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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Exclamation Running into a nodrv_CreateWindow error with wine

    Hello LotRO Mac Forum,

    I have recently encountered a problem with the LotRO live client, and wondered if someone here might be able to help me problem solve, seeing as the devs aren't especially Mac-savvy. The gist of my problem is this: I am running OSX 10.14 Mojave, and the live client worked perfectly fine up until today (last played on Friday). However, when I tried to run it this afternoon, I got a "Wine has encountered an error" box that pops up and stops the python loading process for the initial sign-in window.

    I peeked at the error log, and noticed there was mention of a "nodrv_CreateWindow" error. I tried to reinstall homebrew and update Wine but still get the same error message. The odd part is that my Bullroarer Client loads fine, but the live client does not! Normally, I run lotro from steam, but I also have the steamapps folder bookmarked to access various executable files. Running the lotro executable directly didn't work either

    I am attaching my error log to this message with code tags with the hope that maybe someone will see something I missed!


    Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000010 in 32-bit code (0x651811a0).
    Register dump:
     CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
     EIP:651811a0 ESP:0032f8bc EBP:65060b7e EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
     EAX:00000000 EBX:ffffffff ECX:00000000 EDX:655a929c
     ESI:006a5740 EDI:0001004a
    Stack dump:
    0x0032f8bc:  650c7df2 003b0056 503e1313 00ab4140
    0x0032f8cc:  00000000 00ab40f8 ffffffff 00000000
    0x0032f8dc:  00000004 006a5740 655b1b5c 005d0000
    0x0032f8ec:  00000000 00000028 ffffffff 9af9f482
    0x0032f8fc:  00200001 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0x0032f90c:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
    =>0 0x651811a0 EntryPoint+0xffffffff() in qtgui4 (0x65060b7e)
    0x651811a0 EntryPoint+0xffffffff in qtgui4: movl	0x10(%ecx),%eax
    Module	Address			Debug info	Name (311 modules)
    PE	  370000-  3b5000	Deferred        ssleay32
    PE	  400000-  5c3000	Deferred        lotrolauncher
    PE	 9290000- 93ab000	Deferred        libeay32
    PE	10000000-10c88000	Deferred        qtwebkit4
    ELF	201cf000-201f9000	Deferred        jsproxy<elf>
      \-PE	201d0000-201eb000	\               jsproxy
    ELF	21306000-21348000	Deferred        rsaenh<elf>
      \-PE	21310000-21344000	\               rsaenh
    ELF	21348000-213a0000	Deferred        winhttp<elf>
      \-PE	21350000-2138d000	\               winhttp
    PE	61000000-6105b000	Deferred        qtxml4
    PE	64000000-64106000	Deferred        qtnetwork4
    PE	65000000-65838000	Export          qtgui4
    PE	67000000-67280000	Deferred        qtcore4
    ELF	68001000-68005000	Deferred        <wine-loader>
    PE	68005000-681c9000	Deferred        libwine.1.0.dylib
    ELF	681eb000-681ff000	Deferred        wow64cpu<elf>
      \-PE	681f0000-681fe000	\               wow64cpu
    PE	687f4000-687fc000	Deferred        libffi.6.dylib
    ELF	6a882000-6a89c000	Deferred        version<elf>
      \-PE	6a890000-6a89a000	\               version
    ELF	6a89c000-6a8c4000	Deferred        shcore<elf>
      \-PE	6a8a0000-6a8bc000	\               shcore
    ELF	6a8c4000-6a8e1000	Deferred        aclui<elf>
      \-PE	6a8d0000-6a8de000	\               aclui
    ELF	6a8e1000-6a8fb000	Deferred        imagehlp<elf>
      \-PE	6a8f0000-6a8f9000	\               imagehlp
    ELF	6ab00000-6ab85000	Deferred        advapi32<elf>
      \-PE	6ab10000-6ab6c000	\               advapi32
    ELF	6ab85000-6b59a000	Deferred        shell32<elf>
      \-PE	6ab90000-6b54a000	\               shell32
    ELF	6b59a000-6b62a000	Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
      \-PE	6b5a0000-6b606000	\               shlwapi
    ELF	6b62a000-6b846000	Deferred        user32<elf>
      \-PE	6b630000-6b81d000	\               user32
    ELF	6b846000-6b989000	Deferred        gdi32<elf>
      \-PE	6b850000-6b96f000	\               gdi32
    ELF	6b989000-6baee000	Deferred        ole32<elf>
      \-PE	6b990000-6bab0000	\               ole32
    ELF	6baee000-6bb85000	Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
      \-PE	6baf0000-6bb62000	\               rpcrt4
    ELF	6bb85000-6bcf0000	Deferred        comctl32<elf>
      \-PE	6bb90000-6bccc000	\               comctl32
    ELF	6bcf0000-6bd3f000	Deferred        usp10<elf>
      \-PE	6bd00000-6bd3a000	\               usp10
    ELF	6bd3f000-6bd64000	Deferred        imm32<elf>
      \-PE	6bd40000-6bd5f000	\               imm32
    ELF	6bd64000-6becd000	Deferred        msi<elf>
      \-PE	6bd70000-6be9a000	\               msi
    ELF	6becd000-6bf84000	Deferred        urlmon<elf>
      \-PE	6bed0000-6bf62000	\               urlmon
    ELF	6bf84000-6c0c2000	Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
      \-PE	6bf90000-6c08c000	\               oleaut32
    ELF	6c0c2000-6c154000	Deferred        wininet<elf>
      \-PE	6c0d0000-6c144000	\               wininet
    ELF	6c154000-6c188000	Deferred        mpr<elf>
      \-PE	6c160000-6c183000	\               mpr
    ELF	6c188000-6c1c6000	Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
      \-PE	6c190000-6c1c0000	\               ws2_32
    ELF	6c1c6000-6c1e7000	Deferred        cabinet<elf>
      \-PE	6c1d0000-6c1e5000	\               cabinet
    ELF	6c1e7000-6c208000	Deferred        sxs<elf>
      \-PE	6c1f0000-6c204000	\               sxs
    ELF	6c208000-6c277000	Deferred        dbghelp<elf>
      \-PE	6c210000-6c26c000	\               dbghelp
    ELF	6c277000-6c28b000	Deferred        mspatcha<elf>
      \-PE	6c280000-6c28a000	\               mspatcha
    ELF	6c28b000-6c2a8000	Deferred        odbccp32<elf>
      \-PE	6c290000-6c2a5000	\               odbccp32
    ELF	6c2a8000-6c2e0000	Deferred        wintrust<elf>
      \-PE	6c2b0000-6c2d8000	\               wintrust
    ELF	6c2e0000-6c3cc000	Deferred        crypt32<elf>
      \-PE	6c2f0000-6c3b6000	\               crypt32
    ELF	6c3cc000-6c3f1000	Deferred        bcrypt<elf>
      \-PE	6c3d0000-6c3eb000	\               bcrypt
    ELF	6c3f1000-6c405000	Deferred        psapi<elf>
      \-PE	6c400000-6c404000	\               psapi
    ELF	6c405000-6c4ca000	Deferred        winmm<elf>
      \-PE	6c410000-6c4ba000	\               winmm
    ELF	6c4ca000-6c5e7000	Deferred        comdlg32<elf>
      \-PE	6c4d0000-6c5c6000	\               comdlg32
    ELF	6c5e7000-6c62d000	Deferred        winspool<elf>
      \-PE	6c5f0000-6c624000	\               winspool
    ELF	6c62d000-6c779000	Deferred        msvcp100<elf>
      \-PE	6c630000-6c71b000	\               msvcp100
    ELF	6c779000-6c863000	Deferred        msvcr100<elf>
      \-PE	6c780000-6c830000	\               msvcr100
    PE	6c863000-6c8f1000	Deferred        libfreetype.6.dylib
    PE	6c917000-6c942000	Deferred        libpng16.16.dylib
    ELF	6c942000-6c97e000	Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
      \-PE	6c950000-6c976000	\               uxtheme
    PE	6c97e000-6caad000	Deferred        libgnutls.30.dylib
    PE	6caad000-6cb05000	Deferred        libp11-kit.0.dylib
    PE	6cb05000-6cb36000	Deferred        libidn.11.dylib
    PE	6cb36000-6ccc0000	Deferred        libunistring.2.dylib
    PE	6ccc0000-6ccd0000	Deferred        libtasn1.6.dylib
    PE	6ccd0000-6cd12000	Deferred        libnettle.6.dylib
    PE	6cd12000-6cd49000	Deferred        libhogweed.4.dylib
    PE	6cd49000-6cdb8000	Deferred        libgmp.10.dylib
    PE	6cdb8000-6cdc5000	Deferred        libintl.8.dylib
    ELF	7b400000-7b82b000	Deferred        kernel32<elf>
      \-PE	7b410000-7b7ed000	\               kernel32
    ELF	7bc00000-7bd31000	Deferred        ntdll<elf>
      \-PE	7bc10000-7bd06000	\               ntdll
    ELF	7c400000-7c404000	Deferred        <wine-loader>
    PE	902a1000-902a2000	Deferred        accelerate
    PE	902b8000-90baa000	Deferred        vimage
    PE	90baa000-90cc6000	Deferred        libblas.dylib
    PE	90cc6000-90d00000	Deferred        libbnns.dylib
    PE	90d00000-91053000	Deferred        liblapack.dylib
    PE	91053000-91069000	Deferred        liblinearalgebra.dylib
    PE	91069000-91082000	Deferred        libsparseblas.dylib
    PE	91082000-9121a000	Deferred        libvdsp.dylib
    PE	9121a000-913dc000	Deferred        libvmisc.dylib
    PE	913dc000-913dd000	Deferred        veclib
    PE	91490000-921da000	Deferred        appkit
    PE	9222b000-9222c000	Deferred        applicationservices
    PE	9222c000-92298000	Deferred        ats
    PE	9229a000-923b3000	Deferred        libfontparser.dylib
    PE	923b3000-923f8000	Deferred        libfontregistry.dylib
    PE	924dc000-924e2000	Deferred        colorsynclegacy
    PE	92586000-925df000	Deferred        hiservices
    PE	925df000-925ee000	Deferred        langanalysis
    PE	925ee000-92643000	Deferred        printcore
    PE	92643000-926de000	Deferred        qd
    PE	926de000-926eb000	Deferred        speechsynthesis
    PE	926eb000-9290f000	Deferred        audiotoolbox
    PE	92910000-92911000	Deferred        audiounit
    PE	92a40000-92dbc000	Deferred        cfnetwork
    PE	92dd0000-92dd1000	Deferred        carbon
    PE	92dd1000-92ddb000	Deferred        carbonsound
    PE	92ddb000-92de0000	Deferred        commonpanels
    PE	92de0000-93163000	Deferred        hitoolbox
    PE	93163000-931b4000	Deferred        htmlrendering
    PE	931b4000-931b8000	Deferred        help
    PE	931b8000-931be000	Deferred        imagecapture
    PE	931be000-9325a000	Deferred        ink
    PE	9325a000-93294000	Deferred        navigationservices
    PE	93294000-932af000	Deferred        openscripting
    PE	932af000-932b5000	Deferred        print
    PE	932b5000-932b8000	Deferred        securityhi
    PE	932b8000-932bf000	Deferred        speechrecognition
    PE	932cc000-93422000	Deferred        colorsync
    PE	93422000-934aa000	Deferred        coreaudio
    PE	93505000-9350b000	Deferred        corebluetooth
    PE	9350b000-9380b000	Deferred        coredata
    PE	9380b000-93812000	Deferred        coredisplay
    PE	93812000-93c4d000	Deferred        corefoundation
    PE	93c4e000-94302000	Deferred        coregraphics
    PE	94303000-945b2000	Deferred        coreimage
    PE	947e8000-947e9000	Deferred        coreservices
    PE	947e9000-94865000	Deferred        ae
    PE	94865000-94b45000	Deferred        carboncore
    PE	94b45000-94b8e000	Deferred        dictionaryservices
    PE	94b8e000-94b97000	Deferred        fsevents
    PE	94b97000-94cf4000	Deferred        launchservices
    PE	94cf4000-94d93000	Deferred        metadata
    PE	94d93000-94ddf000	Deferred        osservices
    PE	94ddf000-94e49000	Deferred        searchkit
    PE	94e49000-94e6c000	Deferred        sharedfilelist
    PE	94e6c000-94fc6000	Deferred        coretext
    PE	94fc6000-95007000	Deferred        corevideo
    PE	95007000-95095000	Deferred        corewlan
    PE	95178000-95182000	Deferred        diskarbitration
    PE	95192000-954f9000	Deferred        foundation
    PE	95539000-95569000	Deferred        gss
    PE	95595000-956ac000	Deferred        iobluetooth
    PE	95712000-957a9000	Deferred        iokit
    PE	957aa000-957ba000	Deferred        iosurface
    PE	9580d000-95997000	Deferred        imageio
    PE	95997000-9599c000	Deferred        libgif.dylib
    PE	9599c000-95a82000	Deferred        libjp2.dylib
    PE	95a82000-95aa8000	Deferred        libjpeg.dylib
    PE	95aa8000-95acf000	Deferred        libpng.dylib
    PE	95acf000-95ad2000	Deferred        libradiance.dylib
    PE	95ad2000-95b1e000	Deferred        libtiff.dylib
    PE	962f9000-96313000	Deferred        kerberos
    PE	96a51000-96af2000	Deferred        metal
    PE	96af3000-96b00000	Deferred        netfs
    PE	98cdf000-98d35000	Deferred        opencl
    PE	98d35000-98d51000	Deferred        cfopendirectory
    PE	98d51000-98d5d000	Deferred        opendirectory
    PE	996d1000-996d4000	Deferred        libcvmspluginsupport.dylib
    PE	996d4000-996d9000	Deferred        libcorefscache.dylib
    PE	996d9000-996de000	Deferred        libcorevmclient.dylib
    PE	996de000-996e7000	Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib
    PE	996e7000-996f4000	Deferred        libgl.dylib
    PE	996f4000-9972f000	Deferred        libglimage.dylib
    PE	998ae000-998f0000	Deferred        libglu.dylib
    PE	9a2b1000-9a2c1000	Deferred        opengl
    PE	9ae72000-9b0c1000	Deferred        quartzcore
    PE	9b55a000-9b832000	Deferred        security
    PE	9b832000-9b8a3000	Deferred        securityfoundation
    PE	9b8cb000-9b8d0000	Deferred        servicemanagement
    PE	9ba03000-9ba72000	Deferred        systemconfiguration
    PE	9dfa2000-9e059000	Deferred        apfs
    PE	9e778000-9e7a7000	Deferred        apple80211
    PE	9e7a8000-9e7b3000	Deferred        applefscompression
    PE	9e8af000-9e8ee000	Deferred        applejpeg
    PE	9ea35000-9ea3e000	Deferred        backgroundtaskmanagement
    PE	9ea3e000-9ead8000	Deferred        backup
    PE	9ec14000-9ec1e000	Deferred        commonauth
    PE	9f09b000-9f0ad000	Deferred        coreemoji
    PE	9f117000-9f17f000	Deferred        corenlp
    PE	9f25d000-9f2e5000	Deferred        coresymbolication
    PE	9f2e5000-9f409000	Deferred        coreui
    PE	9f409000-9f4e4000	Deferred        coreutils
    PE	9f533000-9f590000	Deferred        corewifi
    PE	9f590000-9f5a3000	Deferred        crashreportersupport
    PE	9f610000-9f61e000	Deferred        dfrfoundation
    PE	9f661000-9f6d1000	Deferred        datadetectorscore
    PE	9f6d1000-9f70f000	Deferred        debugsymbols
    PE	9f70f000-9f853000	Deferred        desktopservicespriv
    PE	9fb59000-9ff76000	Deferred        facecore
    PE	a3ab5000-a3b2a000	Deferred        heimdal
    PE	a3deb000-a3df3000	Deferred        ioaccelerator
    PE	a3df3000-a3e0d000	Deferred        iopresentment
    PE	a3e68000-a3e91000	Deferred        iconservices
    PE	a3ec4000-a3f9e000	Deferred        languagemodeling
    PE	a3f9e000-a3fd9000	Deferred        lexicon
    PE	a3fdc000-a3fe2000	Deferred        linguisticdata
    PE	a4176000-a419d000	Deferred        metadatautilities
    PE	a43ba000-a43e6000	Deferred        multitouchsupport
    PE	a44b5000-a44c0000	Deferred        netauth
    PE	a4519000-a456b000	Deferred        otsvg
    PE	a45b8000-a45c6000	Deferred        performanceanalysis
    PE	a465b000-a4678000	Deferred        protocolbuffer
    PE	a475a000-a477d000	Deferred        remoteviewservices
    PE	a4827000-a4844000	Deferred        sharing
    PE	a4863000-a48ed000	Deferred        skylight
    PE	a491c000-a4929000	Deferred        speechrecognitioncore
    PE	a4c25000-a4caf000	Deferred        symbolication
    PE	a4d01000-a4d0e000	Deferred        tcc
    PE	a4d0e000-a4d26000	Deferred        textureio
    PE	a4d57000-a4edf000	Deferred        uifoundation
    PE	a53ca000-a53cd000	Deferred        loginsupport
    PE	a54bd000-a54f1000	Deferred        libcrfsuite.dylib
    PE	a54f1000-a54fb000	Deferred        libchinesetokenizer.dylib
    PE	a5591000-a5593000	Deferred        libdiagnosticmessagesclient.dylib
    PE	a55c4000-a582d000	Deferred        libfosl_dynamic.dylib
    PE	a5834000-a5835000	Deferred        libopenscriptingutil.dylib
    PE	a5970000-a5972000	Deferred        libsystem.b.dylib
    PE	a5972000-a5974000	Deferred        libthaitokenizer.dylib
    PE	a5980000-a5997000	Deferred        libapple_nghttp2.dylib
    PE	a5997000-a59c3000	Deferred        libarchive.2.dylib
    PE	a59c3000-a5b0d000	Deferred        libate.dylib
    PE	a5b10000-a5b11000	Deferred        libauto.dylib
    PE	a5b11000-a5b21000	Deferred        libbsm.0.dylib
    PE	a5b21000-a5b2f000	Deferred        libbz2.1.0.dylib
    PE	a5b2f000-a5b84000	Deferred        libc++.1.dylib
    PE	a5b84000-a5b98000	Deferred        libc++abi.dylib
    PE	a5b98000-a5b99000	Deferred        libcharset.1.dylib
    PE	a5b99000-a5bab000	Deferred        libcmph.dylib
    PE	a5bab000-a5bc1000	Deferred        libcompression.dylib
    PE	a5bc1000-a5bd7000	Deferred        libcoretls.dylib
    PE	a5bd7000-a5bd9000	Deferred        libcoretls_cfhelpers.dylib
    PE	a6038000-a6092000	Deferred        libcups.2.dylib
    PE	a61a4000-a61a5000	Deferred        libenergytrace.dylib
    PE	a61d2000-a61d7000	Deferred        libgermantok.dylib
    PE	a61d7000-a61dc000	Deferred        libheimdal-asn1.dylib
    PE	a6206000-a62f6000	Deferred        libiconv.2.dylib
    PE	a62f6000-a6552000	Deferred        libicucore.a.dylib
    PE	a6598000-a659a000	Deferred        liblangid.dylib
    PE	a659a000-a65b3000	Deferred        liblzma.5.dylib
    PE	a65c9000-a6671000	Deferred        libmecab.1.0.0.dylib
    PE	a6671000-a6870000	Deferred        libmecabra.dylib
    PE	a6a38000-a6d7a000	Deferred        libnetwork.dylib
    PE	a6d7a000-a74f0000	Deferred        libobjc.a.dylib
    PE	a74f3000-a74f8000	Deferred        libpam.2.dylib
    PE	a74fa000-a752f000	Deferred        libpcap.a.dylib
    PE	a756c000-a7585000	Deferred        libresolv.9.dylib
    PE	a75d2000-a77a1000	Deferred        libsqlite3.dylib
    PE	a797b000-a797f000	Deferred        libutil.dylib
    PE	a797f000-a798d000	Deferred        libxar.1.dylib
    PE	a798d000-a7a6c000	Deferred        libxml2.2.dylib
    PE	a7a6c000-a7a94000	Deferred        libxslt.1.dylib
    PE	a7a94000-a7aa4000	Deferred        libz.1.dylib
    PE	a7add000-a7ae2000	Deferred        libcache.dylib
    PE	a7ae2000-a7aed000	Deferred        libcommoncrypto.dylib
    PE	a7aed000-a7af5000	Deferred        libcompiler_rt.dylib
    PE	a7af5000-a7b00000	Deferred        libcopyfile.dylib
    PE	a7b00000-a7b68000	Deferred        libcorecrypto.dylib
    PE	a7bd1000-a7c08000	Deferred        libdispatch.dylib
    PE	a7c08000-a7c36000	Deferred        libdyld.dylib
    PE	a7c36000-a7c37000	Deferred        libkeymgr.dylib
    PE	a7c37000-a7c44000	Deferred        libkxld.dylib
    PE	a7c44000-a7c45000	Deferred        liblaunch.dylib
    PE	a7c45000-a7c4b000	Deferred        libmacho.dylib
    PE	a7c4b000-a7c4e000	Deferred        libquarantine.dylib
    PE	a7c4e000-a7c50000	Deferred        libremovefile.dylib
    PE	a7c50000-a7c68000	Deferred        libsystem_asl.dylib
    PE	a7c68000-a7c69000	Deferred        libsystem_blocks.dylib
    PE	a7c69000-a7cf6000	Deferred        libsystem_c.dylib
    PE	a7cf6000-a7cfa000	Deferred        libsystem_configuration.dylib
    PE	a7cfa000-a7cfe000	Deferred        libsystem_coreservices.dylib
    PE	a7cfe000-a7d05000	Deferred        libsystem_darwin.dylib
    PE	a7d05000-a7d0c000	Deferred        libsystem_dnssd.dylib
    PE	a7d0c000-a7d5c000	Deferred        libsystem_info.dylib
    PE	a7d5c000-a7d85000	Deferred        libsystem_kernel.dylib
    PE	a7d85000-a7dd5000	Deferred        libsystem_m.dylib
    PE	a7dd5000-a7df2000	Deferred        libsystem_malloc.dylib
    PE	a7df2000-a7dfe000	Deferred        libsystem_networkextension.dylib
    PE	a7dfe000-a7e05000	Deferred        libsystem_notify.dylib
    PE	a7e05000-a7e0d000	Deferred        libsystem_platform.dylib
    PE	a7e0d000-a7e19000	Deferred        libsystem_pthread.dylib
    PE	a7e19000-a7e1d000	Deferred        libsystem_sandbox.dylib
    PE	a7e1d000-a7e20000	Deferred        libsystem_secinit.dylib
    PE	a7e20000-a7e28000	Deferred        libsystem_symptoms.dylib
    PE	a7e28000-a7e3d000	Deferred        libsystem_trace.dylib
    PE	a7e3e000-a7e45000	Deferred        libunwind.dylib
    PE	a7e45000-a7e74000	Deferred        libxpc.dylib
    process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
    0000000e services.exe
    	00000022    0
    	0000001d    0
    	00000015    0
    	00000010    0
    	0000000f    0
    00000011 winedevice.exe
    	0000001a    0
    	00000019    0
    	00000018    0
    	00000012    0
    0000001b plugplay.exe
    	0000001f    0
    	0000001e    0
    	0000001c    0
    00000020 winedevice.exe
    	00000025    0
    	00000024    0
    	00000023    0
    	00000021    0
    00000035 explorer.exe
    	00000039    0
    	00000038    0
    	00000037    0
    	00000036    0
    0000003c (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online\LotroLauncher.exe
    	["C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online\LotroLauncher.exe"]
    	00000042    0
    	0000003e    0
    	0000003d    0 <==
    System information:
        Wine build: wine-4.5 (Staging)
        Platform: i386 (WOW64)
        Version: Windows 7
        Host system: Darwin
        Host version: 18.7.0
    Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
    Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by fmac81 View Post
    I am running OSX 10.14 Mojave, and the live client worked perfectly fine up until today (last played on Friday). However, when I tried to run it this afternoon, I got a "Wine has encountered an error" box that pops up and stops the python loading process for the initial sign-in window.

    I peeked at the error log, and noticed there was mention of a "nodrv_CreateWindow" error. I tried to reinstall homebrew and update Wine but still get the same error message. The odd part is that my Bullroarer Client loads fine, but the live client does not! Normally, I run lotro from steam, but I also have the steamapps folder bookmarked to access various executable files. Running the lotro executable directly didn't work either

    I am attaching my error log to this message with code tags with the hope that maybe someone will see something I missed!

    System information:
    Wine build: wine-4.5 (Staging)
    Platform: i386 (WOW64)
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Darwin
    Host version: 18.7.0
    The line "Wine build: wine-4.5 (Staging)" indicates that you are attempting to run LOTRO using the very old version of WINE installed as part of SSG's "Mac Download". If this is the error message you received after attempting to run the game following an installation of the current wine-stable (7.0) or wine-devel (7.15), then you either failed to complete the installation of WINE or you did not launch the game in a way that would cause it to be run by the version of WINE you installed using Homebrew – the game is still attempting to launch using the old version of WINE packaged for you by SSG.

    Assuming you followed the instructions here...
    ...and successfully installed either wine-stable or wine-devel using Homebrew, you need to launch the game using the method described in Step E in that thread. If you use the "lotroclient" Mac application stub to launch the game, it will launch within the old WINE 4.5 bottle. If you see the Python script window appear before the LOTRO Launcher application opens, the game is launching within the old bottle and is not using the more modern version of WINE you installed or attempted to install via Homebrew.

    All that said, there is no good reason you should have run into a problem today when the old version of WINE and the game installation worked for you two days ago. That is odd but sometimes files become corrupted or other odd things happen.

    However, getting one of those two recent versions of open-source WINE installed using Homebrew and then launching the game as described in Step E of the first message of the linked thread should work. While it's not impossible it just isn't working for you for a reason we have not yet determined, it is more likely that you made an error installing WINE or attempting to launch LOTRO using the more modern version of WINE which you installed.

    Please try again, and if the game fails to run using wine-stable WINE 7.0 or wine-devel WINE 7.15 (depending on which version you install as part of Step D), please give me the details about your Mac (exact model, amount of RAM, video card, amount of VRAM) and a dump of your UserPreferences.ini file (with your account name redacted) and we'll work together from there to figure something out that will get you back into the game. Also, please tell me if there is any difference between how you are launching the Bullroarer version of the game vs how you are launching the standard version of the game.
    Last edited by Tralfazz; Sep 04 2022 at 08:39 PM. Reason: changed lotrolive to lotroclient

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Tralfazz View Post
    The line "Wine build: wine-4.5 (Staging)" indicates that you are attempting to run LOTRO using the very old version of WINE installed as part of SSG's "Mac Download". If this is the error message you received after attempting to run the game following an installation of the current wine-stable (7.0) or wine-devel (7.15), then you either failed to complete the installation of WINE or you did not launch the game in a way that would cause it to be run by the version of WINE you installed using Homebrew – the game is still attempting to launch using the old version of WINE packaged for you by SSG.

    Assuming you followed the instructions here...
    ...and successfully installed either wine-stable or wine-devel using Homebrew, you need to launch the game using the method described in Step E in that thread. If you use the "lotroclient" Mac application stub to launch the game, it will launch within the old WINE 4.5 bottle. If you see the Python script window appear before the LOTRO Launcher application opens, the game is launching within the old bottle and is not using the more modern version of WINE you installed or attempted to install via Homebrew.

    All that said, there is no good reason you should have run into a problem today when the old version of WINE and the game installation worked for you two days ago. That is odd but sometimes files become corrupted or other odd things happen.

    However, getting one of those two recent versions of open-source WINE installed using Homebrew and then launching the game as described in Step E of the first message of the linked thread should work. While it's not impossible it just isn't working for you for a reason we have not yet determined, it is more likely that you made an error installing WINE or attempting to launch LOTRO using the more modern version of WINE which you installed.

    Please try again, and if the game fails to run using wine-stable WINE 7.0 or wine-devel WINE 7.15 (depending on which version you install as part of Step D), please give me the details about your Mac (exact model, amount of RAM, video card, amount of VRAM) and a dump of your UserPreferences.ini file (with your account name redacted) and we'll work together from there to figure something out that will get you back into the game. Also, please tell me if there is any difference between how you are launching the Bullroarer version of the game vs how you are launching the standard version of the game.
    Thank you for the reply! I thought there was something odd about Wine being only version 4.5! I have done as suggested by your thread and do indeed have 2 wine processes installed, and I have selected the newer one when I use the LotroLauncher.exe. However, I am running into a new problem where the client gets hung up on processing the Visual C++ components. Normally I bypass it by quitting the most-CPU-heavy wine-preloader process in Activity Monitor and it'll miraculously work (at least with the BR client which this often pops up for). But there is no high-CPU-using process to cancel with the live client. It sounds like your game loaded fine at that stage and mine does not once I get to the components screen. Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do have DX9 listed in my UserPreferences.ini already, and client type is set to be the 64 bit.

    Will upload my UserPreferences.ini in another post.

    Last edited by fmac81; Sep 05 2022 at 03:14 PM.
    Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
    Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Well somehow it got through the components screen and now I am at the login page. Fingers crossed...

    Edit: I have a new error message after I typed in my credentials. It asked me to assign the 64 bit client executable so I clicked on lotroclient64.exe, then had this window pop up. Good grief. Trying with the 32 bit and seeing if that works.

    Last edited by fmac81; Sep 05 2022 at 03:33 PM.
    Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
    Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by fmac81 View Post
    Well somehow it got through the components screen and now I am at the login page. Fingers crossed...

    Edit: I have a new error message after I typed in my credentials. It asked me to assign the 64 bit client executable so I clicked on lotroclient64.exe, then had this window pop up. Good grief. Trying with the 32 bit and seeing if that works.

    That indicates you are attempting to launch the 64-bit client in an environment which lacks support for that application. The only reason that is likely to occur is if the game client is attempting to launch using the version of WINE included with SSG's "Mac Download" package, WINE 4, rather than WINE 7. The 32-bit client should work in the WINE 4 environment, but the 64-bit client as it is currently built by SSG cannot. See this old thread for another example of this occurring:

    You should be able to get the game to launch using the 64-bit client in the WINE 7 environment by doing the following, ASSUMING YOU HAVE WINE 7 INSTALLED:
    1- Restart your Mac.
    2- Edit your UserPreferences.ini file so that...
    3- Open two Finder windows.
    4- In the first window, navigate to...
    ~/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.lotro/common/wineprefix/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/The Lord of the Rings Online
    ...and in that The Lord of the Rings Online folder, find the LotroLauncher.exe file.
    5- In the second window, navigate to...
    ...and in your Applications folder, find the Wine Stable or Wine Devel application. (You should have only one of those two, depending on which version of WINE 7 you installed.)
    6- Drag the LotroLauncher.exe file on top of the Wine Stable/Wine Devel application. Be careful to not move the LotroLauncher.exe file into the /Applications folder, you just want to drop it on top of the Wine Stable/Wine Devel application so that application will be the one creating the environment for LotroLauncher.exe to launch.
    7- You might be asked to grant some permissions. Do so if asked. Sometimes you need to grant the permissions and then try to start up LOTRO again – do so by following Step 6 if needed.

    edited to add:
    Please open your Terminal application and enter this command:
    wine --version
    And tell me the output of that command in your next message.
    Last edited by Tralfazz; Sep 05 2022 at 05:10 PM.



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