Please Note: This post is addressing use of the ‘Submit A Request’ form for submitting game bugs only.
Player submitted bugs are an extremely important tool for QA. The bug database is reviewed daily and bugs are submitted from QA to the Development team on a regular basis.
Please keep all questions and comments in this thread relevant to the process of reporting bugs.
Please do not 'report' bugs on the forums by starting a thread or making a post in this thread. Bugs reported in this manner will not be submitted to our database and will take significantly longer for us to learn about and therefore address.
Please note we are unable to provide immediate or direct assistance via a Bug Report!
Please do not file a bug with the expectation that we are going to get back to you with a solution to your problem, or that any reply you do receive will be in a timely manner.
We do not monitor the bug database 24/7, nor as QA do we have the permissions or abilities to assist you on the Live worlds.
If you need immediate assistance please assure you are filing your ticket under a Customer Support category (see below in 'How Can Support Help You?')
How to access the 'Submit A Request' Form
(all these methods will open the same webpage)
- Launcher
- Click Support on the Launcher
- Click Forums at the top of the page
- Select 'Forums The Lord of the Rings Online'
- Click 'Submit A Bug' at the top of the page
- In-game
- Type /bug in the chat box OR Open the Help window (F7, ESC or System > Help from the options (^) on the left of the main Action Bar)
- Please note: This method is NOT available on the Bullroarer Beta Preview Server
- Click 'Report A Bug' at the bottom of the Help window
- This will open the submission form in an external browser
- Click 'Submit A Bug' at the top of the page
- Forum
- Click 'Submit A Bug' at the top of the page
The Submit A Request form is part of the Standing Stone Support site, which has its own login. We strongly suggest creating an account and logging in to the support site when filing bugs.
The Submission Form
- Fields with a red star * are non-optional
How can Support help you?
- For filing a bug, always choose the ‘I would like to report a bug.’ option
- The other options in this dropdown are for filing support tickets to CS. If you use these options for filing a bug it will take substantially longer for the bug to reach QA.
- Conversely, if you have an issue that requires CS assistance please do not use the ‘I would like to report a bug.’ option. As with getting bugs to QA, this will cause delays in getting your ticket to CS.
Your email address*
- If you are already logged in to the SSG support site this field will not appear
- This does not have to be the email address you have registered to the game or the support site - it doesn't even need to be a real email address. It just needs something that follows a normal email address format for the form to submit (ie: will work).
- If you entered a legitimate email address
- You will receive a confirmation of the bug submission.
- You may reply to this confirmation email to expand on your bug report and include more information and/or attachments
- It will allow us to contact you concerning your bug (we assure you this information is not made public, nor would we use it for any other reason)
- If you use the email address you have registered to the SSG Support Site you can view and track the progress any bugs (tickets) you submitted by clicking 'My Ticket Activity'. You can then select the bug and provide comments and attachments.
- Please provide a short but clear description of your bug. Any details should be entered in the Description field.
- Please provide any kind of information that may help QA research and recreate the bug.
- Please include exact Quest Titles, Item Names, NPC names, etc. whenever possible. The more concise your bug report is the faster QA can track the issue down and submit it for correction.
- If there are details - particularly with boss fights or instance runs - that you think may have contributed to the bug occurring, please include them with the bug.
Preferred Language*
- Please note Standing Stone Games can only officially support English, German and French.
- We may use internet translation services such as Google Translate or DeepL when working with bugs written in any language other than English. We apologize for any spelling or grammar errors in our communications when working with these bug reports.
Platform & Product*
- PC or Mac
- LOTRO or DDO – please assure you are choosing the correct product!
- Please pick the category that most closely relates to your bug. This will help QA filter the bugs more accurately and address them more efficiently
- Please use the 'Localization' category to report any bugs regarding French and German translations
Operating System
- While this field is optional, it may be helpful especially when reporting a technical issue.
Contact Full Name
- Feel free to skip this field
Account Username*
- Please provide accurate information here so we can contact you regarding your bug if necessary
Free to Play/Premium/VIP Membership
- Please select the account level that was active at the time you experienced the bug.
Character Name*
- If the bug is happening to more than one character you can list more than one name here.
- If the bug is not character specific please provide the name of the character you play most often
- The remaining Character fields may be left blank unless there is some information you feel is pertinent to the bug, such as Class if a skill is not performing correctly or Race if a character animation appears wonky.
Current Server
- While this is optional we strongly suggest filling it in. If we need to look at your character or your house, we need to know what server you are on.
Location (use /loc)
- Please try to report your bug from the location where it is happening
- If you cannot report the bug immediately, please type /loc in your chat box (/pos in the German client, /emp in the French client).
- You can then scroll back in your chat log at a safer time and copy/paste this information in the details of your bug.
- Please do not use the command ;loc - this returns information we cannot use. Please use /loc (/pos, /emp) and provide the entire string of gibberish.
Attachments - Screen Shots FTW!
You know the old adage 'A picture is worth a thousand words'? Well, it's true. If you are having a graphics issue of any sort, you're reporting a landseam or clipping of cosmetic items, a floating object or an unreachable craft node - nearly anything you find yourself trying to describe the appearance of - please please please include a screenshot. Often our developers can just look at an issue and can determine the cause.
NOTE: If you are reporting a bug about the Interface not behaving properly, please assure you are using the default UI and have no alternate skins applied.