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Thread: Producer letter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Lightbulb Producer letter

    comming soon or delayed cuz some usual accident, or missed in action like EU servers?

    come on guys, i know u cant catch up any date lately, cuz everything is shiny and amazing and exciting...

    but tbh, cuz your flower endgame #### and no other contest except another huge essence grind, the game ressurected by casuals during Yule, but my old channel (similar to kin, with +/- 15active ppl), isnt able to group up for 6man fi or ss... just cuz ppl started quitting this sinking ship again, i mean the endgame ppl, not the yule casuals... (those will be gone in 2weeks anyway aswell)

    give us some hope one more time, cuz as i said, lot of my friends are leaving... flowers/essences/meh hilt grind till halleluah - but we dont need to farm more gear for current over half year old contest, right? and many of my friends told it straight - i can play other online/offline games rather than grind here some absurdity (we all know u will come up at least with 3levels of new essences for mordor expansion, so why bother with NI now? 50essences/alt, is all times lot of fun for long winter nights *cough*)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    comming soon or delayed cuz some usual accident, or missed in action like EU servers?

    come on guys, i know u cant catch up any date lately, cuz everything is shiny and amazing and exciting...

    but tbh, cuz your flower endgame #### and no other contest except another huge essence grind, the game ressurected by casuals during Yule, but my old channel (similar to kin, with +/- 15active ppl), isnt able to group up for 6man fi or ss... just cuz ppl started quitting this sinking ship again, i mean the endgame ppl, not the yule casuals... (those will be gone in 2weeks anyway aswell)

    give us some hope one more time, cuz as i said, lot of my friends are leaving... flowers/essences/meh hilt grind till halleluah - but we dont need to farm more gear for current over half year old contest, right? and many of my friends told it straight - i can play other online/offline games rather than grind here some absurdity (we all know u will come up at least with 3levels of new essences for mordor expansion, so why bother with NI now? 50essences/alt, is all times lot of fun for long winter nights *cough*)
    I could be wrong but I believe that most people enjoy doing smaller side projects beside their mains. I have toons that are hardcore and I pursue endgame goals with and I always have upcoming toons that I just play casually when I feel like leveling or crafting or learning the story of a new area. I am both hardcore and casual.

    Now the big problem is Turbine refuses to acknowledge that these two "polar opposites" co-exist in everyone and we polarize ourselves according to our moods. They build new layers of grind for endgame, new generation of essences with every update, as if Turbine thought when a person is done with gearing and got bored of existing instances, they would die. You are kind of helping reinforce this belief here. It is not true. I want to play alts, I want to level, I want to read stories, I even want to mine ore, heck, I even enjoy doing slayer deeds, sometimes. I enjoy doing a BB once in every 2 weeks or so despite the fact that I consider them a plague. I must be a terrible person!

    The real problem is the grinds. They consume all your time, make the game tedious and repetitive, and leave no room to do what you enjoy. Example: Pvpers complaining about having to do pve grinds before they can pvp.

    So... embrace your dark side, go play the part of Frodo in G.L.O.B.E. or whatever your poison. No one will judge you. They can't bring us new instances every update. We are lucky to get a batch once a year. The time between them we have to fill with other interest areas. Or whining.
    “ädvëntürës ärë nöt äll pönÿ-rïdës ïn mäÿ-sünshïnë.”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    i agree with u in more points than usual

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    I am both hardcore and casual.
    i will call myself hc and fancy at some point

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    They build new layers of grind for endgame, new generation of essences with every update, as if Turbine thought when a person is done with gearing and got bored of existing instances, they would die.
    sorry, its already 50essences per alt (no swaps, no other tree build!) - ppl are already sick...

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    I want to play alts, I want to level, I want to read stories, I even want to mine ore, heck, I even enjoy doing slayer deeds, sometimes. I enjoy doing a BB once in every 2 weeks or so despite the fact that I consider them a plague. I must be a terrible person!
    ... which continues right here... no, i dont think ppl like alts (it was here during u17, many ppl said one main, one alt, rest ... no time)
    BBs, i dont know anyone who is volunteerly comming to help my mini with her first BBs/promotions - simply, noone gives a f... or they need r5++ blablabla (sure i can solo it few times, with lost of Platinum rewards and Promotions, just waste more time)

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    The real problem is the grinds. They consume all your time, make the game tedious and repetitive, and leave no room to do what you enjoy. Example: Pvpers complaining about having to do pve grinds before they can pvp.
    agree again, but like... who cares?

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    So... embrace your dark side, go play the part of Frodo in G.L.O.B.E. or whatever your poison. No one will judge you.
    did did did... sorry, those festivals are kinda fail... its just exactly the part of recycling the trash - turn it on/off every year, add one silly cloak, sometimes kite and bye... all quests and mechanisms are same - run it week with 5alts and u will be sick of it (sadly, most festivals are kinda such thing, no real event, with gms, with something fresh, like NO WAY!)

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    They can't bring us new instances every update. We are lucky to get a batch once a year.
    surely they can... just make it more planned - we could get Osgi cluster + MT BBs same year (different instance development), u can say we got Pellenor 3+6man instance cluster, but too soon after it we got raid (so it was a lot in short period), and indeed, ppl keep expectations for next update... where we got nuts, just 3-4th rings in half year, same for bracelets = grinding over the bench, became ########

    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    The time between them we have to fill with other interest areas. Or whining.
    whining is winning, as i am unable to finish off few missing t2c with my cpt, noone will go fornost fire t2c, trust me... world is full of FIs... sometimes random terrors+SS and thats like all

    they realy need to learn how to keep instance cluster actual for longet period - MT bbs?? one update cluster... it was better with osgi cluster, but again, no point... to run any of those except u love your deed log

    i know i am whining, i would go and make tons of suggestions... but since my first and last BR resting, and then i saw how the feedback is ignored... i dont wanna suggest too much anymore, just to be ignored, its easier to keep whining

    but thats also no point, the actual issue: i felt ppl comming back around u18 (new instances/raid), but now... they are massivly leaving (i am mainly talking about t2c ready ppl, i dont care about seasonal casuals picking flowers, those ppl come, lvl up and then go play other mmo, periodicaly same story)
    - so i am very annoyed as i cant accomplish few instances and ppl do only forced FIs and nothing else at all - but come on, its mmo, i am here for group play, not for flowers or yules... or neverending essence spinning, without any use after i get them one day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    whining is winning, as i am unable to finish off few missing t2c with my cpt, noone will go fornost fire t2c, trust me... world is full of FIs... sometimes random terrors+SS and thats like all
    Did someone mention fornost fire? Now you got my dirty nerdy fantasies going... Log Killboro now, I will join your t2cs and might be able to bring some friends along.
    “ädvëntürës ärë nöt äll pönÿ-rïdës ïn mäÿ-sünshïnë.”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by NeebPlayer View Post
    Did someone mention fornost fire? Now you got my dirty nerdy fantasies going... Log Killboro now, I will join your t2cs and might be able to bring some friends along.
    I was in fornost fire challenge just a few weeks back and we had a blast. Shadow is on the cards pretty soon along with a few others.

    For once, Nick and I agree, these classics need some longevity added to them. At the moment there is no incentive to run them and that makes them undesirable for many.

    I don't necessarily think we need to have an instance cluster with every update (though it would be great if we could), but if we can't, then make the older ones desirable to run, so that lots more people will actually run them.

    As for the essence grind, that got boring long ago and is the reason why people are not logging in so much (people I know anyway).

    p.s. Flower picking got old before it even got off the ground. People (some) do it in passing just because it's all there is left to do, but that doesn't mean it's a hit.
    Last edited by Arnenna; Jan 03 2017 at 12:28 PM.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    actualy i started this thread just cuz i think its a time to show us producer letter

    if the plans, or offers, will be cool, or not... ppl will stay, or leave, or leave and come back later... i see exodus now and again, which is realy not making me happy - less and less ppl for t2c endgame

    the instance part, i think we need to keep endgame (last updates) instances (including BBs), worthy to do more than one update

    u know, FIs, they are already obsolete with worst set of instances (this last change) - many reflects... and most of them are longer - also LLS became odd currency with all those Free teal NI essences or their upgrade... same goes for FI jewelry etc.
    why do we run it? for NI box or NI ess crafting items, but its sick for many (my friends stopped doing HV... completly, Water fornost or SS - most did just with main and not daily at all) - indeed i sold tons of LLS and made profit out of it, thousands of gold

    p.s. fornost thingy - i soloed 2 wings after Water, with my meh warden... got tomes Agility 13 and Will 7 - so each run - i believe loot can be redistributed - ie. ppl do old 6man inst. for tomes... t2c 3man for starlit etc., and then we will have rewamped instances and more variability and fun... actual state is sick... FI/Terror/SS(no hilt) and go home, chummer

    p.s.2 i still believe FI should be only 105 - t1 + t2c, nothing crazy like 101-104 t1 run, which is totaly meh - cuz t1 FIs are still just faceroll or reflect for dummies
    then u will have one weak t1 reward chest and one t2c+t2 chests (say both with 5LLs, so u can run just longer, harder t2c to get same amount of Coins) - this should be already considered, otherwise we continue facerolling, which is heavily supported here since u17 - making us OP, doesnt help to anything, its actualy very game breaking

  7. #7
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    Jan 2013
    For most people with office jobs, today is literally the first day back at work in the new year. Also, they are in the middle of transferring to new ownership.

    Summary: Chill out and give them at least a couple weeks before making topics like this.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBasilisk View Post
    For most people with office jobs, today is literally the first day back at work in the new year. Also, they are in the middle of transferring to new ownership.

    Summary: Chill out and give them at least a couple weeks before making topics like this.
    People were making topics like this the day the new company was announced

  9. #9
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    Sep 2015
    I have a feeling turbine knows whether the most income for LOTRO comes from single character end-gamers, or alt-a-holics.

    The issue as I see it is that if Turbine reduces the grind to max a character down to 3 - 4 weeks like the old days, their log in numbers go way down since they only release two major content updates each year. Unlike the 3-4 major updates per year we had from 2010-2014.

    But if the the grind is 2 months per character (400 emp scrolls, 26 - 40 star-lit crystals, weeks of trait point deeding, dailies, and armor RNG drops. People who play 2-3 times a week will max 1-3 characters per update.

    The days of alt-a-holics getting spoiled with easy gearing (85 and 95 caps) are likely over.
    Last edited by greetingsdownunder; Jan 03 2017 at 03:41 PM.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by greetingsdownunder View Post
    I have a feeling turbine knows whether the most income for LOTRO comes from single character end-gamers, or alt-a-holics.

    The issue as I see it is that if Turbine reduces the grind to max a character down to 3 - 4 weeks like the old days, their log in numbers go way down since they only release two major content updates each year. Unlike the 3-4 major updates per year we had from 2010-2014.

    But if the the grind is 2 months per character (400 emp scrolls, 26 - 40 star-lit crystals, weeks of trait point deeding, dailies, and armor RNG drops. People who play 2-3 times a week will max 1-3 characters per update.

    The days of alt-a-holics getting spoiled with easy gearing (85 and 95 caps) are likely over.
    Ah Turbine is no longer running the game.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eartholloth View Post
    Ah Turbine is no longer running the game.
    Ok, Severlin then, same exec producer and manager.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBasilisk View Post
    For most people with office jobs, today is literally the first day back at work in the new year. Also, they are in the middle of transferring to new ownership.

    Summary: Chill out and give them at least a couple weeks before making topics like this.
    summary - go home with such reply... they cant keep any promises or dates... what was delayed lately? yule 19.2? two times? and 3days after, they announced issues with essences etc., which was already done month back during BR testing and feedback - sorry, this is fail in managment frop top, to the bottom

    i still dont understand why we should give them a break... u know, we all are working and u cant afford such neverending excuses (or EU servers scam) in bank or anywhere else - its all business only, in bank or in mmo - so better focus on customers over those mesh ups and lame neverending excuses

    so please make us favour, stop excusing someone incompetent forever... cuz its exactly why they care about customers as they do... sheeps will all times take it and eat it, like all tasty flowers

    Quote Originally Posted by greetingsdownunder View Post
    Ok, Severlin then, same exec producer and manager.
    yeah... anyway, its new year, its time for Letter and dark future for lotro to be spoiled - all i saw after change into SSG... was lot of excitement and one interview for fanboi Daddi (i realy love those vip players )

  13. #13
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    summary - go home with such reply... they cant keep any promises or dates... what was delayed lately? yule 19.2? two times? and 3days after, they announced issues with essences etc., which was already done month back during BR testing and feedback - sorry, this is fail in managment frop top, to the bottom

    i still dont understand why we should give them a break... u know, we all are working and u cant afford such neverending excuses (or EU servers scam) in bank or anywhere else - its all business only, in bank or in mmo - so better focus on customers over those mesh ups and lame neverending excuses

    so please make us favour, stop excusing someone incompetent forever... cuz its exactly why they care about customers as they do... sheeps will all times take it and eat it, like all tasty flowers

    yeah... anyway, its new year, its time for Letter and dark future for lotro to be spoiled - all i saw after change into SSG... was lot of excitement and one interview for fanboi Daddi (i realy love those vip players )
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Yes, this is something we expect to do, but it'll probably be after the new year due to scheduling and such. Our plans, however, remain unchanged, and we expect the transition to have relatively little visible impact in-game. That said, we are extremely excited to be able to work on LOTRO, and with Mordor coming next year, we've got huge plans.
    Give them a month or so time to set up proper meetings and plan if they hire more people and such. Rather have more complete picture of the year than few vague points of we going mordor, new level cap, more stuff..

  14. #14
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    Jan 2008
    Yes, this is something we expect to do, but it'll probably be after the new year due to scheduling and such. Our plans, however, remain unchanged, and we expect the transition to have relatively little visible impact in-game. That said, we are extremely excited to be able to work on LOTRO, and with Mordor coming next year, we've got huge plans.
    Commenting as a very casual player, this doesn't really sound all that good to me. "Huge Plans" are what resulted in such gems as "Mounted Combat" and "Big Battles". I would much rather see six months or more spent fixing stuff and responding to customer complaints and suggestions. I seriously doubt that will happen though.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nzin View Post
    Commenting as a very casual player, this doesn't really sound all that good to me. "Huge Plans" are what resulted in such gems as "Mounted Combat" and "Big Battles". I would much rather see six months or more spent fixing stuff and responding to customer complaints and suggestions. I seriously doubt that will happen though.
    Perhaps you would, but experience says that customers in general are far more willing to pay money for new features than for bug fixes. Hence why so many companies spend much more time and energy on shiny new features than on fixing underlying problems - they make more money that way.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ertr View Post
    Perhaps you would, but experience says that customers in general are far more willing to pay money for new features than for bug fixes. Hence why so many companies spend much more time and energy on shiny new features than on fixing underlying problems - they make more money that way.
    And a great many players leave games when things become as broken as Arkenstone was yesterday

  17. #17
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    I hope this week will appear

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberto_the_First View Post
    People were making topics like this the day the new company was announced
    Well, ideally--given the unique circumstances--a producer's letter should have immediately followed the announcement.
    But, y'know how it is...

  19. #19
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    comming soon or delayed cuz some usual accident, or missed in action like EU servers?


    Producer letters are never early, nor are they late. They arrive precisely when they mean to.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  20. #20
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    any info about Producer letter?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaylaKheledlire View Post
    any info about Producer letter?
    Yes, there's been info. Hm... let's see if I can remember what it was XD Um... I think the letter was sort of done, but had to get translated so maybe we'll get it after a week or two? I don't remember xD Might want to wait for someone with a better memory to reply, sorry
    ;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silmelin View Post
    Yes, there's been info. Hm... let's see if I can remember what it was XD Um... I think the letter was sort of done, but had to get translated so maybe we'll get it after a week or two? I don't remember xD Might want to wait for someone with a better memory to reply, sorry
    You are correct they are translatting it as well as probably adding some finishing touches.
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  23. #23
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bucko39 View Post
    Well, ideally--given the unique circumstances--a producer's letter should have immediately followed the announcement.
    But, y'know how it is...
    What can you expect of a newly formed company that already has their new logo in the game but is unable to create a company website and openly proclaims that this is "on their to-do list"?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by daedalusAI View Post
    What can you expect of a newly formed company that already has their new logo in the game but is unable to create a company website and openly proclaims that this is "on their to-do list"?
    As long as they post the patch notes prior to updates, it's all good though right?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    I don't know why people need a producer letter, we already know exactly what's coming the next 10 months.

    1. Spring update, March Dagorlad quest pack, herbalist continuation. at least 2 new group instances.

    2. Summer/Fall update Part 1 of 3 of Mordor Expansion, group instances / maybe a raid.

    3. Mordor Expansion will likely see an opt-in update to character model textures.

    All of these things have been said in either Dadi's interviews or Friday stream with Cordovan.

    Only things we need confirmation on are 10th anniversary item benefits, new pvmp armor / crafting tiers, and whether or not Mordor gets a raid.


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