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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SingularityNow View Post
    But they're not. They're useful once an hour. Why should we have the same speed as horses plus maps?

    And this is different than every other day somehow?
    I don't think we should have both but having the same speed as a horse is not exactly the same speed because of the combat issue. Creeps might have the same speed when strolling through the Moors but the minute anything causes agro the stroll becomes a walk. I personally like the maps and would even give freeps maps if they lost their horses because that moves fights outside of the Grams/GV camps which are boring on a good day and a waste of time if one does not have ranged damage. Not sure why both sides can't have the old map system honestly. It would go a long way in my opinion in getting freeps and creeps in the same place at the same time which is sort of the whole reason behind the Moors and PVP.

    NOTE: Most raid nights in the Moors that I have experienced last about 2 hours give or take a few. Having a one hour cool down on maps means that they will get used maybe twice in a night. Once at the very beginning to port out and look for freeps and maybe once an hour later to look for freeps again. At that point it is a waste to even worry about those maps. Maybe they can get used at the end of the night to turn in quests at DG or something. It is now a total waste of time for anyone creepside to worry about ever obtaining maps again. Another system about to go into retirement unless.............will we be able to purchase the reduce travel skills creep side that we can purchase freep side to get everything down to five minutes?
    Last edited by Neinda; Nov 30 2022 at 11:27 AM.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate00 View Post
    I can only assume that the complaints are coming from these "discords" that orion "haunts" because you are right they arent coming from the forums.

    Someone fess up to who we have to thank for it.
    He's probably listening to the idiots in Ghyniverse, same thing that Fantus did, and ya know how that turns out. Ghyniverse discord is AIDs

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Dranak123 View Post

    summon horns aren’t being used to reset. They are being used to avoid death. Nice try.
    oh...i didnt mention summon horns if you read it again. But yes to be fair there is now probably a case to look at them given todays changes.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by MuddledMage View Post
    If the idea behind the Map CD nerf was to "balance" an advantage the Creeps have then a rational approach would be to "balance" the travel speed between both individuals and groups. That would mean equitable run speeds between say a Defiler and a Champ. Has anyone who has played in the Moors seen a fat DF named Medsrat try to chase down anything with any success?

    Creeps have always wanted the speed of Freeps, mounted or afoot, to be more equalized. What we now get is told "No we want you to either form groups and run everywhere so we can run you down easily to use our hugely imbalanced O & D advantages to wipe you out or you can limit your group movements to once per hour and sit in OOC talking about the wisdom of the people who claim to be improving the game." There's enough of that already, we hardly need more enforced down time so the decision is a simple one....why bother to sign on for more boredom? I quit playing Freepside years ago because the game became dedicated to grinding massive quantities of mats to the point where reading back issues of National Geographic became more entertaining.
    haha...I like it. very true. Although my LM and RK are not fat they cant run for toffee either. If a Warg decides to hit the turbo button and scarper there is not a vast amount I can do to catch them.....most often they get away or bleed out. Apart from NG which is a good read i'll grant you , Creeps are going to be looking at a very similar group and play and map roaming style to Freeps is my guess. As an aside , I would say to most players everywhere ' dont be afraid to die ' . There are times when you get mostly success and others mostly death. If we all sit in camp and wait for overwhelming odds the only thing that dies is the game.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Neinda View Post
    I don't think we should have both but having the same speed as a horse is not exactly the same speed because of the combat issue.
    Does everything have to be the same though? Sure I see your point as it's a disadvantage. But there's also not an induction like freeps have and that's a disadvantage to them. I'll always be for a certainly level of equality between the factions, but I don't want them to be the same. I like the uniqueness of playing creepside, I don't want to be the same as freeps just because someone thinks that will become fair.

    Not sure why both sides can't have the old map system honestly. It would go a long way in my opinion in getting freeps and creeps in the same place at the same time which is sort of the whole reason behind the Moors and PVP.
    But you don't like GV or Gramscamps. Everyone mapping to the same place is basically the same thing; minus the 1shotters. I view these changes as an effort to send the fighting around the map. Instead of fighting just at map points, or shuffling to them, I think SSG is trying to maybe make fights happen in other spots as players travel to the big battles.

    NOTE: Most raid nights in the Moors that I have experienced last about 2 hours give or take a few. Having a one hour cool down on maps means that they will get used maybe twice in a night. Once at the very beginning to port out and look for freeps and maybe once an hour later to look for freeps again. At that point it is a waste to even worry about those maps. Maybe they can get used at the end of the night to turn in quests at DG or something. It is now a total waste of time for anyone creepside to worry about ever obtaining maps again. Another system about to go into retirement unless.............will we be able to purchase the reduce travel skills creep side that we can purchase freep side to get everything down to five minutes?
    Good questions. One thing I'm not a fan of with these changes are what will fill the vaccuum of these maps because there just isn't a reason to go out anymore. Don't need to quest to get maps, not that you ever really did with the store. It would be nice if those map quests were converted into something else. SSG has said this is a 5 phase rollout, the moors changes. Maybe replacement incentive for maps is coming with the next phase. But it maybe should've been in this phase.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    @Neinda … That guy you are responding to is an obvious freep troll who’s main goal is to argue and derail threads.

    Where is defiler ranged interrupt to dismount fleeing freeps?

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate00 View Post
    @Neinda … That guy you are responding to is an obvious freep troll who’s main goal is to argue and derail threads.

    Where is defiler ranged interrupt to dismount fleeing freeps?
    I'm a troll because I don't want to be an max tank dps healer mapping zerger? Better than a fricking crybaby who has to lobby SSG to win the game for them.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SingularityNow View Post
    I'm a troll because I don't want to be an max tank dps healer mapping zerger? Better than a fricking crybaby who has to lobby SSG to win the game for them.
    No offense taken on my part. We may not agree on the best way to fix the Moors but I am sure there are many other opinions out there and all different. Something needs to be done and we will see if anything happens. I am all for getting creeps and freeps out of Grams and GV where the landscape affects the fights be it maps, running fast or whatever as long as both sides have a similar chance at success.

  9. #84
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    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Neinda View Post
    No offense taken on my part. We may not agree on the best way to fix the Moors but I am sure there are many other opinions out there and all different. Something needs to be done and we will see if anything happens. I am all for getting creeps and freeps out of Grams and GV where the landscape affects the fights be it maps, running fast or whatever as long as both sides have a similar chance at success.
    This sounds sensible. Perhaps after a dramatic Update it would be a bit wiser to play the changes somewhat and get a feel for the new balance. Despite the fact that there will always be quite wide variances in opinion on what/why/how in the moors , the one thing that binds us all is the desire for a great play environment. I've just seen a thread that is quite volatile and was closed. I am by no means any sort of spokesperson for anybody but my own opinions. But i personally know lots of decent players on both sides, and whilst nobody will ever get a game that perfectly fits their own views, I think most players can discuss and hope to move the game into better territory without letting 'the few' derail it. Come on folks...if its truly bad there will be a hotfix or a rebalance. Dont blow this window of opportunity we have for the Moors.

  10. #85
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    Oct 2021
    Here's an idea: Why not add portals to all the keeps and outposts. The side which owns the keep or outpost can then port to another keep or outpost that they own. Sort of like a swift travel stablemaster. It would give both sides incentive to control the keeps and outposts and move the activity all over the Moors.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Angry Just Get Rid of PvP Already

    Get rid of PvP, it seems to be what you want, SSG. You tell us you're going to fix Creeps, you take a few steps in the right direction then bam, Freeps QQ and 15 years of stuff that worked fine, are "fixed", which didn't need "fixing", and yet the Freeps are still way OP, especially burgs and minis, and most if not all 1v1 is just gone. I'm not talking about 1v1s at GG that are set up farmers...but one that are chance encounters. 80%-90% Freeps will win those.

    1. No loot if in a raid. Yet, keeps are raid quests, and we can't get CG/First Marshall loot, how are we supposed to do the quest? Oh, I know, instead of fix creeps not getting loot, just get rid of the keeps...
    2. Maps. Freeps "camp" the map-ins. Then they QQ if they "get zerged", all the while that's exactly what they're doing, zerging solos mapping in. Why make 60 minute maps, they're useless now, and all maps on same cool down, are you freekin' kidding me?! And, to top that off, Freeps KEEP their horses, our run speed cannot catch them, AND they get their map to GV reduced from 30 mins to 5 mins, while our Grams mapped goes from 1 to 5 mins.
    3. Burgs/Minis. LMAO it's a joke. Do you even come out and watch what they do? I know you have to up date for "PvE", but you don't consider what it's going to do to PvP...so again, these flavor of the month classes are out and just wiping creeps all over, no matter how we use blessing or the horrible nerf to corruptions. Why can you not fix the MAIN healing class for oh, 15 years, and make them heal better, that is WHAT they are. Instead you buff their DPS to ridiculous amounts, then you give filers a "DPS" build, which is #### and take away all our debuffs! Just wow!
    4. The DoF...are you freekin' kidding me?!?! You can't figure out how to just close it? First we could all get in, then the Creeps could do something or other, I dunno...I didn't care. But the Freeps STILL can enter through (New) Old EC. Screws with all the buffs, of course, let the Freeps have all the buffs and creeps, eh, screw 'em.

    Your hot fix, again, aided the Freeps, and WLs literally slow people by 80% if they use "Mobilize", which we now aptly call "Immobilize"...

    In essence, we asked for a bump, we were still hitting at 130 while the Freeps could kill us in 2-4 shots. We asked for a bump in mits (still not working properly, unless getting hit for 600K fully mitted is intended). I'm am unsure of this but someone said you, Orion, state Aud isn't working properly either. Stop introducing #### we don't care about, need, or want, literally, and just fix us so freeps and creeps have some kind of parity, like oh, a just a month ago.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Mattgoofi View Post
    Get rid of PvP, it seems to be what you want, SSG. You tell us you're going to fix Creeps, you take a few steps in the right direction then bam, Freeps QQ and 15 years of stuff that worked fine, are "fixed", which didn't need "fixing", and yet the Freeps are still way OP, especially burgs and minis, and most if not all 1v1 is just gone. I'm not talking about 1v1s at GG that are set up farmers...but one that are chance encounters. 80%-90% Freeps will win those.

    1. No loot if in a raid. Yet, keeps are raid quests, and we can't get CG/First Marshall loot, how are we supposed to do the quest? Oh, I know, instead of fix creeps not getting loot, just get rid of the keeps...
    2. Maps. Freeps "camp" the map-ins. Then they QQ if they "get zerged", all the while that's exactly what they're doing, zerging solos mapping in. Why make 60 minute maps, they're useless now, and all maps on same cool down, are you freekin' kidding me?! And, to top that off, Freeps KEEP their horses, our run speed cannot catch them, AND they get their map to GV reduced from 30 mins to 5 mins, while our Grams mapped goes from 1 to 5 mins.
    3. Burgs/Minis. LMAO it's a joke. Do you even come out and watch what they do? I know you have to up date for "PvE", but you don't consider what it's going to do to PvP...so again, these flavor of the month classes are out and just wiping creeps all over, no matter how we use blessing or the horrible nerf to corruptions. Why can you not fix the MAIN healing class for oh, 15 years, and make them heal better, that is WHAT they are. Instead you buff their DPS to ridiculous amounts, then you give filers a "DPS" build, which is #### and take away all our debuffs! Just wow!
    4. The DoF...are you freekin' kidding me?!?! You can't figure out how to just close it? First we could all get in, then the Creeps could do something or other, I dunno...I didn't care. But the Freeps STILL can enter through (New) Old EC. Screws with all the buffs, of course, let the Freeps have all the buffs and creeps, eh, screw 'em.

    Your hot fix, again, aided the Freeps, and WLs literally slow people by 80% if they use "Mobilize", which we now aptly call "Immobilize"...

    In essence, we asked for a bump, we were still hitting at 130 while the Freeps could kill us in 2-4 shots. We asked for a bump in mits (still not working properly, unless getting hit for 600K fully mitted is intended). I'm am unsure of this but someone said you, Orion, state Aud isn't working properly either. Stop introducing #### we don't care about, need, or want, literally, and just fix us so freeps and creeps have some kind of parity, like oh, a just a month ago.
    I'll be glad when all the whiny zergers are gone. They've done more to destroy LOTRO pvp than anyone. Then all the players who actually enjoy pvp (rather than infamy counting) will hopefully come back and we can have some nice action again.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Daec View Post
    Ghyn discord link: https://discord.gg/tR5tdyfqjJ

    Cord can feel free to delete if this is against the forum CoC, but i've seen discord links posted elsewhere go there you go.
    Why are creeps getting trolled out of this discord? They have been complaining about it in ooc all morning today.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate00 View Post
    Why are creeps getting trolled out of this discord? They have been complaining about it in ooc all morning today.
    It's pretty obvious that they don't want to hear the real creeps opinions and suggestions. That is what has gotten us the nerfs time and time again.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by CarenC View Post
    It's pretty obvious that they don't want to hear the real creeps opinions and suggestions. That is what has gotten us the nerfs time and time again.
    This is what happens when SSG endorses a player run discord rather than using its own official forums or creating its own discord or whatever media to communicate. I feel that SSG should be moderating whatever media forum they use to share information to keep things safe for all involved. I am obviously in the minority in feeling that SSG should run their own communication systems.

  16. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Neinda View Post
    This is what happens when SSG endorses a player run discord rather than using its own official forums or creating its own discord or whatever media to communicate. I feel that SSG should be moderating whatever media forum they use to share information to keep things safe for all involved. I am obviously in the minority in feeling that SSG should run their own communication systems.

    I completely agree with you. I think you would be surprised at the number of people that do as well.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  17. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Shelob's Brood
    Corrupters, dealing damage consistently and over time, they should consistently make you bleed and maybe bleed even longer. They are not very sturdy as a trade off.

    - As a returning player and monster player Ive been positively surprised by the blessings. I really like the feel of Shelob's blessing and it make defiler gameplay interesting with a different take.

    Monster Clan Allegiances

    Disclaimer up front, while the intent is to get these in as quickly as possible, there is no current timeline as to when they will arrive.

    The future intent with Blessings is to make them into Allegiances much like the free players have on their side. This new addition would have advancement built in over twenty ranks and provide all monster players access to rank 1 for every clan.

    Advancing through the clan allegiance would award: appearances, tribal skills, base damage modifiers against hated races, clan traits and sets that help to make up for clan base shortcomings, new quests, bonus commendations, new potion channels, and class/race based skills per clan.

    - This sounds like a really exciting goal for monster play. Im excitingly following the updates and progress of this. It's gonna be interesting to see where this lands.
    Last edited by Breguilas; Dec 09 2022 at 07:17 PM.


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