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Hello Fellow Champs,
I read a lot of things about champs in the last few month, mainly people crying about nerfs.
Sure Champs need adjustments and in certain points they definetly need nerfs.
In general Yellow Champs Single Target DPS needs to go down, while Red Single Target DPS needs a buff to get even close to what hunters deal.
The change to bladewall on the current beta built doesn't help much to solve that problem.
A change to single skills wont change much, it either stays the same or makes the class utterly useless in single target focused fights which are most of it. So we need changes in the trait trees.
DPS Changes
Suggestion 1:
- Add +xx% Strike/Blade Skill Damage to Red/Yellow Trait Tree, to create a persistens gap between AOE and ST Trait Lines
- Then rebalance power of Skills to match the current dps requirements
Suggestion 2:
- Nerf Brutal/Ferocious Strike Skill Damage by -xx%
- Add +xx% Strike Skill Damage to Red Capstone Weapons Master
This should be a pretty fast fix to do but it might create new problems at lower level with less trait points
Utility Changes
- Remove the ability to crit for Bracing Attack
- Remove passive heals from Trait Lines
- Increas Sprint CD by 1min to 2min
or - Remove Tracery for +Sprint Duration
Just a few thoughts, maybe we get some good points the dev team can work with if they decide to do something with champs.
Sprint is completely fine, nothing needs to be changed here. Self heals are fine as well, if any adjustments are made to self heals then dire need could be moved up in blue so it's not accessible in red/yellow, bracing attack is perfectly fine as is.
As for DPS, I agree the blade wall nerf is pointless. It does not address the issue of red DPS being too low and yellow ST being too high. It also hurts balance for lower level champs where yellow is doing about 60% of what red can do on a dummy.
They need to fix the issue with red/yellow by buffing red and lower yellow single target damage output. I don't agree with nerfing brutal/ferocious, if anything they should push ferocious out deep in red so that yellow can't get it. Also push deep strikes in further in red out of yellow's reach as well. These two things alone will bring yellow ST back in line to where it should be, at the same time they need to undo the blade wall nerf and figure a way to improve red ST DPS.
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