I have limited interests so I'll speak to that: raiding, gear & class builds, cosmetics, dorf lore. But I try to play through and savor story once ever, there's no replay value to it for me so I didn't mess with that here. Don't care about missions at all.
- Mini-raid seems neat from <2 hrs exposure to it. We had fun, nothing deep to say since it hasn't stewed.
- Cosmetics are re-done stoutaxe gear, which is appropriate for folks who don't have the race, and a new set with new textures & maybe half new meshes. Excited to make something out of it. Kinda goofy looking on non-dorfs, but they need something for themselves.
- Warden bug fixes are appropriate. Jav skills still proc Sieze the Moment, which I understand from Cord's last stream is by design. Thank y'all for that.
- Gold shinies
- I see and appreciate the different itemization for teal tank bracelets, though they'll get replaced by the golds.
- Maybe an overhaul is coming with Gundabad, but U28 tank class balance will still be way captain-heavy. Guard changes are a start, but that's it. Meta won't change. Wardens and Bears and Champs won't challenge Capts either, and the goal should be the differences between classes being less than the differences between good tank players and great tank players, and it isn't (though that's an admittedly squishy metric).
- DPS class balance is OK, with 4 out of the big 5 being valid for high tiers. (the 5th, RKs, being brought purely as bubblers on T3-T5 Rukhor, not present in Thoss, and just relegated to heal in Shelob). Bears & guards would be easy to buff into the meta if you just throw some crit & damage stuff in there (unique to red line in the case of bears, to limit cross traiting as heals)--they're maybe 60% there already.
- As much as I love new shinies to chase in and of themselves, why even have all these stats if Remm has got healers and DPS capped on their primary role stats (crit chance and OGH/mastery? All that's left to do is bulk or cheese (anvil & throne 2-sets)
- Some broken stuff remains, like Never Surrender no longer working as it had for around a decade. I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but throne set @130 ought to just be either legitimized or buttoned up.
- Tact crit multipliers on teal heavy and medium drops from the 6man? Really? Is that a typo for just plain any crit multiplier, in which case I'd move it up to "good"?
Last edited by Omen_Kaizer; Oct 06 2020 at 10:01 PM.
Argendauss, Captain
Rechart, Warden
Hrodgart, Beorning
Gunnart, Guardian