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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Couldn't figure out private message...

    Cord, the store sales announcement has April as the date instead of May. (in forum, not launcher)
    (I tried to PM this, but couldn't figure out if it actually got sent... guess I'm getting too old indeed)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    oops sorry
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    No "sorry" needed, easy slip. Just trying to be helpful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    All the jokes aside....

    What is going on with the sales at the minute... well for some time now.

    Absolute garbage... weeks of nothingness and then mithril coins... then nothing for weeeks....

    what happened to that store guy with the beard to match Cords? I am assuming he left but the store was more appealing back then...

    Get 25% off:
    Virtue Acceleration Tome
    Trait Slots
    Skill and Slayer Deed Boosts

    I mean come on.... Virtue acceleration tome? If you're chasing Virtues you need to get out more... it is Spring after all... Trait slots is kind of niche and definitely not for VIP and can you tell me that anyone who hasn't played the game for the last x years hasn't got +dozens of these in their vault from hobbit gifts?

    It seems that they don't want folks to buy anything from the sales? Maybe enough folks just buy when they need instead of when on sale.

    As a slight Segue and maybe it is a European thing but does anyone really buy LP when not on sale? Does anyone really buy Mithril Coins when not on sale?

    We need someone like Brad.... I want to name the castle !!

    If you don't get the reference.....meh .... otherwise answers on a postcard lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    what happened to that store guy with the beard to match Cords? I am assuming he left but the store was more appealing back then...
    QuartermasterU - Hard to tell, he revealed a moral compass unseen since.

    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    As a slight Segue and maybe it is a European thing but does anyone really buy LP when not on sale? Does anyone really buy Mithril Coins when not on sale?
    Those nurtured into predation perhaps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    I mean come on.... Virtue acceleration tome? If you're chasing Virtues you need to get out more... it is Spring after all...
    Oh dear I bought them last night. My poor little beorning that I used the old Mordor boost on (to 105), is so far behind on virtues it's pointless, which is why I changed my mind and used them on my main as those few virtues that aren't maxed bug me.
    Plus it was pouring down here last night, so getting out was not an option
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Braer View Post
    QuartermasterU - Hard to tell, he revealed a moral compass unseen since.

    Those nurtured into predation perhaps.
    Quote Originally Posted by Once_of_Bree View Post
    Oh dear I bought them last night. My poor little beorning that I used the old Mordor boost on (to 105), is so far behind on virtues it's pointless, which is why I changed my mind and used them on my main as those few virtues that aren't maxed bug me.
    Plus it was pouring down here last night, so getting out was not an option
    Both smart witty and heartfelt answers....

    I know there is always someone who wants what is on sale but they must be very niche for circumstance and definitely not for the bulk of players.

    Apart from Double Bonus LP and MC there has been nothing substantial since the cash grab of 2020 when they put black keys and Level 120 boost on huge sale. I mean if I knew that something like that was coming every 6 months then I would give them ground but.....

    Another thing... the free gift... don't give +5% Attack Damage x25 (90 minutes) one week and then a single DYE the next. That is insane.

    Last few weeks we have had:

    +5% Attack Damage x25 (90 minutes) - x25 is not to be sniffy about... very good.
    Fall Injury Immunity x5 - Again 2 weeks later Why?
    Regeneration Food x5 - OH DEAR ME !!
    Fall Injury Immunity x5 - only really required in PVP and x5 is not worth the effort opening the store.
    Battle Potion of Restoration x5 - have stack
    Landscape Soldier Token - have stack and never used... if someone can tell me a way to use these because you can't use to solo instances and not required for landscape as too easy anyway.
    100% Crafting XP - If there was some reason to want to craft again then....
    20% Mount Speed - have stacks and definitely not needed... this game is beautiful, don't rush around.
    Tome of Defence (90 minutes) - again good but have stacks because I don't PVP or Raid anymore
    Morale Bubble Potion x5 - haha need I even bother?

    So for me personally, I have stacks of these from over the years from hobbit presents and why I understand that not everyone has, some are really lame... like a single DYE ! I know the idea is to get folks an idea of what these items are that can be purchased and hoping that they will then go on and purchase for full price but... just because there is nobody steering the store ship doesn't mean you keep on heading blindly for the iceberg.... you can jump in the pilot seat and steer us south towards the sunny Caribbean

    Bring back the lottery. At least that had some jeopardy and you could then hand out better stuff.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post

    Bring back the lottery. At least that had some jeopardy and you could then hand out better stuff.

    This!!!!!!! I REALLY miss the lottery! (amazingly, I actually won some stuff there)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    If you are getting these various buffs in game play and saving them up getting another freebie in the store just means another stack to store. It's so annoying having three things all providing exactly the same buff all needing a separate stack and on top of that the bug that has them fail to stack in storage until you notice and sort them out in your pack. You can split them up over a number of characters but you'll never remember which has the tradable stack which the bound and which the store stack, nightmare.

    But congrats to that player who was suffering walking around in the beautiful green gear and was unable to conjure up that last dye to change those gaudy yellow shoulder pads. I'd prefer a mount dye pack as a freebie ofc.

    Now we always had the option to AH the buffs we found in game if we weren't in need ourselves but the various freebies undermine that. I'm much the happier using buffs I have the means to replace, through crafting, perhaps other are happy with using them knowing they can replace them with LP with less effort as well.

    Those buffs only available in the store are of course quite at odds with more traditional MMORPGing. Maybe the likes of a freebie dye is the encouragement to run a scholar and spend LP developing a character instead.

    One of the strangest things for a game is the items that can become a currency in there own right because of decisions made by the "developers": Black Steel Keys and to a lesser extent Small Acceleration Tomes.

    The game seems over run with excitable people. SSG always profess to be excited with anything new. As a player your game kind of goes to pot in a panic, you hope your leader has that calming influence nearing your first downing. "MORE DOTS, MORE DOTS" ain't likely to help you think straight, just a classic moment in gaming history.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Hopefully when the new website gets up and running they will be able to have Lotteries again.

    Of course they will need to be labelled something other than Lottery due to gaming laws but.....

    maybe we could have a competition to name the new "hobbit present" type lottery in the new forum.... Something to with Elf Dwarf or Man? that would be too lazy.... wouldn't it?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TearMaker View Post
    Hopefully when the new website gets up and running they will be able to have Lotteries again.

    Of course they will need to be labelled something other than Lottery due to gaming laws but.....

    maybe we could have a competition to name the new "hobbit present" type lottery in the new forum.... Something to with Elf Dwarf or Man? that would be too lazy.... wouldn't it?
    The 4, no 5, no 6-race raffle. (Whatever number of races we have by then) I'm sure raffles have to be ok, they've been all the rage at every church fundraiser I've ever seen in 63 years of life.
    I wouldn't even mind parting with a in-game gold piece to buy a raffle ticket from a church-lady for atmosphere. There could be one in each town, and the ticket number could be used to actually choose the RNG winner!
    Last edited by Flaxie; May 16 2021 at 05:24 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    And don't forget the bring and buy sale....

    I bring a stack of 39 Black Steel Keys... what you got to trade?



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