in the future?

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Thorgrum View Post

    ... Do you remember the poop storm years ago... I do it was an ugly period one glossed over way to much here.

    So I am curious for those who survived the purges of that period if you were to get an in game item called "a pound of flesh" A pocket item... would it be enough?


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