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I'm not seeing what the problem is. If Ithil's population for you is too low, then transfer to Anor. What's the reason for forcing transfers on people who are perfectly happy where they are?
Right now, most of the players are at level cap with their mains, and there's a fair amount of new content to play on the main servers. It seems natural that the online activity would dip significantly until the next Legendary area is enabled. If you merge during the low part of online play, what happens during the next update when players are motivated to get to the next level/area? Do you have queues again to get in? Massive lag? Fighting for resources amongst the crafters? Any decision to force name changes, force players into a high populated server with the incumbent lag that entails, etc., needs to first take into account the online population during the month or so after a new level/area is enabled. Right now would be the worst possible time to make that decision.
Yeah, even with both servers combined, there won't be anywhere near enough people to cause a queue. Nor are resources scarce. Nor is Anor a "highly populated server". It's second to last in population, above Ithil. Even if they merged, Anor would still be the lowest population server. Mirkwood release didn't spark a massive increase in population--maybe a 10% spike for about a month. Isengard is much better than Mirkwood, but I doubt even the most optimistic SSG employee is expecting a return to even Moria launch numbers, which were already low enough that a merge wouldn't have affected server performance.
The only real issue is name changes.
Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...