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  1. #176
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    I think it was about time that rather than just posting and waiting for a response, some action was taken.

    What about drafting a 'players are pissed at Standing Stones games support' letter/email and sending that to several gaming sites/magazines? They obviously have no intention on responding to problems if they have tickets at are 7months+ old so we need weightier help.


  2. #177
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    This really is ridiculous. I'm trying to subscribe to their game and they won't let me. lol.

    Where are they? Boston? Someone call Boston PD and have them do a Wellness Check on Standing Stone Games. Maybe they'll get the message.

    (That's a joke, BTW. Don't actually call the police. I feel like I need to say that.)

  3. #178
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    I came back after about 8 months. banned until 2049. I doubt I'm going to get a response from support. Very disheartening I just wanted to play the game again.

  4. #179
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiperisgood View Post
    I came back after about 8 months. banned until 2049. I doubt I'm going to get a response from support. Very disheartening I just wanted to play the game again.
    I think this might get a good chance of getting a quicker reply.
    Did you get a reason for your ban? At least you could try and ask for it.

    From my experience (waiting 7,5 months for a reply), there are two types of helpdesk employees. Some low level ones that have authoroty do do the easy requests. They give a rather quick reply. Asking about the reason for your ban might just be such an easy request.
    And then there's a few high level employees. The more complex tickets are theirs. Those tickets include hacked accounts, and account/password errors and the like. Waiting times here are counted in months.

  5. #180
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Alathair8 View Post
    2 up till now. The original ticket and a ticket referring to it 4 months later. The last one got closed without any reply. The original one is still open, but only I replied to it over the last 7 months.
    I created 2 more tickets just now. One in 'locate account', one in 'account banned/suspended'.
    We'll see what happens...
    After 1 day, both tickets got merged into the original one. No further action on the original one though. But I did get a name of the helpdesker who looked into the new tickets: Eldanak. Can't find that name on the forums though.

  6. #181
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Alathair8 View Post
    After 1 day, both tickets got merged into the original one. No further action on the original one though. But I did get a name of the helpdesker who looked into the new tickets: Eldanak. Can't find that name on the forums though.
    Eldanak was the first one who replied in my ticket, than I've had an update by Luithia and than...the silence...

  7. #182
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The customer service is terrible I must say I have tickets that are a month old no response. I don't know why I keep spending money on this ####.

  8. #183
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    i know i brought the expansion gundabad 10 days ago and it still not activated on my account in game and this rate i will be to use lotro points to buy it, the only problem then is how do you get a refund.
    what also is annolying is every i log in there a in game message saying buy this area , when i already have.

  9. #184
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    I'm at more than 5 months, so get used to waiting.

  10. #185
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Some news?

  11. #186
    Join Date
    May 2007

    No customer support

    I have two tickets one since Oct 8th .
    One of the tickets is the new fire aura from the fan bundle pack ($130 package) where the aura doesn't glow on one of my main toons. I expect it to work for the price I paid so please fix.

  12. #187
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    And it works on your other toons?

  13. #188
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Arrow Customer Service

    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Alkaid View Post
    UPDATE: Click here for our new support portal!

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    Michelle, please explain why I have tickets that are over a month old with no response whatsoever. Explain why I have tickets vital to progress, and no one appears to be reading them. Does this game even have Customer Service anymore?
    I really have to wonder. It seems to me you may have one over-burdened person trying to help, but no help is getting to me. WHY?
    Kazren Altaholic Extrodinaire
    8 Level 140 Characters, mostly Arkenstone with Colonies on Elendilmir, Landroval, Crickhollow and Brandywine

  14. #189
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazren View Post
    Michelle, please explain why I have tickets that are over a month old with no response whatsoever. Explain why I have tickets vital to progress, and no one appears to be reading them. Does this game even have Customer Service anymore?
    I really have to wonder. It seems to me you may have one over-burdened person trying to help, but no help is getting to me. WHY?
    A bit like the response time to tickets, I dont think she's replied to anything here since the thread was created on Dec 19 2016

  15. #190
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Angry Shameful

    Quote Originally Posted by Longhung View Post
    A bit like the response time to tickets, I dont think she's replied to anything here since the thread was created on Dec 19 2016
    Wow, that is shameful. SS has gone into the chamber pot!
    Kazren Altaholic Extrodinaire
    8 Level 140 Characters, mostly Arkenstone with Colonies on Elendilmir, Landroval, Crickhollow and Brandywine

  16. #191
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by krlsrrll View Post
    I think it was about time that rather than just posting and waiting for a response, some action was taken.

    What about drafting a 'players are pissed at Standing Stones games support' letter/email and sending that to several gaming sites/magazines? They obviously have no intention on responding to problems if they have tickets at are 7months+ old so we need weightier help.

    If you posted a list of email address to send such letters to, I would be at it in a flash.
    Kazren Altaholic Extrodinaire
    8 Level 140 Characters, mostly Arkenstone with Colonies on Elendilmir, Landroval, Crickhollow and Brandywine

  17. #192
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Over a month old? That's cute...I hit my 7 month ticket birthday last week. You're likely in for the long haul to get a response if it's anything significant at all.

  18. #193
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hi, i am waiting for my ticket for 3 months now, can anyone please take a look? ticket #198465

  19. #194
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    HI SSG,

    Please respond to my tickets,


    Ive been waiting 3 months,

    I spend a ton of money on this game, please just help me out.

  20. #195
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    How do we fix a hacked account

    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Alkaid View Post
    UPDATE: Click here for our new support portal!

    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Lord of the Rings Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read that first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use support.turbine.com to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!


    Update Feb 07, 2017: New Support Site!

    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting help.standingstonegames.com.

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    Greeting and thank you for the new support page. My wifes account was hacked. They immediately changed the password and then email. Without other forms of verification we were locked out. They immediately purchased services and items in Rubles for over $400 usd. I think I was able to keep the payment from going through time will tell. I contacted you through the email paypal provided as well. The reason I'm writing here is because the new support portal has no category for reporting a hacked account. How might we go about recovering this account without other means of authentication in place? Change your passwords people.

  21. #196
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Alkaid View Post
    UPDATE: Click here for our new support portal!

    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Lord of the Rings Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read that first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use support.turbine.com to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!


    Update Feb 07, 2017: New Support Site!

    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting help.standingstonegames.com.

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    I want to thank you for the quick response when I posted my wifes account was hacked. An email was sent allowing her to set a password for the support site and generated a ticket. We had over $600 lost to them buying lotros and whatnot to pad up the account before I could stop it. Being on social security and stuck at home, Lotro was also our main source of joy as well. We have never had a problem in 10 years of playing. Hoping for a quick resolution. And change your passwords if it has been a while people.

  22. #197
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by angrydwarf68 View Post
    Hi my account got hacked last Wednesday and I reported it as soon as I noticed that two of my characters had been transferred to other worlds with all my in game stuff from all my alts. Apart from a reply with a ticket number, I've heard nothing back and I have chased three times. I would like to get my alts back onto Evernight but the lovely person who hacked my account spent all my Lotro points as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated in getting my alts and my gold, and in
    game possessions back. Thanks.
    I hope they help us too. My wife got hacked this weekend and somehow our paypal account was still linked to her account prob from last time we had VIP. Mine was linked to. I removed it. We lost over $600 before I could do anything. Paypal says it is authorized so if standing stones can't or won't reverse those charges we are in dire straits. Not to mention our only source of joy left was Lotro and she says after 10 years she won't start over if she doesn't get her account back.

  23. #198
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Elf-Rider View Post
    I hope they help us too. My wife got hacked this weekend and somehow our paypal account was still linked to her account prob from last time we had VIP. Mine was linked to. I removed it. We lost over $600 before I could do anything. Paypal says it is authorized so if standing stones can't or won't reverse those charges we are in dire straits. Not to mention our only source of joy left was Lotro and she says after 10 years she won't start over if she doesn't get her account back.
    Same here. I have been able to retrieve my money contacting Xsolla support last year but I'm still waiting for an answer from Standing Stones support. Try with Xsolla for the money.

  24. #199
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Great Job!

    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Alkaid View Post
    UPDATE: Click here for our new support portal!

    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Lord of the Rings Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read that first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use support.turbine.com to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!


    Update Feb 07, 2017: New Support Site!

    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting help.standingstonegames.com.

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    I just want to say that customer service is exemplary. If they are slow it is because they are swamped so try to be patient. They are a great team and helped us with a very serious problem with an account being hacked in just 5 days! I know its stressful and a few days seems like forever but any issues they have had in the past with not responding are being dealt with. Maybe submit a new courteous ticket if you think your not in the new system. Great job Customer Service!!

  25. #200
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Happy for you, but you're the unicorn...

    Congratulations on actually getting a response, and from your post, a successful outcome as well. Unfortunately, there are many of us who have heard nothing, nada, zero, zilch from your vaunted customer support (going on 6 months for me). As a lifetime subscriber (from launch), it is shameful what SSG is doing/not doing. Great that they are making more content free to play, but inexcusable that paying customers are actively being ignored. What kind of crazy system prioritizes a 5 day ticket vs a 5 month ticket. Almost makes me wonder if OP is a SSG shill.... Oh well


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