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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Is this a lag issue, or a coding issue?

    (I thought I had a screenshot but now I can't find it.)

    When I was going through Gondor doing old quests for trait points, I noticed that sometimes I would hit a mob the first time for more damage than they had health, but it would take off less than half of their health, and I would have to hit them several more times to kill them. Specifically, I was killing Corsairs in Barad Rill (Dor-en-Ernil, Central Gondor) with 63k health. I would hit them with Shadow's Lament, which would often crit for 64k, but they would only go down by 20-30k health. Even the combat log matches the flyover damage number.

    I was thinking with all the quarantine traffic lately it may be taking an extra half second for the data to hit the server, but that wouldn't explain why the amount taken off a mob's health on the first hit is different than the number the skill produces according to flyover text and combat log.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    Is this a lag issue, or a coding issue?

    (I thought I had a screenshot but now I can't find it.)

    When I was going through Gondor doing old quests for trait points, I noticed that sometimes I would hit a mob the first time for more damage than they had health, but it would take off less than half of their health, and I would have to hit them several more times to kill them. Specifically, I was killing Corsairs in Barad Rill (Dor-en-Ernil, Central Gondor) with 63k health. I would hit them with Shadow's Lament, which would often crit for 64k, but they would only go down by 20-30k health. Even the combat log matches the flyover damage number.

    I was thinking with all the quarantine traffic lately it may be taking an extra half second for the data to hit the server, but that wouldn't explain why the amount taken off a mob's health on the first hit is different than the number the skill produces according to flyover text and combat log.
    This happens a LOT with the named orcs in the Southern Rammas daily instance, and has for years. A bit annoying when you do 2-3 times his morale in damage, and his bar only shifts by about a third. And yes, I've checked the combat log. they aren't Resisting or using BPE to reduce the damage.
    Immigrant from the City of Paragon. We are heroes. This is what we do.

    Founding member of Mornost Gwend of Gladden. "We shout a lot!"

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gardavil View Post
    Hello Devs.

    Is there any progress to the launcher errors introduced with update 26 and previous updates? Can we expect a fix this week and if not is there anything you can tell us as to when we can look forward to being able to play Lord of the Rings Online again?

    Thank you.
    I have been having patch issues since the latest update as well.

    I have tried all the "listed" methods of "fixing" the issue to no avail. Methods include but are not limited to:

    1. Clean reinstall. Failed
    (with additional download patch loops randomly) (Also, this is a 29GB download to "fix" an update issue, sounds like the nuclear option to me)

    2. Repair. This triggers a re-downloading of the game from scratch so really isn't a "repair". See point 1, Failed.

    3. Run launcher as administrator. Zero change, Failed.

    4. Change DNS setting. Zero change, Failed.

    5. Delete ".dat" files and rerun launcher. Downloaded .dat file fine but then returned to "Hash code error" on next file. Failed

    Finally I checked the "PatchClient.log" file to seek more info.
    Through parsing this log I found the URL for some of the files that the launcher was hanging on, usually the next 2 files in sequence.
    Copy pasting these URLs into a browser address window allowed me to directly download these files and then place them in my "Lord of the Rings Online\forward" folder. (Note: some of these files need to be placed in subfolders inside "\forward", notably x64 files)
    Then I reran the launcher and and it applied those files successfully until I got to the last and only file left "lotroclient.exe".
    Following the same process allowed me to download "lotroclient.exe" but subsequently running the launcher it fails with "There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file" and retries (re-downloading "lotroclient.exe" or just failing) every 60 secs ad infinitum.

    Here is the latest entry from my PatchClient.log file for reference:

    //****************************** ****************************** ****************************
    // Filename: C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Th e Lord of the Rings Online/PatchClient.log
    // Description:
    // Version: Portal:compiled Fri Mar 30 13:34:00 2018 : RELEASE
    // Process ID: 8344 (0x2098) Thread ID: 2964 (0xb94)
    // Log Creation Time: Fri May 01 16:10:42 2020
    // Current Time - System: Fri May 01 16:10:42 2020 Game: 000000000.000
    // Times wrapped: 0 Writes: 0 Bytes Written: 0
    //****************************** ****************************** ****************************
    000000000.000: preconfigured proxy settings.
    000000000.000: Using settings from INI file [E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lord of the Rings Online\coreonline.ini], section [PatchClient]
    000000000.000: Importing public key
    000000000.000: Connecting to patchserver at patch.lotro.com:6015
    000000000.000: Setting proxy information for patchserver connection
    000000002.951: Checking for file patches.
    000000002.951: application directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online>
    000000002.951: temp directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\tmp>
    000000002.951: forward directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward>
    000000002.951: backup directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\backup>
    000000004.155: Response received from patchserver.
    000000004.155: Prepared to patch 8807560 bytes in 1 files.
    000000004.155: Patching files...
    000000004.155: Queueing download of <http://akamai.lotro.com/lotro/patch/2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>
    000000004.155: Processing file patch #1: <lotroclient.exe>
    000000004.155: downloading file <2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>
    000000063.445: Hash of E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lord of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe did not match the patch list. GetFileHash returned 21244FE77448B3EEA1522D2A5DDFCA 0A, but hashvalue is 6915ADBE3A1CE1BE9124D67DC2F167 53. Downloaded from 2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe.
    000000063.445: Could not download url <2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to file <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>: error 0x8004f003
    000000063.445: Failed to patch, error 0x8004f003
    000000063.544: File patching failed with error 0x8004f003
    000000123.595: preconfigured proxy settings.
    000000123.595: Could not initialize the http client
    000000123.595: Failed during initialization, error 0x80004005

    It seems that all I need to actually run the game is a hash confirmed "lotroclient.exe" file for my launcher to work with, but I cannot find any way to get this from SSG.
    There remains a possible path of finding someone to send me a copy of their lotroclient.exe file, but accepting an exe file from a stranger on the net is wisdom absolute.

    TL;DR SSG(Turbine, whatever you wanna call them) Have had launcher update looping issues for over 10yrs now and "solutions" (independently researched I must add due to a lack of support) to the issues are hit and miss at best.
    Current situation leaves Multiple players unable to simply update their client to be able to login to the game despite significant effort, research, and time investments on their part.
    Looking for a fix from SSG, hell even an acknowledgement of the issue, to be able to play the game.
    Not holding my breath.

    Good luck gardavil, I hope you get to play the game soon.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ConanF View Post
    I have been having patch issues since the latest update as well.

    I have tried all the "listed" methods of "fixing" the issue to no avail. Methods include but are not limited to:

    1. Clean reinstall. Failed
    (with additional download patch loops randomly) (Also, this is a 29GB download to "fix" an update issue, sounds like the nuclear option to me)

    2. Repair. This triggers a re-downloading of the game from scratch so really isn't a "repair". See point 1, Failed.

    3. Run launcher as administrator. Zero change, Failed.

    4. Change DNS setting. Zero change, Failed.

    5. Delete ".dat" files and rerun launcher. Downloaded .dat file fine but then returned to "Hash code error" on next file. Failed

    Finally I checked the "PatchClient.log" file to seek more info.
    Through parsing this log I found the URL for some of the files that the launcher was hanging on, usually the next 2 files in sequence.
    Copy pasting these URLs into a browser address window allowed me to directly download these files and then place them in my "Lord of the Rings Online\forward" folder. (Note: some of these files need to be placed in subfolders inside "\forward", notably x64 files)
    Then I reran the launcher and and it applied those files successfully until I got to the last and only file left "lotroclient.exe".
    Following the same process allowed me to download "lotroclient.exe" but subsequently running the launcher it fails with "There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file" and retries (re-downloading "lotroclient.exe" or just failing) every 60 secs ad infinitum.

    Here is the latest entry from my PatchClient.log file for reference:

    //****************************** ****************************** ****************************
    // Filename: C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Th e Lord of the Rings Online/PatchClient.log
    // Description:
    // Version: Portal:compiled Fri Mar 30 13:34:00 2018 : RELEASE
    // Process ID: 8344 (0x2098) Thread ID: 2964 (0xb94)
    // Log Creation Time: Fri May 01 16:10:42 2020
    // Current Time - System: Fri May 01 16:10:42 2020 Game: 000000000.000
    // Times wrapped: 0 Writes: 0 Bytes Written: 0
    //****************************** ****************************** ****************************
    000000000.000: preconfigured proxy settings.
    000000000.000: Using settings from INI file [E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lord of the Rings Online\coreonline.ini], section [PatchClient]
    000000000.000: Importing public key
    000000000.000: Connecting to patchserver at patch.lotro.com:6015
    000000000.000: Setting proxy information for patchserver connection
    000000002.951: Checking for file patches.
    000000002.951: application directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online>
    000000002.951: temp directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\tmp>
    000000002.951: forward directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward>
    000000002.951: backup directory: <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\backup>
    000000004.155: Response received from patchserver.
    000000004.155: Prepared to patch 8807560 bytes in 1 files.
    000000004.155: Patching files...
    000000004.155: Queueing download of <http://akamai.lotro.com/lotro/patch/2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>
    000000004.155: Processing file patch #1: <lotroclient.exe>
    000000004.155: downloading file <2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>
    000000063.445: Hash of E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lord of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe did not match the patch list. GetFileHash returned 21244FE77448B3EEA1522D2A5DDFCA 0A, but hashvalue is 6915ADBE3A1CE1BE9124D67DC2F167 53. Downloaded from 2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe.
    000000063.445: Could not download url <2004280744/allwin32/lotroclient.exe> to file <E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Lor d of the Rings Online\forward/lotroclient.exe>: error 0x8004f003
    000000063.445: Failed to patch, error 0x8004f003
    000000063.544: File patching failed with error 0x8004f003
    000000123.595: preconfigured proxy settings.
    000000123.595: Could not initialize the http client
    000000123.595: Failed during initialization, error 0x80004005

    It seems that all I need to actually run the game is a hash confirmed "lotroclient.exe" file for my launcher to work with, but I cannot find any way to get this from SSG.
    There remains a possible path of finding someone to send me a copy of their lotroclient.exe file, but accepting an exe file from a stranger on the net is wisdom absolute.

    TL;DR SSG(Turbine, whatever you wanna call them) Have had launcher update looping issues for over 10yrs now and "solutions" (independently researched I must add due to a lack of support) to the issues are hit and miss at best.
    Current situation leaves Multiple players unable to simply update their client to be able to login to the game despite significant effort, research, and time investments on their part.
    Looking for a fix from SSG, hell even an acknowledgement of the issue, to be able to play the game.
    Not holding my breath.

    Good luck gardavil, I hope you get to play the game soon.
    You could try downloading from here.


    That may bring in the file you need.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Can anybody explain why some players are receiving files that aren't meeting the hash requirements and others are getting the files properly?
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
    Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The stable master in Lyndelby did not render.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lavender1934 View Post
    The stable master in Lyndelby did not render.
    That's intended. Do the quests.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Draigoch's Lair no longer seems to work since patch. Can someone confirm?

    The hole is open, you can jump down all by yourself. His head is not moving though and you cannot see the light when running down...

    If true, this would be a bit of a shame since the Year 7 Trifles quest cannot be completed, which a) makes us have to wait another year and b) makes us repeat all of the other year 7 trifles that were previously completed (for me that is all but one), which is time consuming...

    So if this could be patched prior to the end of the anniversary event, that would be great!

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Sk0field View Post
    Draigoch's Lair no longer seems to work since patch. Can someone confirm?

    The hole is open, you can jump down all by yourself. His head is not moving though and you cannot see the light when running down...

    If true, this would be a bit of a shame since the Year 7 Trifles quest cannot be completed, which a) makes us have to wait another year and b) makes us repeat all of the other year 7 trifles that were previously completed (for me that is all but one), which is time consuming...

    So if this could be patched prior to the end of the anniversary event, that would be great!
    Working fine on friday. May be you have save?

    Quote Originally Posted by lavender1934 View Post
    The stable master in Lyndelby did not render.
    You need complete "Welcome to Lyndelby" quest to open swift travel route

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    Working fine on friday. May be you have save?
    What do you mean by that? Can you explain please?

    I entered it again today, same thing. No welcoming message, no light when walking down. The hole is open, you don't need six people to start the fight. I can pick up the treasure, but Draigoch is kind of absent. Not really moving, only turning for phase change. Head and claws are invisible, have no moral numbers, just bars...

  11. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    limlok bounties boss goblins immune to first hit

    Every Bounty in Limlok i have done on my RK it has completely ignore any and all damage form my first skill (Valyron scored a critical hit with Epic Conclusion on Blood-spiller for 292,692 Lightning damage to Morale.) but still aggros. Is this some wierd anti 1 one hit mechanic? or a bug?

  12. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by gseedstrike View Post
    Every Bounty in Limlok i have done on my RK it has completely ignore any and all damage form my first skill (Valyron scored a critical hit with Epic Conclusion on Blood-spiller for 292,692 Lightning damage to Morale.) but still aggros. Is this some wierd anti 1 one hit mechanic? or a bug?
    Noticed this consistently with burg backstab. This also applies to debuffs if the first action is a “pulling” debuff it aggros but is not applied. Just figured it was a feature not a bug. I have seen this occasionally on mobs in other areas before where the first hit lands according to the logs but no damage is subtracted from the mob.

  13. #113
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    All the named goblins inside the bounties ignore the first hit, and have done since day one. It's weird and a bit strange, but I kinda like it. The initial shot is cool, but sometimes it can diminish a fight to the point of boring.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruunamok View Post
    The patch process crashes to desktop, while downloading dat files after having completed forward iterations.

    Overall Patch dat files 88%
    Files Done! done
    Iterations Done! done
    Dat files (downloading 7133) crashes before file 1000
    I having this issue months ago....started after a big update and never could play again...
    Anybody have answer wich can help, please???

    Maybe some who update game could make available the update folder where we can download to our computer???

  15. #115
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    /closing as necro
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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