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  1. #1
    Strider5548's Avatar
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    Why can't we have both premium and normal kinship homes?

    Is there a reason why we can't have both a premium and normal kin home? This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and is quite frustrating for those who planned to have both.

    I don't see why we can't just add an extra 'return to' skill and allow Kinships to have both?
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  2. #2
    Scenario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strider5548 View Post
    Is there a reason why we can't have both a premium and normal kin home? This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and is quite frustrating for those who planned to have both.

    I don't see why we can't just add an extra 'return to' skill and allow Kinships to have both?
    The housing system does not currently support the concept of a Kinship owning multiple Kinship homes. We investigated allowing this when we introduced the Rohan neighborhoods, but the amount of work required to enable it was greater than we had time for in the schedule. It is something that is on our wishlist and hopefully something we can look into in the future.

  3. #3
    Strider5548's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    The housing system does not currently support the concept of a Kinship owning multiple Kinship homes. We investigated allowing this when we introduced the Rohan neighborhoods, but the amount of work required to enable it was greater than we had time for in the schedule. It is something that is on our wishlist and hopefully something we can look into in the future.
    Thanks, that's a very helpful response. Hopefully one day we'll get this option, and this explains why Mead Halls aren't considered Kin Homes!
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    The housing system does not currently support the concept of a Kinship owning multiple Kinship homes. We investigated allowing this when we introduced the Rohan neighborhoods, but the amount of work required to enable it was greater than we had time for in the schedule. It is something that is on our wishlist and hopefully something we can look into in the future.
    I will love to see that. I wonder if it will apply to both classic & premium kinship houses.

  5. #5
    Scenario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strider5548 View Post
    Thanks, that's a very helpful response. Hopefully one day we'll get this option, and this explains why Mead Halls aren't considered Kin Homes!
    We were hoping to have the feature for the launch of Rohan housing - but since we weren't going to be able to, we wanted to see if the Kinship House Visit feature could enable a similar kind of experience. There are certainly some limitations associated with using a "standard" house as a Kinship house.

    I will say that Kinship halls will be returning for our next neighborhood offering - and hopefully the setting is enticing enough to convince kinships make the decision to move.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    We were hoping to have the feature for the launch of Rohan housing - but since we weren't going to be able to, we wanted to see if the Kinship House Visit feature could enable a similar kind of experience. There are certainly some limitations associated with using a "standard" house as a Kinship house.

    I will say that Kinship halls will be returning for our next neighborhood offering - and hopefully the setting is enticing enough to convince kinships make the decision to move.
    I love throwing money at the game, but I gotta say that whatever is up your sleeves, it's gonna have to be SUPER enticing... cos asking a kinleader to throw *another* 894 MC/36 housing writs' worth of money at the game is a bit pricy.

    Now, if there was the possibility of some kind of discount or refund in housing writs, that would be cool, but that's never been the policy unless it was a case like Ithil where a kin didn't have a choice and was forced by the company to move servers - and we had to pester to get a FULL refund of housing writs to avoid double-dipping to buy on our new server. This is definitely something where it's gonna be player choice, so it's on our own heads if we want to move... again, under the current policy.
    Shhh. Listen. Listen to the sound of suffering. Resolve to relieve it. Lift others up. Be kind.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    I will say that Kinship halls will be returning for our next neighborhood offering - and hopefully the setting is enticing enough to convince kinships make the decision to move.
    Some of us don't want to move, we want to expand. The best way to make all of us buying more kin houses are working in the multi houses feature.
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  8. #8
    Strider5548's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eduardo.scharf View Post
    Some of us don't want to move, we want to expand. The best way to make all of us buying more kin houses are working in the multi houses feature.
    Yea 100% this, I personally just spent over 70 bucks to buy a Belfalas house for our kin on Treebeard. I would be open to buying additional kin houses, but I'm not interested in moving and I expect most players feel this way. Ideally we could buy 1 of each type of Kin house (standard, Belfalas, whatever the next area is, etc.)
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  9. #9
    Scenario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strider5548 View Post
    Yea 100% this, I personally just spent over 70 bucks to buy a Belfalas house for our kin on Treebeard. I would be open to buying additional kin houses, but I'm not interested in moving and I expect most players feel this way. Ideally we could buy 1 of each type of Kin house (standard, Belfalas, whatever the next area is, etc.)
    I don't dispute any of this sentiment. We've love for you to be able to expand in this way as well - but LOTRO is a big project with a lot of initiatives to undertake, and that means the scheduling of certain requests doesn't always happen in the timing you (or we) would like. Please believe me when I say that something like this is definitely on the list of requests for when the opportunity comes to implement new housing features.

  10. #10
    Strider5548's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    I don't dispute any of this sentiment. We've love for you to be able to expand in this way as well - but LOTRO is a big project with a lot of initiatives to undertake, and that means the scheduling of certain requests doesn't always happen in the timing you (or we) would like. Please believe me when I say that something like this is definitely on the list of requests for when the opportunity comes to implement new housing features.
    Thanks as always for engaging with us on the forums. Completely understand regarding the priorities and the desire to release this functionality. Appreciate the transparency and I do look forward to seeing the future enhancements to the housing system in LOTRO!
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  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    I don't dispute any of this sentiment. We've love for you to be able to expand in this way as well - but LOTRO is a big project with a lot of initiatives to undertake, and that means the scheduling of certain requests doesn't always happen in the timing you (or we) would like. Please believe me when I say that something like this is definitely on the list of requests for when the opportunity comes to implement new housing features.
    It will be fun to have several kinhouses of varied racial style to make sort like Kinship camps.

    On a different note, I love the feature to visit kinmates house but there is a little issue about the words used on the panel. Trying to explain how to select permissions to a kinmate can take a long time because the chosen words on those icons. On the original permissions section the word Visit means to go inside the house. But in the Kinship panel the word Visit means to port to the kinmate house. People often fail to notice that those 2 buttons even if using the same word means different things. Can you please change the button at the Kinship panel to read "Port to kinmate house", or the button at the Permissions section read "Indoors tour"? If too much words for a button, then at least add the explanation on a tooltip for that button. It may not sound as elegant but will avoid a lot of confusions. Also will be nice to add on the tooltip after enabling the primary residence that kinmates can port to that house, that way people could easier understand the correlation between that button & the ability to port. Please & thanks ahead!



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