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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    So, What happened to the "Legendary Trader" they were supposed to put in

    I have loads and loads of old items which are associated with the old legendary system and are now ostensibly useless. I understood that a new "Old Legendary Items Trader" was going to be introduced so that we could cash in our old items for things we could use with the new system. This didn't seem to happen on yesterday's update. The only thing I noticed was the ability to cash in (deconstruct using the Flame of Ancalamir) Imbued Legacy Replacement Scrolls for 600 Ancient Scripts. (Which I can't do anyway as I am at cap!). The items I have found scattered around my various characters so far are :

    Heritage Runes (A multitude of different values/ denominations)
    Scrolls of Empowerment (Various different types/levels)
    Legacy Tier Update Scrolls (Unlevelled Scrolls of Empowerment)
    Scrolls of Delving (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Unlevelled)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Various different types/levels)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Non-Level Related)
    Legendary Item XP Tomes
    Symbols of Celebrimbor (Various different types/levels)
    Symbols of The Elder King (Various different types/levels)
    Scrolls of Renewal
    Lesser Scrolls of Renewal
    Relic Removal Scrolls
    Scrolls of Legendary Titles (Bartered-For or Quest Rewards)
    Legendary Fragments (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legendary Shards (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legacies that have been removed from old legendarys
    Old Style Legendary Weapons/Class Items
    Compendiums of Middle Earth (5 different tiers/types)
    Shards (From ‘Refine’-ment of old legendary relics etc.)
    Items in your wallet that are the product of the recipes for Crafted Relics that you trade in with your guild Leader for the actual Crafted Relic

    I mention all this as I see that the first part of the next release i.e. Gundabad itself is now in Bullroarer so I am wondering if SS has totally (and conveniently) forgotten about this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    The official statement is that "some of the more valuable" old LI items will be able to be converted at some unspecified point in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Digaloo View Post
    I have loads and loads of old items which are associated with the old legendary system and are now ostensibly useless. I understood that a new "Old Legendary Items Trader" was going to be introduced so that we could cash in our old items for things we could use with the new system. This didn't seem to happen on yesterday's update. The only thing I noticed was the ability to cash in (deconstruct using the Flame of Ancalamir) Imbued Legacy Replacement Scrolls for 600 Ancient Scripts. (Which I can't do anyway as I am at cap!). The items I have found scattered around my various characters so far are :

    Heritage Runes (A multitude of different values/ denominations)
    Scrolls of Empowerment (Various different types/levels)
    Legacy Tier Update Scrolls (Unlevelled Scrolls of Empowerment)
    Scrolls of Delving (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Unlevelled)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Various different types/levels)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Non-Level Related)
    Legendary Item XP Tomes
    Symbols of Celebrimbor (Various different types/levels)
    Symbols of The Elder King (Various different types/levels)
    Scrolls of Renewal
    Lesser Scrolls of Renewal
    Relic Removal Scrolls
    Scrolls of Legendary Titles (Bartered-For or Quest Rewards)
    Legendary Fragments (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legendary Shards (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legacies that have been removed from old legendarys
    Old Style Legendary Weapons/Class Items
    Compendiums of Middle Earth (5 different tiers/types)
    Shards (From ‘Refine’-ment of old legendary relics etc.)
    Items in your wallet that are the product of the recipes for Crafted Relics that you trade in with your guild Leader for the actual Crafted Relic

    I mention all this as I see that the first part of the next release i.e. Gundabad itself is now in Bullroarer so I am wondering if SS has totally (and conveniently) forgotten about this.
    I had two crystals of rememberance from an old xpac in my pack on a copied char and they can be disenchanted with the FoA for 600 Ancient Scripts each.

    If I have time I will load a char with several things and copy it to BR.
    "...In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."
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  4. #4
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Derquin View Post
    I had two crystals of rememberance from an old xpac in my pack on a copied char and they can be disenchanted with the FoA for 600 Ancient Scripts each.

    If I have time I will load a char with several things and copy it to BR.
    I have a crystal of rememberance, but Ancalamir says "not useable with this item".

    Also I have one of the old boxes for LIs, one could be disenchanted into Ancient Scrolls, one says "it has 70 items in" and "not enough place to open" at 0 Ancient Scrolls.

    I am going to buy Gundabad after all, after a look at Bullroarer, it's very well done. Also the new LIs might be well thought out for the moment.

    What is not well thought out is the abysmal customer "relations" of some staff here and the no reliable ingame information or tutorial about what does what.

    I will continue to support LOTRO, but the way communication with some "Community Managers" works here has to change.
    Last edited by Dovakhim; Oct 21 2021 at 07:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Just been on to Bullroarer to check things out and I can't see any new ability to cash in old legendary related items so far

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Do you seriously expect anything for some of those items? Some of them were just junk/worthless before the new LIs, that you'd vendor immediately

    These I could see the case for some trade in value , not much for many of them but something, or in the case of IXP some benefit going forward with new LIs

    Quote Originally Posted by Digaloo View Post
    Heritage Runes (A multitude of different values/ denominations)
    Scrolls of Empowerment (Various different types/levels)
    Legacy Tier Update Scrolls (Unlevelled Scrolls of Empowerment)
    Scrolls of Delving (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Various different types/levels)
    Star-Lit Crystals (Unlevelled)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Various different types/levels)
    Crystals of Remembrance (Non-Level Related)
    Legendary Item XP Tomes
    Symbols of Celebrimbor (Various different types/levels)
    Symbols of The Elder King (Various different types/levels)
    However these I think are just junk and expecting reward for such trash is unrealistic

    Quote Originally Posted by Digaloo View Post
    Scrolls of Renewal
    Lesser Scrolls of Renewal
    Relic Removal Scrolls
    Scrolls of Legendary Titles (Bartered-For or Quest Rewards)
    Legendary Fragments (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legendary Shards (Crafting Component for old Legendarys)
    Legacies that have been removed from old legendarys
    Old Style Legendary Weapons/Class Items
    Compendiums of Middle Earth (5 different tiers/types)
    Shards (From ‘Refine’-ment of old legendary relics etc.)
    Items in your wallet that are the product of the recipes for Crafted Relics that you trade in with your guild Leader for the actual Crafted Relic
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    We do not have an eta for the arrival of this option, but it is something we intend to do.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digaloo View Post
    Just been on to Bullroarer to check things out and I can't see any new ability to cash in old legendary related items so far
    Used the Flame earlier on BR to disenchant the bound-on-acquire Crystals of Remembrance to 600 Ancient Script.

    Seems like the method going with.

  9. #9
    maartena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We do not have an eta for the arrival of this option, but it is something we intend to do.
    This kind of message scares me a little bit, because other projects that have "no eta and something we intend to do" have been known to sit on a shelf for months.... if not longer.

    Transfers off of old worlds for instance was something that had "no eta and something we intend to do" about 14 months ago.....
    The option to change the look of the active skill icon was something that had no eta and something we intend to do..... and was JUST implemented, about 6 months after it was announced after backlash on the new animations.
    The gold spammers have been at it for a year, and there is talk about a fix, but it has no eta....
    What will happen to Bridles is even more vague.... and has no eta.

    There are all these little things that keep being pushed off because of other deadlines (arguably ones that may generate income, such as new content), and right now I think it is safe to say that a LOT of players are sitting on STACKS and STACKS of old legendary item materials, but no real way to clear up their inventory slots besides destroying them.

    I know you guys are drowning in work, but maybe it is time to hire a few more devs..... I've said this before, and I will say it again: Maybe the next major update (Update 32?) should be a "old projects and bug fixes" release instead of new content. Sure, there will be a Gundabad raid forthcoming at some point that is already decided on, but please lets dedicate ONE full update cycle to basically fixing old bugs and much wanted quality of life updates to the game, things that people have been wanting for years and that SSG "would like to do".
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
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  10. #10
    maartena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Once_of_Bree View Post
    However these I think are just junk and expecting reward for such trash is unrealistic
    This might not be the case for everyone. Not everyone runs instances every day to get thousands of marks and medallions, and things like the "compendium volume V", which is required for making crafted relics are not cheap. I have at least 2 in my bags because I always seem to be crafting those things for toons that reach 100.

    I also think the shards should be turned into something more useful. Maybe just a few marks or so, but I think most of us spent quite a bit of gold reforging/reclaiming/deconstructing over the years and I keep USING shards to get more third agers and other related LI things, but now I have a stack that I spent gold on getting.

    Remember: Not everyone is rich in this game. Not everyone has thousands of gold or tens of thousands of marks/meds.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    This might not be the case for everyone. Not everyone runs instances every day to get thousands of marks and medallions, and things like the "compendium volume V", which is required for making crafted relics are not cheap. I have at least 2 in my bags because I always seem to be crafting those things for toons that reach 100.

    I also think the shards should be turned into something more useful. Maybe just a few marks or so, but I think most of us spent quite a bit of gold reforging/reclaiming/deconstructing over the years and I keep USING shards to get more third agers and other related LI things, but now I have a stack that I spent gold on getting.

    Remember: Not everyone is rich in this game. Not everyone has thousands of gold or tens of thousands of marks/meds.
    You really have me confused with someone else, the last raid I went in to was DN and even then I think it was maybe only twice, I don't like raids far too much like work than fun for me. My only source of income is selling unwanted shards and component boxes. Again the idea of making money through crafting is too much like work for me, and anyway there's nothing to spend gold on anyway, gold and IXP maybe the two most worthless currencies in the game.

    But since imbued LIs came out most of those items became junk, the relics from shards became irrelevant so shards became irrelevant. If I ever wanted a third age LI, I'd craft one but normally I always had more than enough from drops and that with a filter on so only that alt's class would get through. Legendary fragments & scrolls of renewal were only fit for immediate vendoring, you got them everytime you deconned a 3rd age LI and again both were worthless with imbued LIs. Legacies yep I have them in my vault not sure why as again worthless, if I suddenly changed my mind about an LI I'd just make some new 3rd ages level to 31 and trash them to get the legacy.

    Long story short, I stand by my opinion that those items I listed are junk and don't warrant any 'compensation'
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We do not have an eta for the arrival of this option, but it is something we intend to do.
    This kind of phrasing for what was supposed to be an improvement is...not fun to read.

    If the entire UI for the new LI system is worse than the old one, and the system itself is poorly balanced much more so than the old one...maybe this just isn't a feature that should be advertised or included in a paid (up to $130 even) expansion pack.

    I would much rather have heard there were some new epic battles in Gundabad vs. the current situation of 'we're struggling on all sorts of deadlines down to ruining your old weapons and not having new ones ready or properly functioning'. Even the new class doesn't seem halfway polished.

    What part of Gundabad is up to par for an expansion pack? Hopefully the quests and raid.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2007
    There is no use for a "Legendary Trader" if the items like heritage runes and such just disappear out of our vaults. My wife and I both had a nice assortment of heritage runes we were saving for the Trader, and sometime in last couple of days all of them have disappeared from our vaults, no mention about this I have found yet, (we changed our passwords hoping it was a hack... but nothing else valuable is missing as far as we have noticed).

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gardavil View Post
    There is no use for a "Legendary Trader" if the items like heritage runes and such just disappear out of our vaults. My wife and I both had a nice assortment of heritage runes we were saving for the Trader, and sometime in last couple of days all of them have disappeared from our vaults, no mention about this I have found yet, (we changed our passwords hoping it was a hack... but nothing else valuable is missing as far as we have noticed).
    Heritage Runes aka IXP pills? I haven't heard of those disappearing before. All of mine are stashed away where they should be.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gardavil View Post
    There is no use for a "Legendary Trader" if the items like heritage runes and such just disappear out of our vaults. My wife and I both had a nice assortment of heritage runes we were saving for the Trader, and sometime in last couple of days all of them have disappeared from our vaults, no mention about this I have found yet, (we changed our passwords hoping it was a hack... but nothing else valuable is missing as far as we have noticed).
    You need to look into that, maybe with a ticket, or something else. Mine are still in storage where they have been, so something else is going on there.



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