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Quest: Skáilag: Spoils of War
Category: Landscape (auto-bestowed as you enter the cave)
Journal Level: 135
Journal Icon: solo
Actual Level: 137-138, but unlikely to be soloable in practice
Actual Icon: Small Fellowship, especially for non-DPS classes
Reason: You have to find a number of Dwarf-trinkets from coffers strewn around the cave. The coffers that ACTUALLY contain trinkets though, are placed in chambers with one Angmar sorcerer and THREE fell spirits - which each take 1/5 of your health on ONE hit. And yes, I know some will say: Just kill the sorcerer, and the fell spirits will go away. No. They. Will. Not. These are fell spirits that come in ADDITION to the ones summoned by the sorcerer. And no, you can't pull JUST the sorcerer and not the spirits, due to them being to tight together. It simply isn't possible to fight off all at once solo, and therefore the quest is, to all intents and purposes, not completeable on your own, even though the rest of the cave is. Remove the fell spirits, and soloers should have no problem.
I had no issue with this one on my Brawler. Which is at the very bottom of the dps tree.
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"Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth. Ry'n ni yma o hyd."