This has been a want for a number of years, basically since the servers were pulled from Codemasters in 2011, and brought back under (then) Turbine's umbrella. I completely agree that this is something that SHOULD happen, but there are a fair number of obstacles to overcome.
They initially HAD plans for this when they were still Turbine, and they could more easily pull it off because they could use WB's data center in Amsterdam, which already serves game servers for other WB owned games. WB has an office location in Amsterdam as well, so it would have been possible to utilize their IT staff for maintenance and updates. This plan fell by the way side when the procurement of Lotro and DDO by Daybreak Games happened. They announced that they would not be able to do the planned EU data center well before the official takeover by Daybreak, but of course these kinds of organizational changes take a lot of time to do, and the purchase probably was already known internally long before it was announced to the public. Back then they said it was because of "technical reasons" but I am thinking it was because WB said no, as they were planning to sell to Daybreak.
So, fast forward a few years, and Daybreak has now been brought under the EG7 umbrella, which may open new opportunities for a data center location within the EG7 data centers in Europe. There is of course a CHANCE that this may happen, but at this moment there are no longer any plans to do so.
There are also some technical problems to overcome, based on blue name comments in years past..... in that the login servers and database servers are all integrated, and it proved to be a challenge to have game servers running in one country, and login/database servers running in another. So in essence they would need to split the currently combined billing systems, login systems, database systems into two separate entities again. They brought them al together in 2011, but I do not know (from a technical point of view) how permanent this change was, and whether they could once again be split off into separate entities.
Doing this also comes at a cost. Some servers may have to be duplicated as mentioned above, but you would also need access to personnel that can physically go to the data center in case of issues or to perform routine maintenance. I do know that from a technical point of view, patches and updates still have to be done at the SAME time of all other servers, meaning the downtime windows will not change and will likely still be done during US East Coast mornings, and as such personnel in the EU will have to routinely work in the evening when it is patch day. Not a huge issue, but it could potentially be harder to schedule updates. And of course we'll start seeing complaints from the less technical players about why the patch times for EU servers have to be in US time still... 
Finally, there may also be some LEGAL issues. We all know about the lootbox laws that exist within the EU (at least in several EU countries including Germany and Belgium), but as the game is a US based game those laws do not apply. If they were operating servers within the EU, they may have to comply to certain laws they do not have to comply to now. The whole Brexit thing may also have made things a bit more complicated on the legal front as EU law no longer applies to Great Britain, but they may have their own laws in regards to online games. I am by no means a legal expert, but these are things to take into consideration when deciding to host servers somewhere.
All in all I think it is a good idea, and it really should happen...... but the reality of the situation is that it will likely not.
Part of it may be technical.
Part of it may be legal.
Part of it may be financial.
We won't fully know (or ever get told) why this cannot happen, but we are. It's been about 5 years since Vyvyanne put the kibosh on EU servers, and I do not see that changing now.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.