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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    @Vastin there we go again

    Blue line :

    Assertive Roar- useless/ no one use it. Replace it with guardian War-chant equivalent, without the reducing dmg debuff. At curent stage blue bear dont strugle holding agro, but strugle getting it. One med dmg skill with 15y range will help alot. Just to get adds/trash attention on start/ begging of the combat/spawn. One aoe short range taunt at 45 seconds cd dont help alot + we wont wana waste it. and our other/ only/ options we have is to run around and swipe mobs/ mele range/. With adds/boss positioning in most of the fights, this is kinda imposible.

    Quick recovery-useless/ no one use it. Keep the name, replace with Cleanse reduce cd/ 2 ranks=5 seconds total/ down to 15 from 20. Its a little tweak but will be damn noticable, without making it OP.

    Rest is ok.

    Red line:

    More broken than before patch / sorry.

    First the cosmetics.
    Remove form change from wanderlust. If you wana keep it, reduce speed by 10% BUT make it possible to interact wih objects. Its beyond ridiculous how i can work on farm/in bear form/ but cant pick a object from the ground.

    Remove form change from both Thrash and Expose. It may look fluid on papper, but is not.

    Reduce Expose % to 25 down from 40 BUT make it usable in both forms.

    Remove Slash/ with last wrath changes,it not fits in the curent rotation/ not at all/ you can add his bleed dmg to Bitting edge.

    Remove or fix/ rerol it back like it was before last patch changes/ the entire Execute line.

    At the moment it do MEH dmg / no matter what the discription says/ and it drain all your wrath. Skiping it, increase your overall dmg / more wrath=more crits

    Fix Call to the Wild legacy pls. Its broken more than a year. (not give mastery bonus)

    And what about Bash ? Before we was able to stack it 3 times, now its no more stackable? Whats the point to refresh its duration with Vicious Claws, when we can just reaply?
    Its a bug ? Patch changes? Or some not needed ninja nerf? Will be nice to know.

    Lots to say for yellow line too, but i dont main it animore and i`m sure there are ppl who can give better suggestions than me.

    I play all tank classes / without champ- if you can call it tank/ and is unbelivable how clumsy and undergog beor feel compared to them. Stil fun to play.
    About red, its fine, we are not suppose to be top dsp. But making the rotation little more fluid will help us feel better. I dont care dmg numbers/ its used for solo anyway.

    I know about the plans to fix cpt and burg class. Is needed ofc. But dont let beor unfinished.

    Cheers and keep the good work.
    Last edited by Pavlin; Mar 25 2019 at 02:13 PM. Reason: @Vastin there we go again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Pavlin View Post
    I know about the plans to fix cpt and burg class. Is needed ofc. But dont let beor unfinished.

    Cheers and keep the good work.
    I hope you are realistic enough to realize that the next Beorning fix ought to be a solid whack with the nerfbat? Right now they are excellent tanks and healers and welcome everywhere in two central roles. Some classes struggle to be welcome in just one. Smartest move would be to stay quiet, completely silent, and hope that SSG doesn't pay attention to your massive OP'ness right now.
    85 Warden - Leader of The Last Alliance - Anor
    Challenger of the Rift - Challenger of Helegrod

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Zohal View Post
    I hope you are realistic enough to realize that the next Beorning fix ought to be a solid whack with the nerfbat? Right now they are excellent tanks and healers and welcome everywhere in two central roles. Some classes struggle to be welcome in just one. Smartest move would be to stay quiet, completely silent, and hope that SSG doesn't pay attention to your massive OP'ness right now.
    Exelent ST tanks. You know not everything in this game is raiding yes ? Nerfbat ? because Beo tank is better than guard or cpt? You tell me sir, are beo better than guard or cpt? Which class strugle ? A warden ? ok i agree/ which else ? a burglar? they will buff them next patch. So which class strugle ? Do i say beo strugle to find spot in raid ? Or instances ? Both can be done with any class. rolle/ Even with champion tanks and wrd healers. Smartest move is to be quiet ? Why ? Because every silly kid cry for nerf, when see t2 dungeon done with tank / without healer ? Every tank can do that. 3 man ones atleast. I compare beo aoe grabing to other tanks, and suggest how to balance it. You think this will make blue beor op ? To be able to hit mobs once and grab agro on spawn, every 20 seconds ?

    Or you want me to be quiet to not get nerf on red beors ?
    I play beo since release date, main it even. So please dont give me advices to be silent, to not get nerf.
    Do you have exp with beor ? Up to ? Or your friends tell you how op beo is
    Yep is better than wrd at ST /small grp/ tanking, but worse than the rest.

    There are videos where wrd solo all new dungeons on t2. Probaly he will get nerfed too.
    Last edited by Pavlin; Mar 25 2019 at 03:12 PM.



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