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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    re: Incomparable drops after patch

    "Level 106 to 115 landscape mobs will no longer have a chance to drop Incomparable equipment that can be Disenchanted into Ash of Gorgoroth. mobs in the resource instances will continue to drop incomparable equipment."

    It is a lie. Mobs in Barad-dur resource instance do NOT drop anything at all. I am afraid in some other resource instances the same lame thing - you kill tons of mobs and loot nothing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Montezuma's View Post
    "Level 106 to 115 landscape mobs will no longer have a chance to drop Incomparable equipment that can be Disenchanted into Ash of Gorgoroth. mobs in the resource instances will continue to drop incomparable equipment."

    It is a lie. Mobs in Barad-dur resource instance do NOT drop anything at all. I am afraid in some other resource instances the same lame thing - you kill tons of mobs and loot nothing.
    Make a bug report.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Esterian View Post
    Make a bug report.
    It is not a bug, it is a design.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Is it a metaphor that instead of a shiny Black Steel Key we are now questing for just the broken pieces of a key? Those occasional cyan drops were some light relief in an otherwise dull grind. Just suck the joy out of what remains of this game why don't you.

    Craft the new foods, how lazy that the dev couldn't be bothered to go past tier 1 to select the ingredients for the foods.

    How do they not see what there are doing?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops Oops

    Can confirm the Barad Dur

    The Incomparable drops may have been removed from the loot table but the loot table has been removed from all the mobs in Darad Dur resource instance.

    PLEASE stop having inept people touching the code or at least have some supervision.

    I would bug but it's WAI as far as I'm concerned 'til I hear the "Oops" again.


    Level 106 to 115 landscape mobs will no longer have a chance to drop Incomparable equipment that can be Disenchanted into Ash of Gorgoroth. mobs in the resource instances will continue to drop incomparable equipment.
    Not if they have no loot table, stop with the dumb shortcuts. To further clarify: the Cargils are on a loot table but not the Black Númenóreans who form the bulk of the mobs
    Last edited by Macdui; Dec 12 2017 at 07:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Moving on to Durthang Daily Resource Instance:

    Uruks: Mordor Guards not on the loot table and again Black Númenóreans not on a loot table.
    (Edit: Black Uruk Enforcers do have a loot table in open version at least.)

    Burning Mountain:

    The Moravail were on a loot table and dropped two incomparables to ash.


    Ungol Weaver not on loot table.
    Ungol Stalker not.
    Ungol Broodling on a loot table.

    Mordor Defiler on a loot table.
    Mordor Warrior on a loot table.
    Boss on a loot table.

    Got no drops though.

    Bhol Rûdh:
    Orcs and Moravail seem to be on loot table, only checked the first few mobs.


    PS. It could be these mobs were never on a loot table, I didn't run these over much and it could be they are unchanged but mobs having no chance to drop incomparables didn't matter so much before when we had landscape drops.
    Last edited by Macdui; Dec 12 2017 at 02:31 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Moving on to Durthang not cap open instance level ~107

    It's the same: mobs drop no loot, no loot table. What on Middle-earth was the instruction to the dev? Drop incomparables from the loot table or Drop the loot table from the mobs? The half-arsed option was chosen, "Oops".


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Macdui View Post
    Moving on to Durthang Daily Resource Instance:

    Uruks: Mordor Guards not on the loot table and again Black Númenóreans not on a loot table.

    Burning Mountain:

    The Moravail were on a loot table and dropped two incomparables to ash.


    Ungol Weaver not on loot table.
    Ungol Stalker not.
    Ungol Broodling on a loot table.

    Mordor Defiler on a loot table.
    Mordor Warrior on a loot table.
    Boss on a loot table.

    Got no drops though.


    PS. It could be these mobs were never on a loot table, I didn't run these over much and it could be they are unchanged but mobs having no chance to drop incomparables didn't matter so much before when we had landscape drops.
    Okay, silly question from me, but how can you tell if a mob is on a loot table or not? If you got no drops, could that just mean you got no drops . . . on this occasion, but you may on the next?

    Or am I missing something.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    Okay, silly question from me, but how can you tell if a mob is on a loot table or not? If you got no drops, could that just mean you got no drops . . . on this occasion, but you may on the next?

    Or am I missing something.
    I set up a chat window with only Loot Self and Combat Event. Any mob should at least drop some silver if humanoid or a body part if a beast or insect. When you see pages of "You defeated..." and nothing else it's plain that mobs have been disconnected from a loot table.

    Durthang open 107 instance was a great place for incomparable drops before. Would also fill my bags with 3rd ages in no time they so had to be on a loot table yesterday before the patch. In Barad Dur the chat window showed silver drops after every Cargil and nothing after any other kill.

    Cordovan can tell us on Thursday... where lost in translation will be the excuse.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    In case any should wonder, I have stayed away from the filters UI utterly.

    Took a snaphot of the chat window log after replying to your post:

    Starts in Kala Murg - Dulgan death and quest handins, a quick visit to Durthag open instance, the block of kills with no loot is inside the kills before and after are outside and end with a few kills in Bhol Rûdh.

    ### Chat Capture: Loot Table 12/12 01:38 PM ###
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Tarnished Heritage Rune of Learning].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Weaver.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 74 silver pieces and 44 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 76 silver pieces and 12 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    You looted 147 silver pieces and 60 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    You have acquired: [Spiny Carapace].
    You have acquired: [Spiny Carapace].
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 74 silver pieces and 11 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Weaver.
    Your attack has broken Mordor Defiler of their fear!
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    You looted 146 silver pieces and 14 copper coins.
    You have acquired: [Log of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Stalker.
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Stalker.
    You have acquired: [Log of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [Strong Gorgoroth Branch].
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    You looted 144 silver pieces and 68 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 72 silver pieces and 64 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    You looted 150 silver pieces and 36 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 72 silver pieces and 73 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    Your mighty blow defeated Dulgan.
    You looted 187 silver pieces and 17 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Stalker.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Ungol Broodling.
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    You have acquired: [Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 75 silver pieces and 32 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Defiler.
    You looted 146 silver pieces and 14 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Mordor Warrior.
    You looted 77 silver pieces and 82 copper coins.
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [Log of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [3 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You looted 211 silver pieces and 8 copper coins.
    You have acquired: [Gorgoroth Crafting Bundle].
    You have acquired: [8 Chunks of Doomfold Skarn].
    You have acquired: [2 Chunks of Doomfold Skarn].
    You have acquired: [Chunk of High-grade Doomfold Skarn].
    You have acquired: [Black Adamant].
    You have acquired: [Black Adamant].
    You looted 212 silver pieces and 76 copper coins.
    You have acquired: [Gorgoroth Crafting Bundle].
    You have acquired: [12 Doomfold Hides].
    You have acquired: [2 Doomfold Hides].
    You have acquired: [2 Strong Gorgoroth Branches].
    You have acquired: [Log of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [6 Doomfold Hides].
    You have acquired: [2 Silver Signets of the Thandrim].
    You have acquired: [6 Doomfold Hides].
    You have acquired: [2 Silver Signets of the Thandrim].
    You have acquired: [6 Doomfold Hides].
    You have acquired: [2 Silver Signets of the Thandrim].
    You have acquired: [3 Tokens of Service].
    You have acquired: [2 Silver Signets of the Thandrim].
    You have acquired: [3 Tokens of Service].
    You have acquired: [2 Silver Signets of the Thandrim].
    Item Removed: [10 Intriguing Filth].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Black Númenórean Warrior.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Black Uruk Enforcer.
    You have acquired: [Rusted Scimitar].
    You have acquired: [Anfalas Athelas Essence].
    You have acquired: [Beorning's Axe of the Third Age].
    You have acquired: [Black Adamant].
    You have acquired: [Poplar Sapwood Branch].
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Sentry.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Sentry.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Black Uruk Enforcer.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Black Númenórean Warrior.
    The Durthang Guard defeated Elvis-the-Archer.
    Tonpheran defeated the Durthang Guard.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Infected Ambusher.
    You looted 75 silver pieces and 22 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Stained Morroval.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Infected Defiler.
    You looted 150 silver pieces and 12 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Infected Warrior.
    You looted 74 silver pieces and 2 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Stained Morroval.
    You looted 144 silver pieces and 20 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Stained Morvul.
    You looted 145 silver pieces and 96 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Stained Morroval.
    You looted 157 silver pieces and 12 copper coins.
    Your mighty blow defeated the Stained Morvul.
    You have acquired: [2 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    You have acquired: [Strong Gorgoroth Branch].
    You have acquired: [5 Logs of Gorgoroth Wood].
    Last edited by Macdui; Dec 12 2017 at 08:49 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Macdui View Post
    I set up a chat window with only Loot Self and Combat Event. Any mob should at least drop some silver if humanoid or a body part if a beast or insect. When you see pages of "You defeated..." and nothing else it's plain that mobs have been disconnected from a loot table.

    Durthang open 107 instance was a great place for incomparable drops before. Would also fill my bags with 3rd ages in no time they so had to be on a loot table yesterday before the patch. In Barad Dur the chat window showed silver drops after every Cargil and nothing after any other kill.

    Cordovan can tell us on Thursday... where lost in translation will be the excuse.

    Okay, thanks for the info Mac. I'll do some testing of my own also then.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    That's interesting. I haven't checked my logs after resource runs (only my bags) but after finishing all the deeds apart from Barad Dur and Burning Mountain, I was convinced those instances didn't drop gear pieces at all - or one piece per 200 enemies maybe. RNG gods at work again.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Chances of this getting fixed are slimmer tha n the chances of you getting 1 new piece of gear out of 25 lootboxes. In other words, it aint happening

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kickman77 View Post
    Chances of this getting fixed are slimmer tha n the chances of you getting 1 new piece of gear out of 25 lootboxes. In other words, it aint happening
    Got an 18+ LoE tanking earring first box I opened. But that's probably how the loot algorithm works, good drop initially to hook you in and tail off immediately 'til your use of keys drops off then hit you with another good drop the next time to keep you playing. Soon you'll not care how much it's costing you in keys, the more avidly you play the less chance of a good drop 'til you start to tire of it again then hit you again with a good drop. All speculation ofc. But I shall continue to think the worst of SSG 'til they can convince me otherwise.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Macdui View Post
    Got an 18+ LoE tanking earring first box I opened. But that's probably how the loot algorithm works, good drop initially to hook you in and tail off immediately 'til your use of keys drops off then hit you with another good drop the next time to keep you playing. Soon you'll not care how much it's costing you in keys, the more avidly you play the less chance of a good drop 'til you start to tire of it again then hit you again with a good drop. All speculation ofc. But I shall continue to think the worst of SSG 'til they can convince me otherwise.

    I opened a couple with my daily keys yesterday and got absolutely nothing... 10 boxes and was like oh well at least my alts got some ash

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    We looked into your reports today and compared it with the way Resource Instance awards are provided when a mob is defeated, and want to clarify that mobs have the chance to provide Incomparable loot, Lootboxes, and Sturdy Steel Keys even if they do not provide money when defeated. We will be taking a look at the overall drop rate, and will consider making adjustments in the future.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
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    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    I'd just like to point out that even 'once in a blue moon' is still a chance.
    Yes, I know it's a Rabbit: they don't have a Hedgehog.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    It seems that Black Numernorians in Durthang, Outside Durthang, Barad Dur anywhere I've look have been dropped from any loot table.

    I couldn't tell you if this has always been the case but I will say I just haven't had to sort my bags out so much today. That tells me something's not right. You can ask QA but they haven't lead you straight so much recently. Why would a Cargil always drop loot, even if just silver and all the other mobs not? I can only think shortcuts have been taken, easier to remove mobs from a loot list rather than change a loot list that might be used on numerous mobs. When you have no one at the helm the ship drifts off course. No supervision, the kids will riot. Little /played time, little understanding of how devs affect our play...

    The daily that has us plant a shield and enter Durthang has us kill 12 unspecified mobs inside. Numenorians never advanced the count so perhaps there was always something skewed with them.

    Others will have farmed Durthang 107 for drops far more than me, maybe they can pipe in and say they notice a difference in the loot; silver, LIs and trash/task items.

    And is there a Cyan Heavy Shield in the Gorgoroth Lootbox loot table? Or perhaps my metalsmith is going to get shield recipes sometime soon, WAI?


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian_Hedgehog;77981 49
    I'd just like to point out that even 'once in a blue moon' is still a chance.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I just experienced and odd loot bug for the first time.

    In the Moria daily Instance: The Mithril-Slaves, the required ore-fragments have not dropped from the goblin slaves. I have cleared the entire instance of goblins, looted everything, and am still at 0/14.

    This is on a 52.
    SSG: I love this game and intend to keep giving you money. Please add a way to enter or climb the Stone Tower housing decoration from Rangers of Esteldin, that I may then reach the top.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sphenforthewin View Post
    I just experienced and odd loot bug for the first time.

    In the Moria daily Instance: The Mithril-Slaves, the required ore-fragments have not dropped from the goblin slaves. I have cleared the entire instance of goblins, looted everything, and am still at 0/14.

    This is on a 52.
    Seems there's a problem with loot that they're apparently aware of - https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...39#post7798039 - so maybe this is part of the same thing.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Altair6 View Post
    Seems there's a problem with loot that they're apparently aware of - https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...39#post7798039 - so maybe this is part of the same thing.
    Yeah. I barely grasp how these things work, but figured I'd post it here in case it was related, for sake of gathering info. I'm sure they'll have it fixed as soon as possible, no big.
    SSG: I love this game and intend to keep giving you money. Please add a way to enter or climb the Stone Tower housing decoration from Rangers of Esteldin, that I may then reach the top.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I'm a bit confused here..

    I was of that understanding that only new instances, and crafting instances was dropping ash barterable items ??

    I've allways considered an instance a "closed area" where only you or you and a possible fellowship were fighting. In that closed area is a set number of mobs, that when killed won't respawn.. unless a bug (RC just before troll boss is one example). Most of the Crafting instances is of this type, only in Anglach you meet other ppl (and respawning mobs). Durtang, Bol Rudh, Barad Dur etc. are all closed crafting instances.

    I had allways considered the versions of Barad Dur, Naerband, Seregost, Durtang etc. etc. you visit when questing through Mordor as landscape.. Not outdoor, but still landscape. Those areas are all infested with lots of mobs which respawn.

    Speaking Droprates in instances, i can only talk about the 3 runs i've done in Seregost T2C, so far. But Armour/Jewel/Signets drops have for sure been increased (or we've suddenly been incredibly lucky ??)

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    FWIW, I ran the Agairnath resource instance today and got 2 teal drops for ash. Not sure if they were "incomparable", but the were level 110 teal with +4 LoE.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gondoron View Post
    FWIW, I ran the Agairnath resource instance today and got 2 teal drops for ash. Not sure if they were "incomparable", but the were level 110 teal with +4 LoE.
    The bolded bits are synonymous in LOTRO gear lingo.

    Rare: purple
    Incomparable: cyan (colloquially miscalled teal in LOTRO)
    Epic: gold

    Permanently retired. Was Kibilturg, Guardian of Imladris (then Landroval & Crickhollow) and ~40 alts.


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