I Stop playing Lotro 2014, after this Time many Things happend here and i enjoy the World of Lotro again.
i have some Points that impress me but also annoy me.
- Horse Speed and Running Speed: The Maps are huge and i mean Huge. The base speed of horses and characters is too slow. Yes you can buy in Shop some items to speed up them. But this speed is also to slow for so Huge Maps.
- Warhorse: Is on
Lev 60 after all this Time ? I know it's not popular, but doing nothing at all on the system is not a solution. 3 Hits in Mordor an the Enemys shoot me from my Warhorse like a normal Horse ###. Level them up and give new items for the Warhorses.
- Mordor: I found Mordor annoying and empty. There is nothing, its a Big Empty Area, there is no LotR feeling Guys,especially the lack of travel opportunities to get from A to B. Epos ? Boring, Boring and Boring. Look back at the old Epos you have the feeling you do some for the Alliance, you have fights in Dungons and do some usfull Stuff but also some usless Stuff but i have the feeling iam in the middle of the Story. In Mordor iam only a spectator i have no feeling iam the Part of the Story and this sucks.
-Erebor, Gundabad and all the New Areas: Looks Amazing and i enjoy every Hour in this Areas, Good Map Desing and Quests
-Legendary Weapons: After all these years I've lost track on the Weapon System. The Players Ingame show me the New System, there was no Quests Which explains that and this is not good my dear Devs. But the new system is worlds better than the old one. Thanks for that.
-PvP: I take a look on PvP, yeah its Dead. thanks for That ?! Turbine loses many Players, Players that Pay an Abo to Play PvP. You apparently don't want to make any sales its ok
- Server Perfomance: The worst I've seen in the last years. The lags are huge and Lotro have not so many Players Online on the Servers. There also only US Servers. I have a Question ? How many EU Players, Play Lotro. I thinks many.
Finally set up servers in the EU, than comes also EU Players back.
- Charakter creation: Same Boring Faces, Haircuts, Eyes etc since 2007. You can seel in the Shop new Haircuts for examble etc, but i forgott you need no Money.
- Fly and Dive: Why in Lotro never bring this ? The Maps are so Huge you can use easy Fly Mounts or Fly Travel. You also have the opportunity to introduce diving. That would open whole new doors for quests.
I still enjoy the game, but you should broaden your horizons, we have the Year 2022. All its possible!
You want players back permanently, Then you guys be more innovative and smart. Not every content costs a lot of money to develop.