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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Question How many character slots was that, again?

    Hi. I'm a F2P player. I've been playing for a year or two now, on two servers, with two characters/toons on each server.

    Two characters, because the "Character Slots" line on the "Account Type" page of the LOTRO Wiki said (still says):
    • VIP Players: 7 character slots per server (may purchase more)
    • Premium Players (i.e., former VIP Players): 5 character slots per server (may purchase more)
    • F2P Players: 2 character slots per server (may purchase more)

    Today, I logged into one of "my" servers in the game, reached the "character" screen, saw my two characters there.

    And, at the top of the list of my characters, I saw: "2 of 4 character slots." Wait -- what??

    I pressed the "Create Character" button, to see whether it would send me to the LOTRO Store to purchase another slot. Nope, it sent me to the initial screen for creating a new character. I backed out carefully (I've seen these dungeon ante-chambers before!), and thought. And looked around -- at the Wiki, at this Forum (going back to May 2020).

    I saw some verbiage that talked about "2 character slots" having been "added" to this-or-that account type, in the course of this-or-that major update (and there have been some update-doozies in the last year or so, haven't there?). But ... they might have been referring to the maximum number of character slots that an Account Type can have, once the Account Owner has purchased as many character slots as are now available. Nothing specifically said: "the old maximum of N free character slots per server has been raised to N+2 slots for this-or-that Account Type(s)."

    As you know, when players create additional characters they have to make a lot of decisions. Which Race(s)? What name(s)? Which Class(es)? Which Vocation(s)? Not to mention the cosmetic aspects in their many, many categories.

    I would hate to go through all those decisions, come to the end, press "Create" or "Go" or whatever -- and then find myself presented with a price tag from the LOTRO Store. "Approve this purchase? y/n"

    So. Before I go to the trouble, and possibly find myself stymied -- has the number of character slots that "come with the [type of] account" gone up? By two? (Or also by other numbers, for other Account Types, for all I know?) Does anybody know?

    Thanks for reading this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Biggest question: Did you log in during the Anniversary Event?

    If so, you received the Collector Editions of Mordor, Minas Morgul, and War of Three Peaks. Both Collector Editions of Mordor and Minas Morgul included a character slot. That's why so many have 4 slots instead of 2 currently.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by WeirdJedi View Post
    Biggest question: Did you log in during the Anniversary Event?

    If so, you received the Collector Editions of Mordor, Minas Morgul, and War of Three Peaks. Both Collector Editions of Mordor and Minas Morgul included a character slot. That's why so many have 4 slots instead of 2 currently.

    That explains it!

    Yes, I did, and I definitely did get those various Collector Editions -- with the cosmetic garb (and juiced-up mounts) that came with them.

    So (let me think) ... the new State of Play (for us folks who got those things) would be:
    • VIP Players: 9 character slots per server (may purchase more)
    • Premium Players: 7 character slots per server (may purchase more)
    • F2P Players: 4 character slots per server (may purchase more)

    Good. I expect that I'll become an ex-VIP/Premium Player at some point in the indefinite future -- that would give my characters some extra features they don't get now (I hunger for Swift Travel ......), but only if I have played each of those characters while my account was in VIP status. Which means I must have created each of those characters at some point prior.

    Now I know how many characters I could create and keep. This will help my planning.

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    And if I am not mistaken, at the top of the character list it should tell you x of x char.



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