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With the announcement of Gundabad (and the involvement of the Iron Crown), I'm dying to see what involvement (if any) the Grey Company has, so this can continue to be updated.
My heart is STILL full from seeing how long this thread has gone on.
Oh I love the Grey Company! They hold a special place in my heart (my main has a made-up romance with Candaith, sadly ending in tragedy ) and I will always want more of them, but I'm not sure how they would fit into Gundabad. The Angmarim are certainly all tangled up in this, so I could *maybe* see Aragorn looking into things. One can only hope!
Gwinthilnel: Elleth Hunter lvl 140~~~Hadniel: Woman Minstrel lvl 115~~~Gwynduilas: High Elleth Captain lvl 62 ~~~Gwindethen: Elleth Runekeeper lvl 28
Kin: The Cliff Divers