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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    [NEW GAME MODE] Adding the "Wanderer Class" (the "anti-class")

    We have Monster Play, we have Adventure Play (the current "normal"). Maybe we can have "Wanderer Play"?

    You click "Wanderer play", you choose a race, you choose a name, you start at level 1 dressed with normal clothing an a tree branch for "fighting"... No tutorial... Nothing said/given... Your class is "Wanderer". You may craft, you may learn some basic combat/something skills somewhere... You cannot play the Epic line... You have some bonus for crafting... You may experience hunger/thirst/tiredness/cold/hot so you need to eat/drink/sleep/fire/clothing...

    This is a prototype, so if you are reading this suggestion and have some nice ideas to add, PLEASE WRITE DOWN HERE ALL THEM! THANK YOU!

    A few notes after seeing this becoming a "so much freedom that is non-sense in this game":

    1. Compatible with current servers, no special server
    2. Doesn't take cake of Monster Play, no PvP
    3. Basically a simple-life version of the current game, more difficult as you are a "nothing" class.
    4. Easy to implement with what we currently have
    5. Tons of freedom for things like "task limit", "repast recipes" or "level limit horse route" and similar.

    Basically, a "crafting class" that is auxiliary to our other characters. Like a servant.
    Last edited by Carallot; Feb 08 2023 at 04:04 PM.
    Dear reader, I tend to edit my posts A LOT, sorry. Please don't be hasty, thank you!

  2. Feb 08 2023, 03:31 PM

  3. #2
    MadeofLions's Avatar
    MadeofLions is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Carallot View Post
    You cannot play the Epic line...
    Nope, don't like it.


  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    Nope, don't like it.

    Maybe we play Bingo Boffin (and others that are unique to this "class") as a replacement for the "Epic Line"?

    Or maybe YES we can play the Epic Line but sometimes is very difficult as this class is not taken in consideration?

    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    I get the idea but this can be basically any class where... you refuse to do some of the storylines (or most of them) and wanna explore Middle-earth more freely or without aiming for the best gear you could possible get. (Or yes, you can indeed equip just a stick make it harder for yourself). It doesn't need a special class to be possible. But what it does need are some new possibilities on landscape though, to gain XP in particular, so independently of existing story chains and allow for more wiggle room in a choice of your wonder's direction. Unlimited XP made possible from task items could be a start here
    Yes and no, maybe there is no task limit? Maybe there are NO LIMITS for using an item or anything? As an example maybe this game mode has direct access to all stable-master routes at any level?


    After re-writing this post many times I will reduce this thread to this list:

    1. Compatible with current servers, no special server
    2. Doesn't take cake of Monster Play
    3. Basically a simple-life version of the current game, more difficult as you are a "nothing" class.
    4. Easy to implement with what we currently have
    Last edited by Carallot; Feb 08 2023 at 04:01 PM.
    Dear reader, I tend to edit my posts A LOT, sorry. Please don't be hasty, thank you!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I get the idea but this can be basically any class where... you refuse to do some of the storylines (or most of them) and wanna explore Middle-earth more freely or without aiming for the best gear you could possible get. (Or yes, you can indeed equip just a stick to make it harder for yourself). It doesn't need a special class to be possible. But what it does need are some new possibilities on landscape though, to be able to gain XP in particular, so independently of existing story chains and allow for more wiggle room in a choice of your wonderer's direction.

    So I'll just say my usual cue ;P

    For wonderer's gameplay:

    1. Unlimited XP made possible from task items could be a start here (so turn in for XP as many times you want)

    2. Maybe XP from gathering of objects spread around landscapes, differently themed, so herbs, crystals or bound to specific places, like Cardolan relics in Cardolan ruins, Arthedain in Arthedain Ruins, coins of kings in Fornost ruins, or in specific enemy camps or creature types camps, like dispatches lying around or eggs of some creatures suitable for eating/a commodity. Could be part of task system, or framed differently, like Gundabad geodes. But it would make the world more alive too, like there is some lore relevant stuff just lying around to pick up, even absent of quests.

    3. The final step, the hardest - spread it out throughout zones somehow, in a way that wouldn't allow for any suitable exploit behavior. But make it a goal that a player could cross over to some adjacent zones a little bit above their level (or below level) and still run into such objects that can be useful and turned in for higher or lower level gains too. So you're not just gathering things in Region 1 and exchange in Region 1, but you can also gather the exact same thing in adjacent Region 2 and Region 3, freely crossing over and exploring as you please (something like Lonelands feeding into Cardolan and both having Cardolan things in it - or how it also connects to Breeland, specifically around Barrow-downs, which is part of Cardolan too - is a great example of this, so you may be able to find the exact same Cardolan relic item everywhere). That way, for a wonderer who is alight with some alternative gains and not just all for heavily storied quests all the time... the world would become much more interconnected and much more open in terms of where they can go, rather than very boxed in and highly segregated into these lvl range boxes so meticulously, without anything ever being offered in terms of activityacross zone borders

    4. (After boats are released) Boat versions for some or all of these, so items would be specifically bound to rivers and waters, or near their shores.

    Plus, more connections between open world maps, as teleports, where they're still missing, so travelling between them isn't just limited to lone chock points. (there are places where it does make sense you should be able to transition into another map but you can't)

    I mean, if the devs can do missions, surely they can do this too! For all players who appreciate wondering and exploring - and wanna treat it as part of gameplay, not just "extra" that doesn't allow you to progress your character at all



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