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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Bullroarer Update 23 Preview #6: Feedback Thread

    Bullroarer has been updated to build 2300.0060.5543.4279.

    You can find the release notes here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...-Release-Notes

    • LI scaling has been capped to prevent wacky LI DPS scaling in the Ettenmoors.
    • Ratings from gear have been rebalanced to make it harder to cap your key stats early. Addtionally, DPS/healing stats are generally now harder to raise than mitigation stats, as there are fewer of them Targets and curves are the same, gear simply provides less per point budgeted to these stats.
    • Main stat budgets on gear have been increased to make these somewhat more meaningful contributors.
    • Weapon LI dps schedule has been modified to extend more gradually to create more space for upgrades later in the cycle (instances/raids). In the short term this reduces maximum DPS.
    • Gear bonuses for mid level ranges (particlarly 50-105) have been reduced ~20% compared to later levels to compensate for their better itemization budgets.
    • Mob health pools in the mid levels have been increased moderately.
    • Champion red line dual wielding skill delay fixed (please yell if it's not).
    • Warden's Resounding Challenge Gambit damage was extremely high last beta and has been lowered.
    • Warden Battle Memory bugs have been addressed, please let us know if you see anything odd.
    • Eye gouge change has been reverted.
    • Captain Standards of War were granting too much physical mastery - fixed.
    • Featured Instance/Challenge quests have undergone some bug fixing.

    Please use this thread for feedback and let us know how the instance difficulty feels with the tweaks to DPS and ratings. Also please be as specific as possible.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Still no mention of increasing base damage on Rk stones or removing the cap for the landscape currency? Nice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thank you for listing exactly what changed with this build! Makes it a lot easier for us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Hello Dev's I haven't seen a post on this and wanted to verfy if this will be on live or if it was a typo for the new amour we can make.
    here is a pic of a piece of new crafting armour will this take 50 ingots to make? please check into the recipes for armour its
    probally on medium and light also


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hey @Devs,

    Are the stat changes based on Beta build 5 or 4? Because in 5 Creepside was heavily nerfed while Beta build 4 was kinda balanced ?!

    Just asking
    Last edited by Fureo; Oct 01 2018 at 04:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Fureo View Post
    Hey @Devs,

    Are the stat changes based on Beta build 5 or 4? Because in 5 Creepside was heavily nerfed while Beta build 4 rly balanced was ?!

    Just asking
    The stat changes are based on this new build.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Snare effects still affect Warden attack speed, a fix would be really appreciated.

  8. #8
    New instances morale pools feedback:

    DPS: Live vs U23Beta6: DECREASED by ~20%

    Signatures HP | Live (Seregost T2) vs U23Beta6 (new 3-man T2): ~400k vs 730k INCREASED by ~80%
    Elites HP | Live (Naerband T2) vs U23Beta6 (Thikil-gundu T2): ~850k vs ~1900k INCREASED by ~120%
    Elite-Masters HP | Live (Naerband T2) vs U23Beta6 (Thikil-gundu T2): ~1800k vs ~4600k INCREASED by ~150%

    So new instances require more then x2-x2.5 time to kill mobs of the same type in comparison with lvl 115 instances like Seregost or Naerband.
    Please take a look at it, because i don't think that a lot of people want to spend 2+ hours to complete a 6-man or 40-90 minutes to complete 3 -man.

    I'm ok if bosses will have more hp than it was, but not trash.
    Last edited by Siddharta; Oct 01 2018 at 04:34 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    [*]Weapon LI dps schedule has been modified to extend more gradually to create more space for upgrades later in the cycle (instances/raids). In the short term this reduces maximum DPS.
    This change has done some weird things to the Champion, my bleeds deal the same damage, and every thing else got nerfed, what results in my bleeds dealing more damage then most spells. (Bleed damage is not effected by weapon dps, this should result in a massiv buff to Wardens)

    Also the third attack of Brutal and Ferocious strikes deals much more damage then the first and second attack.

    When dual wielding the Damage from non LI weapons is way to high now (3th Attack from raging Blade and Fury of Blades).

    Overall my (skill)damage went down alot, Rk's seem not to be effected by this Changes, now their damage is much higher then the dps from champion)
    Pls keep in mind that some Skills, scale with mastery, others with dps and others with both. If you keep this change this will result in much balance work on all classes.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The stat changes are based on this new build.
    Ähm maybe i wrote some weird stuff there...

    Like the state changes we experienced from 4 to 5 were not that good... so are we based on build 5 and now the adjustments are added to build 5 ?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharta View Post
    because i don't think that a lot of people want to spend 2+ hours to complete a 6-man
    Carn Dum used to take 2+ hours, and sometimes you wouldn't finish it in one night. So, as long as its rewarding - and got good mechanics, I got no issue with the time length.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Damage on most Champion skills seems to be completely broken, the DPS on my LI decreased from over 1800 to 1607.8 on this build but the damage of the first 2 strikes of most skills looks like about half or less of what they where. This can most easily be seen with Brutal Strikes where with a 2h weapon all the strikes should do the same damage, but now the first 2 do only 2061-2865 while the third does 6170-9806.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The stat changes are based on this new build.
    This doesn't make any sense.
    Are you saying all the stats and everything from build five was just tossed and the dev team started from scratch for build 6 then you iterated on this newly found baseline of stats? It really doesn't help people testing if we don't know where we are coming from. Our feedback is going to have some roots on changes from build 5, or 4 considering build 5 was atrocious. It helps us better understand where the dev team is coming from, if they reverted back to build 4, than made changes to stats, or if they just adjusted the stats presented in build 5.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    Carn Dum used to take 2+ hours, and sometimes you wouldn't finish it in one night. So, as long as its rewarding - and got good mechanics, I got no issue with the time length.
    You need to compare amount of boss encounters in Carn Dum vs New 6 man then, it is 13 vs 4
    Drop chance is super awful for 6-man from what i've seen.Also it is just automatically generated gear, which is 10000000% less interesting than it was in CD.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    • Captain Standards of War were granting too much physical mastery - fixed.

    Elf heralds in yet?
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    Carn Dum used to take 2+ hours, and sometimes you wouldn't finish it in one night. So, as long as its rewarding - and got good mechanics, I got no issue with the time length.
    Yes, longer dungeons with locks along the way give you the benefit of having something to do throughout the week, and getting to the final bosses really feels like an accomplishment. It helps when each boss also provides some cool and unique awards along the way. This kind of dungeon really plays well with a variety of shorter dungeons as well. Shadows of Angmar nailed this with Carn Dum, Urugarth, and BG.

  17. #17
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    [*]Ratings from gear have been rebalanced to make it harder to cap your key stats early. Addtionally, DPS/healing stats are generally now harder to raise than mitigation stats, as there are fewer of them Targets and curves are the same, gear simply provides less per point budgeted to these stats.
    Agility Classes and Beorninger^^ now get again way to much critt from Agility/might. If you are just wearing t1 Gear this is about 30k, so again 4-5 essence worth of critt for free. Can you please balance this somehow?
    By nerfing the amount of critt per agility/might. Or give every other might class also 1 crit per might?

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHylianLink98 View Post
    Yes, longer dungeons with locks along the way give you the benefit of having something to do throughout the week, and getting to the final bosses really feels like an accomplishment. It helps when each boss also provides some cool and unique awards along the way. This kind of dungeon really plays well with a variety of shorter dungeons as well. Shadows of Angmar nailed this with Carn Dum, Urugarth, and BG.

    I really miss the unique rewards the most though.... not just the names, but the stats...

    each piece of gear had its own own personality and quirks of stat distribution that made building fun.
    The Black Appendage of Sauron

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Doesn't seem that Creep stats changed at all in comparison to the last Beta round.

    Scaled Freeps (105-115) don't do these absurd crits any more, but damage and morale still seems a bit high compared to 120 Freeps.

    Though, we're still stuck with the same few issues. Everyone's probably tired of it now, but I'm gonna plug it in again. Creep potions/food/consumables still haven't scaled to 120. This is absolutely huge for PvP.
    Can't remove bleeds, can't remove slows, can't remove AC (-> 0% mits), can't remove HS -inc healing debuff, can't remove dust, and so on.

    Mitigations also are very low. Base mitigations of 3-8% depending on the class. A simple increase to Armour would already go a long way.
    That, or merging tactical and physical mitigation corruptions into one. Since we're already pretty low on slots. (A few slots more would be cool too though)

    Slotting 6 critical rating corruptions in addition to the racial bonuses nets me 25,8% critical rating and 5,2% devastate rating.
    A slight increase in the rating that these corruptions provide would be nice.

    Shameless plug from another thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urundus View Post
    Other than the already mentioned Skills, Corruptions and Racial/Class Traits that could get updated there's a lot more that could change without impacting NPC's at all.
    There's an entire system already in place to give certain stats to Creeps, and we know they can be adjusted because Vastin worked on it a while ago.

    The first ones are the so called ''Core Passive Skills''. These characteristics and their values are the same between creep classes, just the tier of each characteristic differs.

    These numbers could get adjusted or even have more stats added to them.
    On the Beta B/P/E and mitigations seemed fairly low, so an increase in Avoidance and Armour could be helpful.
    It would make sense to add the stat Resistance to the Resistance characteristic, because currently both on Live and on the Beta, Resistance is 0%.
    I could also see Incoming Healing getting linked to the Health characteristic. This way the stat can return without being dependant on your Rank, and will be solely based on the class you play.

    The next one is called ''Advanced Passive Skills''. These are pretty much just passive stats that can be bartered for at a certain rank in exchange for commendations.

    Other than the previously already mentioned increases in these stats, we could possibly also see more of these passives being added. It would be an easy way to distribute stats according to class, because (again) you could limit the amount of tiers a certain class could barter for. Thus they would only have to be created once and just set tier limits for each class.
    For example, Finesse, Mastery, Resistance, B/P/E, and specific Mitigations is what I would like to see as passives.

    This way Corruptions and Racial/Class traits could regain their role of slight tweaking and changing the way certain skills work, instead of providing our Creeps with core stats like it is now.
    In the end it would also be easier to tweak Creepside in general, or specific Creep classes individually. Ratings on these characteristics or passives could be changed to affect the entirely of Creepside. For specific class tweaks the tier cap of those characteristics/passives could be increased or decreased.
    Overlord Urundus
    Cohorts of the Red Legion

  20. #20
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    Battle and Warding lores are still severely broken:

    Not only are they for some reason giving twice as much Physical mastery as Tactical mastery, the actual buff you get from consuming them is only ~11.7% of the buff listed on the item tooltip.

    Level 120 Beorning potions are missing entirely.

    Creep stats, corruptions and traits have still not been scaled up to appropriate values. Most of these are absolutely laughable now.

    Creep potions still only remove effects up to level 115.

    Please fix.
    Earbold (Laurelin [EN-RP])
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  21. #21
    Frisco is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by B749 View Post
    Battle and Warding lores are still severely broken:

    Not only are they for some reason giving twice as much Physical mastery as Tactical mastery, the actual buff you get from consuming them is only ~11.7% of the buff listed on the item tooltip.

    Level 120 Beorning potions are missing entirely.

    Creep stats, corruptions and traits have still not been scaled up to appropriate values. Most of these are absolutely laughable now.

    Creep potions still only remove effects up to level 115.

    Please fix.

    Ha! Last time I checked, the IF scrolls were giving ~600 mastery, which was ridiculous with pools of 80-100,000.

    20,000 is equally ridiculous, the other direction.

    2,400 is okay, I guess--was hoping for something like 5,000 because of diminishing returns, but anything is better than 600.
    Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Please do something about the tedious trash pulls.. It takes waaayy too long time to clear. I don't want the new 6 man to be the new Naerband that none actually runs because it takes so long time.

  23. #23
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    something with that mainweapon damage went wrong.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    There are still two Battle Memory bugs in Bullroarer build 6:
    Battle Memory Ranged Warden's Triumph have +3% melee damage buff instead of +10% ranged damage
    Battle Memory Ranged Adroit Manoeuvre do not apply attack duration and induction buff
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  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fureo View Post
    Ähm maybe i wrote some weird stuff there...

    Like the state changes we experienced from 4 to 5 were not that good... so are we based on build 5 and now the adjustments are added to build 5 ?
    This isn't particularly relevant in that builds are built off the previous build. So technically the new changes are built off the build prior, in the same way build 5 was built off of build 4, but that has little relevance as to where the changes currently sit. Take a look at what is currently available and provide us feedback based on that.
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