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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    The Nine Nazgul of lotro

    So I was trying to come up with the list of the nazgul that's I've known throughout the game or can think of. Could anyone look at the list and correct me if I am wrong here, I was only able to come up with 8 out of the 9. I'm not sure if some of these enemies are just powerful cargul like mordorith or not.

    1. The Witch-King (appears throughout the epic storyline in different forms starting from volume I)
    2. The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur ( final boss of the level 65 raid, Barad Guldur)
    3. The Bane of Rhun ( in an instance quest in the black root vale)
    4. The Forsaken Reaver (final boss in 3-man Instance, Quays if Harlond)
    5. The Black Blade of Lebenin ( final boss in 6-man instance, Dome of stars)
    6. The Gloom if Nurn ( final boss in 6-man instance, silent streets)
    7. High Sorcerer of Harad ( Boss 5 in the raid, throne of the dread terror)
    8. Woe of Khand (Boss 5 in the raid, throne of the dread terror)
    9. ???

  2. #2
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    Nov 2008
    All of those are correct (according to the wiki http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Nazg%C3%BBl), and the one you're missing is The Grim Southron, who you encounter in the Wold -

    The Grim Southron is found menacing The Wold and The East Wall in East Rohan.

    Quest Involvement
    [76] An Unsettling Alliance - you see his mount
    [77] Tower an Inferno - NPC
    [78] Instance: Short of Stature, Great in Deed - Combat NPC
    ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by luckygirl1 View Post
    So I was trying to come up with the list of the nazgul that's I've known throughout the game or can think of. Could anyone look at the list and correct me if I am wrong here, I was only able to come up with 8 out of the 9. I'm not sure if some of these enemies are just powerful cargul like mordorith or not.

    1. The Witch-King (appears throughout the epic storyline in different forms starting from volume I)
    2. The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur ( final boss of the level 65 raid, Barad Guldur)
    3. The Bane of Rhun ( in an instance quest in the black root vale)
    4. The Forsaken Reaver (final boss in 3-man Instance, Quays if Harlond)
    5. The Black Blade of Lebenin ( final boss in 6-man instance, Dome of stars)
    6. The Gloom if Nurn ( final boss in 6-man instance, silent streets)
    7. High Sorcerer of Harad ( Boss 5 in the raid, throne of the dread terror)
    8. Woe of Khand (Boss 5 in the raid, throne of the dread terror)
    9. ???

    The ninth is a hobbit named Fogo Fallohide that haunts the Shire at night threatening to take over the Shire!
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  4. #4
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    Jun 2011
    Lol , i was thinking about this not 1 week ago xD

    It somehow always felt weird to me that Turbine decided to have 2 nazguls originated from Rhun ( Easterlings ).
    At first , i thought khamul was bane of rhun , but apparently that never was the case.( And yes , i always knew he was the lieutenant of DG )
    I hope nazgul situation will get a bit more clarified before or during the battle of the black gate.

    I would love to get a history lesson concerning the ringwraiths , even if it'd be fiction upon fiction.It always felt sad tolkien didn't give us more : (

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymphonic View Post
    The ninth is a hobbit named Fogo Fallohide that haunts the Shire at night threatening to take over the Shire!
    I met him among the pig sties of Budgeford and ran screaming in horror all the way to Stock in search of a few pints at the Golden Perch to steady my nerves!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BotLike View Post
    Lol , i was thinking about this not 1 week ago xD

    It somehow always felt weird to me that Turbine decided to have 2 nazguls originated from Rhun ( Easterlings ).
    At first , i thought khamul was bane of rhun , but apparently that never was the case.( And yes , i always knew he was the lieutenant of DG )
    I hope nazgul situation will get a bit more clarified before or during the battle of the black gate.

    I would love to get a history lesson concerning the ringwraiths , even if it'd be fiction upon fiction.It always felt sad tolkien didn't give us more : (
    There's two from Harad as well: The Grim Southron and the High Sorcerer of Harad. Rhun and Harad aren't singular countries, but whole regions with many diverse peoples. We see three different tribes of Easterlings in the game, the Khundolar, Suhalar, and Jangovar.

    But yes, I couldn't agree more about getting backstories for the Nazgul, filling in the lore gaps is what LotRO does best

  7. #7
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    There's also a Nazgul in Bingo Boffin week 41, but I can't remember if there is a clue to which Nazgul it is.

  8. #8
    ThePinion's Avatar
    ThePinion is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    These are all nine:

    The Witch-king of Angmar
    The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur
    The Black Blade of Lebennin
    The Gloom of Nurn
    The Woe of Khand
    The Bane of Rhûn
    The Forsaken Reaver
    The Grim Southron (Mostly seen in The Wold -- Eastern Rohan)
    The High-sorcerer of Harad
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    "A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it." - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    These are all nine:

    The Witch-king of Angmar
    The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur
    The Black Blade of Lebennin
    The Gloom of Nurn
    The Woe of Khand
    The Bane of Rhûn
    The Forsaken Reaver
    The Grim Southron (Mostly seen in The Wold -- Eastern Rohan)
    The High-sorcerer of Harad
    Ah so the Reaver of Khand, whom we see in the attack on Langhold, is actually The Woe of Khand? Or is it the Grim Southron? Are yall gonna be changing that name in game?

    Also, any chance we'll see a boss battle against the Grim Southron and the Bane of Rhun come Mordor?

  10. #10
    ThePinion's Avatar
    ThePinion is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Yes, the old Reaver needs to be changed to the Woe. When it came time to name one of the last ones we revealed (the Forsaken Reaver), we ended up having to ret-con that name as the Forsaken Reaver's original name didn't quite fit.
    Designer, Content

    "A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it." - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    Yes, the old Reaver needs to be changed to the Woe. When it came time to name one of the last ones we revealed (the Forsaken Reaver), we ended up having to ret-con that name as the Forsaken Reaver's original name didn't quite fit.

    So how do you guys come up with these names? Since only two of them mentioned in Tolkien lore. The second in Khamul, is not even mentioned in the game so far? Why leave the only other mentioned one out? Or not refer to him by name?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckygirl1 View Post
    So how do you guys come up with these names? Since only two of them mentioned in Tolkien lore. The second in Khamul, is not even mentioned in the game so far? Why leave the only other mentioned one out? Or not refer to him by name?
    The name Khamul is only referenced in the posthumously publish Unfinished Tales, which no one has rights to but the Tolkien Estate. LotRO can only include content from the books published during Tolkien's lifetime, ie, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, as he sold the rights to those. He would later regret doing so, so his son has refused to sell the rights to any other material.

  13. #13
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    there's also the un-specified, Fell-Rider Nazgul, in the Heathfells at Dol Baran.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckygirl1 View Post
    So how do you guys come up with these names? Since only two of them mentioned in Tolkien lore. The second in Khamul, is not even mentioned in the game so far? Why leave the only other mentioned one out? Or not refer to him by name?
    Khamul is the Lieutenant of DG. The former name cannot be used in LOTRO specifically, as it lies outside the limits of the books they can use. Same reason why Annatar is edited to Antheorn

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by greetingsdownunder View Post
    there's also the un-specified, Fell-Rider Nazgul, in the Heathfells at Dol Baran.

    And we never did find out what he was doing with all those dead Dunlendings, did we? I'm holding out for a Dunlending Wight army in Mordor

  16. #16
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    I wonder which one we chased around the Trollshaws in I.4. I don't recall his name; perhaps it wasn't specified.
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    On Landroval (Redemption): 111 GRD Lifthil, R6 | 86 WDN Liftward | 64 HNT Beinhareth | 53 CPT Liftspirit | 49 BUR Julo | 32 RNK Liftstoner | 17 CHN Liftbro | 15 BRN Liftbeorn

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthil View Post
    I wonder which one we chased around the Trollshaws in I.4. I don't recall his name; perhaps it wasn't specified.
    I seem to recall some quest in Mirkwood saying that the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur was the one we chased in the Trollshaws and defeated in the Misties? I don't remember for sure though.

    What I'd like to know is who's the one Legolas shot down by the Great River.

  18. #18
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    We encounter the Nazgul that Legolas shot down in the Great River region when he injures Nona. I can't recall if he's named or generic, but since we only drive him away and shortly after in the Langhold quests we see a riderless Fell-Beast followed by being terrorized by said Fell-Beast with a rider, I always assumed they were the same Nazgul.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waynard View Post
    All of those are correct (according to the wiki http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Nazg%C3%BBl), and the one you're missing is The Grim Southron, who you encounter in the Wold -

    The Grim Southron is found menacing The Wold and The East Wall in East Rohan.

    Quest Involvement
    [76] An Unsettling Alliance - you see his mount
    [77] Tower an Inferno - NPC
    Yes; I did that one yesterday and, darn it, by the time I looked up from setting the tower on fire he had flown off. Wouldn't have seen anything he said if it hadn't been in the chat log.

    You wouldn't think something that size would be able to take off that fast. Magic, I guess.
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceOfVagabonds View Post
    And we never did find out what he was doing with all those dead Dunlendings, did we? I'm holding out for a Dunlending Wight army in Mordor
    As far as I know, we have no idea why he took the dunlending spirits.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMG_PEANUTS View Post
    Same reason why Annatar is edited to Antheorn
    Antheron https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Antheron
    Faërie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold. – J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘On Fairy-Stories’.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymphonic View Post
    The ninth is a hobbit named Fogo Fallohide that haunts the Shire at night threatening to take over the Shire!
    Win. Thread over.

  23. #23
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    With yesterday's update, it looks like we've got another: The Cursed Rider. Though I'm gonna assume that this is actually the Witch King, but angmar isn't gonna exist for about a millennium.

  24. #24
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    The Cursed Rider

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceOfVagabonds View Post
    With yesterday's update, it looks like we've got another: The Cursed Rider. Though I'm gonna assume that this is actually the Witch King, but angmar isn't gonna exist for about a millennium.
    It looks like that within the High Elf introduction instance, all nine nazgul could be spotted with most of the names listed above. As I couldn't spot the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur/Khamul in the ranks, i can only assume that the Cursed Rider is in fact the lieutenent. Also as a side note, it seems they labeled the Witch King of Angmar as just the Witch King, probably because Angmar wasn't formed yet!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by SinordLoresearcher View Post
    It looks like that within the High Elf introduction instance, all nine nazgul could be spotted with most of the names listed above. As I couldn't spot the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur/Khamul in the ranks, i can only assume that the Cursed Rider is in fact the lieutenent. Also as a side note, it seems they labeled the Witch King of Angmar as just the Witch King, probably because Angmar wasn't formed yet!
    The change of name is necessary to prevent anachronisms just like in the Witch King's case - Sauron only created Dol Guldur in the Third Age, so there would be no Dol Guldur in the Second Age (only the hill with no fortress)
    Theodwaldric (Minstrel, Man) | Eohelmric (Lore-Master, Man) | Tinnuvegil (Captain, Man) | Einsdir (Guardian, Dwarf) | Drakhorin (Rune-Keeper, Dwarf) | Thrordrim (Champion, Dwarf) | Mylthir (Warden, High Elf) | Daelain (Hunter, Elf) | Rogro (Burglar, Hobbit) | Fornbeorn (Beorning, Beorning) | Kovuz (Brawler, Stout-Axe)


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