I spoke to the team about the cost of 50 Ironfold Ingots, and that number is accurate, since these are the most common of the ingredients. The expectation is it should take most players about an hour in the Resource Instances to get that amount, which seems reasonable.
Thonras r13/r10 Blackarrow - Erenthenn r11/r8 Hunter - Seodric r11/r5 Burglar - Seorric r9 Champion - Grusnash r9 Reaver - Nomno r8 Warg - Durumdor r7 RK - Carranham r6 Captain
Original Challenger of Gothmog and Original Challenger of The Abyss - The Bandits Laurelin - Odyssey Evernight
Boss not reactivating. In case you cannot reset him, just open this ice space so we can carry on in Thikil-Gundu instance. I write some more detailed feedback about the instance if I am capable of seeing the 3rd and 4th boss another time. In general there is to much trash to restart this instance at this time for me!
Anyone capable to help fast with this? Vastin, Tybur, Cordovan?
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/
Even simply telling the players the vision for the classes would help a lot.
If they told us something like "hunters are meant to be the best ST dps class, followed by RK, Champ and burg 5% behind, then other classes with a 10% gap, afterwards cappy, who is 20% behind those", we'd have numbers to argue with.
As long as they only give us traitlines that tell us "choosing this traitline allows you to destroy your foes with strong hits and awesome devastating strikes", that sounds like all classes should be viable for any chosen role. And they simply are not.
Last edited by Oelle; Oct 02 2018 at 07:57 PM.
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
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So we are supposed to farm an hour for one single piece of purple equipment that will be outdated with the next dot update, when instance chests, quests and barters give us similar stuff directly? So ~20 hours of farming for getting only full purple equipment?
Really? Is there no better stuff than that? Or will getting teal stuff require 10 hours grind per item, then?
I mean... there is nothing wrong with the price, if the item is really awesome.
But looking at Mordor, the first tier of crafted items are replaced within no time. And such items shouldnt require an hour of farming.
Last edited by Oelle; Oct 02 2018 at 08:04 PM.
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/
Again, why is there a cap? I want to be able to save my hard earned currency for the items I might be interested in, not spend it on stuff I don't like/won't use. U23 looks like the update where I might just stop levelling and instead just play through to update 20 on alts.
Any update on the release date @cordovan?
I realy hope you take some time over the coming Weekend to fix bugs, issues with pvp, issues with tact li scaling and new t instances being to easy and rather launch it early next week then end of this!
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
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And there is another issue with tactical healing stat on LI/ILI: the healing classes scale completely different with that stat.
Beornings nearly dont get any bonus from tactical healing, runekeepers get roughly 1% per rating, minstrels and cappies get roughly 2% per rating.
This has to be fixed, too, otherwise healers simply cant be balanced and need work whenever those ratings change again.
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/
Same thing happened with essences:
Am not a fan of mainstats giving 2 to mastery, the food is pretty much useless, only giving 2,2k-2,7k mastery ish. Barely a drop in the sea for the 300k mastery needed for cap.
Same thing with EVERY item in the game giving mainstat. Relics, food, LI titles, LI 2h passives, essences, and stats from gear. All of which is quite useless if they give Mainstat instead of pure critical rating/morale/mastery etc. PURE mastery stat or PURE critical rating stat outperforms might/agility/will with so much it's insane.
- New Mainstat Essences 755 x 2 = 1510 mastery. Mastery Essence = 9249.
- Fate Essence 755 x 2,5 = 1887,5 Critical rating. Critical Rating Essence = 7147
If it's gonna stay like this, it would make more sense just removing the mainstat essences to be fair, for less confusion. Also the tables for items would need to change abit, since items WITH essence slots will outperform items WITHOUT essence slots with ALOT, since the raw output from essences are THAT MUCH greater.
Edit: There really wasn't anything wrong with the old system, where mainstats gave 8 mastery per 1 mainstat. Dunno what the further plans for mainstats are, but for now, the stats are almost completely useless.
Thonras r13/r10 Blackarrow - Erenthenn r11/r8 Hunter - Seodric r11/r5 Burglar - Seorric r9 Champion - Grusnash r9 Reaver - Nomno r8 Warg - Durumdor r7 RK - Carranham r6 Captain
Original Challenger of Gothmog and Original Challenger of The Abyss - The Bandits Laurelin - Odyssey Evernight
You forget that not everyone wants to run any instances. I know some hard casuals who get a turn on whenever they wear their own crafted gear. Also, you've said countless times that you yourself rarely run T2, so this will probably be BiS for you as well (This crafted item is better then anything you can barter via embers)
sounds more like very inefficient way of crafting^^
I remember building igloos as a child. if done properly, one would craft bricks and build with them. What we did instead is making a huge pile, hardening the surface and digging a cave into it... required amount of snow to build the Igloo ~ 50kg.
Used amount of snow to build it ~ 300kg...
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/
My Champ skill tooltips are still bugged. Same with Redline Dualwield being slow. Also if possible, look into the animation DIFFERENCE on Dwarf Champion vs Man/Elf/High-Elf. Dwarf animation on Ferocious Strikes and Brutal Strikes are for sure slower than on Man, High-Elf and Elf.
Same with Flashing Blades for Burglar. Hobbit Burglar animation on Flashing Blades takes almost 0.5seconds longer than Man animation, which results in a quite decent chunk of dps loss for Hobbit Burglar.
Thonras r13/r10 Blackarrow - Erenthenn r11/r8 Hunter - Seodric r11/r5 Burglar - Seorric r9 Champion - Grusnash r9 Reaver - Nomno r8 Warg - Durumdor r7 RK - Carranham r6 Captain
Original Challenger of Gothmog and Original Challenger of The Abyss - The Bandits Laurelin - Odyssey Evernight
One thing puzzles me, how exactly are the Delving of Fror bosses (Rottenroot, Grodris Matron of the Wintersebb, and Gaergoth the Unbound) massive morale pools going to be dealt with? At the moment, their HP is reaching astronomical levels and thus making it very long/tedious for a creep raid to kill whereas it is still relatively trivial in kill-time for a freep raid. The Delving boss NPCs are currently at a higher level than the level cap, which is contributing to the massive HP.
Surely the criteria should be "is it fun?" not "is it reasonable?" (for some obscure definition of "reasonable"). By this definition all previous crafting, with the possible exception of Cook/Farmer, has been "unreasonable".
This seems to be something that's been creeping into the game more and more recently, extending simple operations to the level of tedium as a substitute for actual entertainment. It's making me play less and less, tbh.
When Mordor was released, the crafted items were good. next dot upgrade gave us instances and ash-barter guys that made everything that could be crafted obsolete. I just dont want those items to be obsolete AND very expensive.
Plus... I've said countless times that I rarely run T2? really? Cant remember that.
And everything is relative.
I ran roughly 100 times Seregost T2c in Mordor... plus likely more than 500 times T2 on lvl105^^
Throughout all my playtime, I for sure have played more than a thousand instances on T2c (maxlvl) and repeated lots of instances on T2 or T2c (old raids) which were outdated.
does that count as rarely?
What I dont do is raiding current endgame content on T2c. but thats different from not running T2/T2c stuff.
Plus... the plan is to sell instance gear for embers some weeks after instance release. At least, I remember reading that somewhere. So... even if I wouldnt run T2 or T3 instances, I can get the gear quite soon for embers, cant I? Now, is the crafted stuff still worth it for the amount of mats?
Last edited by Oelle; Oct 02 2018 at 08:18 PM.
Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/