That's the thing about these new servers. The issue is that different level caps beg for different lengths of time. But instead of realizing this and adjusting intelligently, SSG just slapped two equally-flawed one-size-fits-all release schedules on two servers and called it a day.
Treebeard will sit too long at the boring caps, and Shadowfax will blow past interesting caps where there's more to do at endgame. I can't imagine making either server my permanent home and spending a lot of money on permanent character upgrades.
They should have left the release schedule similar to Anor with a few minor tweaks. Cut a month off SoA and Moria (until they get around to fixing and balancing content), and don't delay at all like they did when they left Anor at 85 and 95 for ~6 months due to COVID/Bombadil. Maybe cut 95 and 100 down to 3 months as well. Otherwise, timing there has been pretty on the spot. Not that there aren't a million things that need fixing from L1-115, but the release timing was the least of the issues on Anor, at least.
Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...